Roasties fighting to destroy society

Just listen to these roasties, fighting to destroy our society....

We have to start fighting these roasties back.

>I hate women because they won't have sex with me.

No, keep talking about Piper Perri. She turns me on.

you can't make ths shit up

It's always women not in danger of getting knocked up complaining about abortion

Just saw group of counterprotestors wearing grey hats and black coats being cheered on as they approached the brainwashed mindless fools. They were a rather large group and I saw several people cheering them on. I stopped to give props and also took a circle around the feminazis and trolled them hard.

Anyone know who organized the counter protest?

>implying they need abortions
I think they need their hymens broken first


These women depends on WHITE, STRAIGHT, MALE, COP, PROTECTION. Spread the word. And remember that all anti white law is a product of Jewish Masterminds and Good Goy White Enforcers. They will have rights to be racist and kill trouble makers long after you can even look at a pretty woman without her consent. The "strong" women meme is just a distraction to misdirect your anger and to score political points. "If the poor pitiful, helpless, innocent, women want it, we haaaaaaaaaaave to give it to them." That is what they are hoping to invoke in unaware white males. Spread the word.



>le abortion is le bad even though it kills literally half the niggers in america and is a legal genocide on children of single mother scum because I heard my jewish middle eastern religion that doesn't say anything about when you get your soul but actually advocates causing miscarriages in women who have affairs says its bad

american "conservatives"

this is sad. they are lost souls for sure, just look at their eyes they speak for themselves. the sad part is when they hit 40 and finally realize that they will have to die alone with nobody around them that gives a rats ass about these inflammatory issues. I work for old people, dying alone is probably the saddest thing I have seen, and with so many of these females, and males who will never reproduce, there will be a mass exodus in like 20 to 30 years or so of just old people dying alone cause they had nobody. That is going to sting bad for these people.


Nobody gives a shit about abortion.

These roasties are letting in rapists and murders and illegals.

if you are forced to sit next to these “womyn” on a plane, just fucking ignore them. if they cut you in line in the grocery just fucking ignore them and let it slide. anything you say to them will only be turned against you and they will instantly cry “RAPE” and have the crowd on their side. if you ignore them it will drive them crazy because they are seeking to get a reaction from you. they are new practitioners of a form of mental judo that handicaps male opponents from the start.

If only their mothers felt the same way

Agreed but if they aren't spoken against how do we stop their corrupted message from spreading?

Take video of the cunts bad behavior at the very least.

ever since I saw that thicc sex doll I just can't seem to care about women

jewish mind control helmets


Wtf a female le 56 face?


Since your thicc sex doll has 0 votes,you should care about women destroying your country.
Unless Sup Forums wants a campaign allowing sex dolls to vote

It's trending on twatter too

Men need to stop letting women be roasties. Next time one of them wants to fuck you, just say no.

>he follows Cernobitch
shoo shoo back to r/the_Donald

>justice for all our sisters.
what injustices are being done against women right now i honestly cant think of any

I recently did a liberal roastie. I had been threw a dry spell because I see the matrix we're living in and many others don't especially broads. I was horny, she was horny. It actually turned her on in some weird way that I didn't hide my views even though they were contrary to hers.

The gist is, she basically just used me for sex, kek. Sounds crazy but its happened before. I'm pretty good looking not that that really matters. I also never really realized I had a big dick or didn't really believe it was anything noteworthy until the past few said it and I guess I kind of accepted it. Doesn't change anything for me.

She only calls when she wants me to pound her and then I go because shes basically a human husk of social media propaganda. Its not rewarding and it gets old fast. I want someone with substance not someone just wasting my time for their own pleasure.

here's your answer sir

that's all lefty sluts are good for user
can't turn a ho into a housewife

Compare those women (?) With the pro life marchers

>the arrows on the guy on the right
the ones on the top are pointing towards him, the ones on the botom are pointing towards the floor. is (s?)he a transgender, is he expecting to get his dick sucked at the march? are these people completely fucking autistic?

Where to find a good woman? I had a somewhat redpilled ex I was going to marry who ended up not working out. I've only found women with no opinions or liberal since then. Although I am hesitant to commit to avoid heartbreak. I see myself better now. Been going for the easy lays that amount to nothing. I want someone I can have a conversation with, I can plan with, who thinks for themselves and don't follow bullshit to be popular on facebook. I freely admit I've used bars and lately tinder to meet women. My only other avenue is threw work and thats a mess in and of itself because of the implication.

Ask yourself
>where do farmer girls hang out

>the ballot is stronger than the bullet
Would she like to test that theory?