One year of ((((((((Trump)))))


Other urls found in this thread:

t. illegal

no because we haven't deported enough people and there's no wall

>Biggest 1 year raise of my life
>Tax break to top it off
>Largest YOY increase in 401K value in over a decade
>Job openings everywhere if I want to change jobs

but none of that is true

b-but that's murrica every year...

His name was pee.

how is this trumps fault?
not my countries problem
not my tax bills problem
dont care
oh boy worry about them norks
trump did this?/ oh it WASNT the decades of TERRIBLE foreign policy?
the drug war never stopped
say the line shill

>but none of that is true
>Trump Administration Plans “Indefinite” U.S. Troop Presence in Syria

7 more years and a terminator future wasteland would still be preferable to 1 more day of listening to incessant liberal faggotry and whining.

>daily impeachable crimes

Lol, they're not even trying to make arguments anymore.

mainly democrats fault, has happened to most recent presidents
>puerto rico dying
a bit of an exaggeration, but most ppl dont care anyways
>usa historically hated
t. European
>nuclear standoff
literally nothing significant has happened, NK can be obliterated whenever we want
>permanent military presence in syria
Because Hillary was a non-interventionist?
>drug war restarted
I'll give this to him, only one that really made sense.
>daily impeachable crimes

In all seriousness we can't let Drumpf flim flam the zim zams.


>not a fag


That fag REALLY wants a (((blue checkmark))).

>ICE tearing apart families
And It's beautiful


>million of children without health coverage


No because that wasn't in the Senate bill

The September 30 funding for CHIP ended months ago btw.

It literally is though, Trump has done numerous things wrong but this entire list includes none of them. Sad!

>paprika goes in Options field

Yeah you're definitely lying

>Yeah you're definitely lying

You are definitely a cock gobbler.

>ICE tearing apart families
Hey. There's the door. They can all go.

Exactly. No reason the whole family cant go back. Whatever happened to keeping families together?

>ICE tea ring apart families
You could say I'm entertained

So when will Lib Shits on Twitter get a similar warning, about following/retweeting (((Russian))) bots?

Thanks! Made my day. Every single item looks like winning to me!

Everything listed there is great except the war on drugs.

>this is what taco niggers actually believe
must suck having an average iq of 85

>US economy growing at rates that if you told people last year would have died of laugher
>record low nigger and taco nigger unemployment
>manufacturing coming back in droves
>massive tax cuts
>all this in spite of several major natural disasters
>cheap energy on its way back
>NATO countries now starting to pay their fair share
>US respected once more
>no longer getting fucked up the financial anus with TPP or Paris Climate Agreement
>Norks forced into peace talks by Trump
>pedos being rounded up by the thousands
>globalists elite on literal suicide watch
>ISIS now actually a JV team
>junkies being rounded up
>illegals getting justice served
Only major failures have been Obamacare repeal which is really RINOs fault, bombing that Russian airbase/falling for bs chemical weapon fake news, having Ivanka and Jared in the White House, and even pretending to consider DACA

The dems caused that, not Trump, when they decided to choose foreigners over their fellow citizens.
>Puerto Rico dying
The US has and is still providing aid to PR, their government is just a piece of shit and witholds that aid from their people.
>millions of children without health coverage
Yes, the dems voted to deny healthcare to children as part of their vote to shut down the government yesterday.
>USA historically hated
Only because the rest of wester culture is even more cucked and blinded by liberal media than we are. When the leader of a nation is doing everything he can to steer you away from the propaganda that you're being spoonfed, it will look like he's a bad person to the people that still believe that propaganda is true.
>nuclear standoff with North Korea
This would have happened regardless of who won the election. They would have been developing and testing those missiles regardless, it has nothing to do with Trump.
>ICE tearing families apart
You raise a good point here, in a perfect world we would be deporting their families along with them. Unfortunately lot of times that's simply not legally allowed.
>permanent military presence in Syria
It's needed to clean up the terrorist regime that the democrats have created over the last decade or two.
>drug war restarted
As opposed to what? Letting people bring drugs into the country freely? Don't be an idiot.
>daily impeachable crimes
Name one crime. I'm sure if he's committing these crimes "daily" then it should be easy for you to name just one of them, right?

