How would we know who coal burned in the first place...

How would we know who coal burned in the first place, or do just be happy that we have an ethno state now and forget about their misdeeds.

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Exterminate all roasties and restart with artificial wombs

Just look at her eyes and see if she has some eye injuries

All women coal burn these days among the youngest generation. The 56% meme is fucking real among gen z and I always see pretty young white girls with mystery meat 56%ers. See it’s relatively rare for any reasonably attractive girl to go for some mentally retarded chocolate nigger, but mulattos are smarter and often raised by whites so present better.

Big titty women all burn coal

Imagine sitting on the beach with that cutie and dripping sand in her sweaty cleavage slowly as she sits between your legs, her hair in your nose smelling of lavender and niggercum, and you think to yourself ......what a wonderful world and how do i know this is what niggercum smells like?

What the actual fuck ranjeet

smells like curry.

Yup. That cuck feel. Every white boy knows that feel

Literally every woman I know has burned Coal. Every single one of them.

We need to false flag a meme on tumblr or facebook for coalburners to get tattoos so they are easily spotted.

I propose an 8 ball.

We'll send them to Jamaica man.

>slowly as she sits between your legs

i read that "As she shits between your legs"
this place has ruined me

Women that burn the coal can't help themselves, they compulsively use social media and take pictures. We just scan their goybooks, twatter, etc. Anyone seen having intimate contact with a non-white has their citizenship revoked and are banished to Niggerlandia.


you would probably have to hack some of the locked accounts

They already do, it's a black queen of spades.

>they compulsively use social media and take pictures

I used to fuck some bitch who told me she will never fuck blacks guys blah blah blah. Well after her BF cheated and dump her. She start seeing one and blowing it up all over her social media.


goy test

they have that it's called queen of spades, its usually reserved for amateur nigger cock fucking porn sluts all over the tubes sites unfortunately

I haven't seen a white woman go out with a black man once ever, is this coal burning thing just a meme?

Keep in mind I don't consider arabs white

>Keep in mind I don't consider arabs white
Nor should you. Arabs are their own breed of retarded nigger. Subspecies for sure.

I've never known a girl that was white that dated non-whites to not overuse social media. The reason they have outgroup preference in the first place is oversocialization and social marxist brainwashing.

It's rare but it happens. The ones that do almost exclusively date non-whites. So they run in different social circles than us.

you can bet they film for interracial swinger parties and post it on the internet so their cuck customers can buy the video

by looking for photos like OP's

I hate hearing racetraitor roasties talking at work. When they walk into an room of whites it’s all white voice. One nigger walks in and she lays on the yos and the freels and the knowwhutimsayin and sheeits

Lesser males will have to settle for lesser women like coal burners. That or they become cat ladies

There is a woman at work who is white and proudly talks about how she only dates black guys.

She's also a trashy, mid 40s, overweight single mom.

pic with someone doesnt mean you fucked that person. i would not be virgin otherwise.

as opposed to a red queen of spades?

>pic with someone doesnt mean you fucked that person.
Ok thank god for that then.

>how do i know this is what niggercum smells like?
What the actual fuck!!!

That why I said "intimate contact" in pictures. Of course just having a picture with someone doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Kek, hush Aquafresh-user

take away their right to vote too


What ever happened to this chick? I just remember she was 14 when her pictures were plastered all over. Did she get fat?

She's stayed put.
>Inb4 yes I creep on her Ig.

You tell him, Amitabh! Poo fight! Poo fight!

Why are coal burners always so hot?

deep down she's probably the most miserable piece of shit

The way she's sucks your dick

Multicultural eyeshadow?

Social media. The internet never forgets. It also helps that women can't help but post about every waking moments of their lives.

>Just look at her eyes and see if she has some eye injuries
Maybe It’s Mayweather™


yeah sure

its a meme ranjeet. most white women stillp prefer white men. look up the statistics

Growing up we didn’t have fancy labels like coal burner.

But I always called them “nevermind”s once I found out who they’ve fucked through snooping around.

if there was a real possibility of all good looking white men rejecting these whores in mass droves this shit would end immediately white women feel comforting in knowing that it's 2018 and interracial dating is cool guys


Inspect the for std medicine, anal warts and or herpes around their mouths... good place to start..

imagine the hour and hours of sweaty hard fucking and the gallons and gallons of black bull cum that went into her vagina later that night


Coal Burners are easy to spot.
>Hangs around with Blacks
>Has Coal Burning friends.
>Like sports (Football, Basketball)
>Listens to Rap or R&B
>Watches world star or Black YouTube channels
>Dresses like a hoodrat
>Drinks Hennessey
>Large Hoop earrings.
>Is she speaks about "marginalized people"
>Thinks Black "culture" is cool
>Speaks Ebonics
Honestly if a woman is a coal burner she will self incriminate. It always comes out. Just look at her social media and friends. Or if you want a direct test just be racist around her. If she's a coal burner she will get angry.


