Sargon's Liberalist Movement is Winning

Are you scared the Liberalist movement will stop insecure young men from turning to conservativism and instead to be Sargon's leftie.
He has nearly a million subs at the year has barely begun.
I hope you had a good ride Sup Forums

how old he is?


Is it? Let's see what's been going on with his superstar youtube philosophy club these past few weeks.

Turns out he edited the stream with Jim and mysteriously 8 minutes of content is missing. He also flagged every mirror of the video so people wouldn't notice the different run times.
/cow/ is currently doxing him and has contacted his mother about his vore porn fetishes through her social media. They've also been tracking down his medical credentials; also he's admitted he hasn't worked in a year.
Furfag has talked twice about liberalistism and each time he had no clue what it was actually about making himself look like an ass.

And then there is the Don himself. He's gone into hiding and won't set a definite date to debate Spencer and Enoch. So no, he isn't "winning" this dumb shit is blowing up in his face daily.

33 or so?

>few weeks
Funny, how you give him so little time, yet how long has it been and where is your wall Drumpfkin?
I've seen the mirror, nothing in it that looks bad
>doxxing some guy in a shithole country. Yeah that might work in le 56% land, but no one cares where he lives.
literally who?

>Where is your wall

You seem to be under the delusion that this is politically motivated. Sargon and his tards have pissed off the wrong people online with their smugfuckery. There are about 8 communities watching this shitshow and actively fucking with them.

>8 communities
Kek, okay this sounds juicy so I'll take a break from shitposting, what communities?

"Liberalists" are just weak fags who want to sit at home and play video games. Their entire ideology is just advocacy for baseless degenerate hedonism.

Men like that will never change the world.

>What communities
Sup Forums
8ch /cow/
DailyStormer (At least that's what I hear after Sargon called Weev a kike)
Some old Youtube trolling group that used to dox and hack camwhores
And some autistic facebook group that likes to fuck with people in Europe and report them for hate crimes lol

Mid 40s