hard work pays ou-

>just work harder bro


Someone post the mike Rowe picture
I want to rage right now

how did you guess so fast that it was bolivia?

He looks chill as fuck. He's probably enlightened by now.


Countering slide threads.

Democrats will let your children die for illegal immigrants!
#release the damn memo already part 11, MURICA EDITION

>dirty as fuck
>has uncurable illnesses
>probably aids too from needles laying around in the trash from gays
>has no clean water
>has to make food from soup (boiled by leather shoes)

yeah enlightened:...

I'm a russian hacker

fuck off, no one cares about USA, fuck your country

Labourers in rural India work hardest, in 45C heat, and they're poorest people in the world.

Hard work by itself doesn't matter at all.

>"Work smarter, not harder"

at least their kids wont grow up to be pussy pampered weaklings

yeah, they're only have severe back problems , illnesses and lack education


only the strong are fit to survive, you should know that with your meme flag

He's probably on heroin... It is popular and cheap in Afghanistan and Pakistan

apple and oranges.
Child labor is illegal for a reason. Hitler didn't force 6 year olds to work in mines

yeah man, that picture makes me sad as fuck... Fuck child labor. I hate humanity

yeah, he only gassed them, much more humane

Same shill thread every fucking day

i only made this thread once and that was yesterday

Work smarter not harder.

Hard work will bring you far in lif-


well said

The work harder meme stopped working when we went past 3 or 4 billion people

Efficiency doesn't matter if subhumans are willing to pay for 1 dollar salary/month. It doesn't matter how inefficient and shit their work is, in the end you can hire thousands for the salary of one normal human worker in a civilized country.

yo man, don't mind me, i'm just cleaning up your mess

closing our borders would help

goys build houses. zionists live in them.

Why doesn't the government just outlaw child labor. Don't they know we did the same thing in the US? All you have to do is a sign a piece of paper, and poof magically everyone is rich enough to not send their children to do hard labor.