>USA historically hated

why the fuck do liberals always care so much what other nations think, they seriously claim all the time that European nations liking trump less than obama is a legit point to why he is bad.

Name one impeachable offence. One
Lefties are retarded

Because that's on of the only arguments they have left

>muh syria
this image proves that the syria general on Sup Forums is pure cancer

>millions of children without health coverage

Like it wasn't before Trump was president..

I wonder why they want so badly into the middle east?
They are also located in Iran and Syria


>USA historically hated

No more than usual actually

If I ever ended up as President I'd be annexing territory like a motherfucker. I'd be gobbling up more clay than a gaggle of African children.

ok, do Obama next

why do they pretend to care about middle east when they didnt mind Obama fucking it up and causing deaths of hundreds of thousands? especialy in syria lol...

>Donald J. Trump once requested a porn star spank him with a Forbes magazine

Black unemployment hits all-time low! by Patrick Gillespie (January 5, 2018: 11:00 AM ET)

"The unemployment rate for black Americans fell to 6.8% in December, the lowest level since at least 1972 when the Labor Department began tracking the figure. It marks a swift comeback for black workers, who suffered through extremely high unemployment during the Great Recession. Black unemployment peaked at 16.8% in March 2010, well above the peaks for other demographics."

Puerto Rico isn't a state, they don't pay federal tax. You just wanna blame white people when brown people fuck their own shit up.

Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump! by Julia Horowitz. December 8, 2017

"The Hispanic unemployment rate fell to 4.7% last month, down from 4.8%. Overall U.S. unemployment remained at 4.1%, a 17-year low. The Labor Department has unemployment data broken down by race and ethnicity dating back to 1973."

>You raise a good point here, in a perfect world we would be deporting their families along with them. Unfortunately lot of times that's simply not legally allowed.
My nigga

Dow rises 5,000 points in a year for the first time ever! Fred Imbert

"The Dow Jones industrial average just did something it has never done in its 121-year history. The 30-stock average is now up more than 5,000 points in a year, marking its biggest annual-points gain ever. This following a 200-point rally Monday which sent it to an all-time high."

I can only laugh at the amerimutts right now.
Such a failure from a "great" country?

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990, Challenger report says! by Chloe Aiello

"U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday."

Consumer confidence hits new 17-year high. By Michael Sheetz

"The Conference Board's measure of consumer confidence rose to 129.5, the highest mark since the index hit 132.6 in November 2000. Economists polled by Reuters anticipated a decline to 124, after October registered 126.2."

most of what he says are opinions fueled by his feefees

Please don't be real

Like we give two shits about Puerto Rico dying.

Children without health care is the parent's fault, not Trump's.

Who cares who hates the USA? Seriously.

ICE deported 3 million illegals during the Obama presidency, no one cared then.

"daily impeachable crimes", yeah, um no.

>Puerto Rico dying
>US historically hated (like always)
>Drug War restarted
wtf i love Trump again



He hasn't gone hard enough, that's my only complaint so far.


Yea this is bad but same shit happened under Obama
>puerto Rico dying
Didn't realize trump controlled the weather
>millions of children without health coverage
This is the fault of shitty parents why is trump responsible for nigger, spic, and white trash having kids when they can't pay for them
>USA historically hated
Who gives a shit
>nuclear standoff with NK
this is not a nuclear standoff. Trumps willing to actually do something about it before it turns into one
>ICE tearing apart families
Same shit under Obama. These are illegals
>permanent military presence in Syria
What does this even mean? We had a small contingent there under Obama, nothing has changed
>drug war restarted
I wasn't aware of any more laws on the books. Opioids are killing record numbers of people, though so this might not be a bad thing.
>daily impeachable crimes
Name one

>OP still a faggot

The time of my life, faggot.

Rockerfeller died in 2017

Yes, who do you think you're going to convince exactly?

because they think that the other nations will embargo the US because trump did mean things , unless Trump start some sort of genocide that will never happen , they are delusional

USA hate is 100% Trump and that’s a good thing.

Daily impeachable offenses??
where do they come up with this shit

someone please tweet this back at "PEE"


>Daily impeachable crimes
Liberals are retarded