>he’s Jewish
I’ll be attending a wedding this summer that (((Matt McGorry))) will also be attending. Well, what should I say to him, Sup Forums?
>he’s Jewish
I’ll be attending a wedding this summer that (((Matt McGorry))) will also be attending. Well, what should I say to him, Sup Forums?
Literally who?
I’m going to that wedding too and I’ll make it my mission to inform everyone there that there’s a disgusting internet nazi in our presence that needs to be sniffed out. You fucked up baby sick wh*te boi
Hello fellow white
I'm catering that wedding and going to cum, piss, shit and spit into every dish
You probably shouldn't make a political scene at someone's wedding.
Mmm everyone there will know exactly who you’re talking about.
If you want to destroy the concept of privilege you need to apply the same Marxism theory to it. Break it down by race of who is the most privileged to least so people can fight about it.
>Jewish privilege
>White privilege
>Black privilege
>Asian privilege
>Hispanic privilege
>Indian privilege
>Muslim privilege
I am also attending the wedding how can I contact you?
Oh wow lads. This guy from Orange is the New Black is a super star and he's telling us to check our privilege!
Ask him about Jewish "privilege". AKA cronyism.
Muh privilege. Money is the only privilege. These faggots are more natsoc than pol because believing in white privilege just means you believe white people are superior, which is where the privilege comes from - from being better.
I know many actors aswell some smaller ones, but who the fuck is this guy?
fucking bash him
Lean over to him, whisper into his ear: "The goyim know." Walk away and smile over your shoulder, then freeze and stare cold blooded into his eyes; then smile again and walk away whistling.
An oven dodger.
"wokest BAE 2015".
Tell him the goyim know and we're heating the ovens now. Tell him that Jewish Privilege is coming to an end.
Ask him to investigate the depth of his Jewish privilege
just punch him in the face
This thread triggered the memory of my dream last night: I sat in a hotel restaurant and spent 20 minutes redpilling a boomer couple on the Jews. They agreed with everything I said lol.
Do NOT physically engage him with a knife in self defense.
Lol he said "your". More evidence they don't consider themselves white.
i'm so priveleged i don't feel like i'm wasting my time when i talk to other user