United shitholes of america

>hell yeah let's spread democracy! liberty! and freedom!
>doesn't actually have any of those things

I never had shit I live in Alaska, 99% of what the government does doesn't affect me in any way
If the internet were to go out here there could be a war and I wouldn't know about it long after someone surrenders

>be danish
>literally highest tax rates in europe
>watch wife get fucked by achmed and friends
>a-at least im not a mutt!

but they do have all of those things

the nordic countries have high taxes, but the services provided by the state are of high quality.
Did you know that Denmark is the happiest country in the world?
Besides, danes are one of the most racist nordics, second only to the finns.

where do you think tax money goes?
t. got his fire department closed cause muh taxes

>the president calls other countries shitholes
>the presiden't country is a shithole itself
Really makes you think.

>trump promises to put america first
>still deep in the middle east
wtf it's unwinnable

Democracy as it is implemented in the US is a system that inherently rewards wh*Te subhumans who breed in massive numbers. It does have it, but the notion that US has "freedom" is a lie. The only way you are free is if you tell the kikes to go to hell.

We can just get private fire services, there’s no need for inefficient socialist government beauracracy and public spending.

Yet another great thread from Europe