Northern vs Southern Italian animosity

I always see Italians on Sup Forums saying how bad terroni are etc. A couple days ago I met an Italian girl (from the North) and she couldn't stop saying how much she hated terroni etc, but I didn't think it was this bad. Is this a thing?
Also where does the "South" properly begin? Is it south of Rome? or anything under Emilia-Romagna / Toscana?

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The shit part of Italy is between the Alps and Malta

i would say the south starts from where the old papel states started. I say this since I had to study 1900-1945 Italy and basically anyone who wasn't in piedmont or an Austrian puppet state never desired to continue school education couldn't comprehend a factory job and followed the popes instructions to the word.

The river "Po" is the natural border between north and south
Everything below the river is considered "terronia"

Italian girls with blue eyes are total cutes and also, my fetish.

anything southern of rome is southern italy
Latina is the civilization frontier

Make up your mind -_-
at any rate, from a scale of one to 10, how much you hate terronis? 10 being genocide now

I don't really hate terroni
most of the people don't actually hate terroni but hate the stereotypical terroni behavior

>hating your own kind
Fuck off jew