I find myself rooting for the niggers?

Like last night I saw this very young teen girl (and short like 5’-1”) with her much older and taller (over 6 feet) black boyfriend. But she had such a dumpy ass and butter face I actually though “man he could do so much better”. But they genetically only see giant lard asses as sexy.

:shrug: niggers.

too much porn brah!

They already do. Chads don't fuck/marry coalburners. The only white people who tolerate this are low tier men (Betas/SoyBoys) and low tier women (Femminist/Coalburners) Most white people in general look down on coal burning. Once a woman is public with her coal burning most whites want nothing to do with her.

Ask them.
Pretend to open to the idea of mixed marriages and relationships. Pretend to be open to freaky sexuality.
She’ll start bragging about herself and her exploits.

Lack of swastika tattoos above the neckline is always a red flag to me.

It's already a thing

This is 1000% true

this. You can also be openly racist if she's a coal burner / SJW she will get angry.

She is kawaii as fuck.

Lol surree. Half the supermodels in the world have been blacked.

>implying that didn't happen

cmon bro she's a total slut, remember when she giggled as Dan Bilzerian grabbed her boobs on camera?

>show me the thot facts

>It's rare but it happens. The ones that do almost exclusively date non-whites.

i guess the key word there is 'date'.

whilst the bbc would love to push the idea as hard as possible, the number of interracial couples that actually seem to stay together seems woefully low; unsurprisingly.

i've also been somewhat confused when perusing around porn sites why so many guys in the south of the US seem to actually be down with the idea of filming their gf / wife with a black guy.

i work in a retail store, the uk's version of walmart. it actually makes me itch a bit seeing all the black kids / mudslims wandering around knowing they're essentially stealing the futures of white kids.

incidentally, there isn't a single black person working in the entire store.... there's one white women who seems to have converted to islam and an indian looking guy. that's about it. work force is 98% odd white. how in the fuck they actually manage to get by in the west is beyond me.

>She is kawaii as fuck
Attractive, yes. But once the mind goes, it needs to be tossed into the mass grave with the rest.

Lmao, they just took the picture together. Stop being so addicted to porn.

>i work in a retail store, the uk's version of walmart. it actually makes me itch a bit

Wonder why black men are apparently in demand by women, but nobody anywhere wants anything to do with black women?

>i've also been somewhat confused when perusing around porn sites why so many guys in the south of the US seem to actually be down with the idea of filming their gf / wife with a black guy.

Go out more. I've seen plenty of old white hags with young black studs in Greece.

Who gives a shit about supermodels? Literally all alien-looking anorexics chosen by faggots to wear their horrible """designer clothes"""

I literally do not see how white women can date a black man or anyone non-white. I think it's quite disgusting and this was prior to becoming a racist. Blacks are literally just black, their skin colour is disgusting poo color.

How's that attractive?


The suspicion alone is a deterrent, even if there is no proof.

women don't comment on pornsites. It's autistic cucks/racists pretending to be white/black/asian women.

It's proof gay men hate women.

Lol so much bullshit.
I would say 8/10 white women have ever dated or would date a black guy

Can you beta streetshitting ugly brown turds go back to hiding behind meme flags? It was better when we all forgot your dirty ass country existed.

A lot of UMC white women in the US won't date black guys because they know it'll hurt their status. Only exception are college athletes. You basically have to be in the top 1% of black guys for a quality white girl to justify being with you.

i can understand why we don't want daughters


Dude what
Where do you live? Seine saint denis?

>t. nigger
The vast majority of white women have never dated black men. Interracial dating is pretty common outside of hispanics and asians.

>believes what happens in porn and modelling shoots is real life
being this retarded

You can tell who burns coal and who doesn't. Besides coal burners have a very (((specific))) lifestyle. Two birds with one stone.


Does she have gonnhorea? If yes, she burned coal.


supermodels do what (((they))) tell them to

Please stop responding to sliders.

They always come back to the white man.

Well women appreciate men in various ways and blacks today have power and status so some women feel attracted to them, some white women are also attracted to kpop guys, it's just status.Men care more about beauty and youthfulness and black women are generally very ugly, they have nothing to give to white men.

I belive that too but do you have any evidence.
