Just got out of the hospital and have been out of the loop all week. Can someone clue me in to what the hell is going on?

Americans realized the government is too large and unwieldy and decided to shut the worthless parts down.

Well...Drudge is still compromised if you were wondering

nothing important lol

Dems refused to agree to a spending bill unless DACA expansions were part of it. Basically putting people from Mexico who aren't supposed to be here over the average American.

I saw some screen caps of that horrific cartel video going around. How do burgers sleep with beaners just down the street? Fuck me that was an abomination.

Does this shutdown have anything to do with this so-called memo that appears to be a magic bullet?

>Does this shutdown have anything to do with this so-called memo that appears to be a magic bullet?
No the memo is just about FISA abuse. And it's believed that contained within it is evidence that FISA warrants were carried out against a candidate Trump presumably for political reasons. Basically shows that FISA wiretaps were used as political espionage and not homeland security.

The United States decided to have a government shutdown over whether they should give criminals citizenship

Careful, John. When we fall you guys are sadly next, better defend the maple leafs while you can and start making some fortresses

Smart Canadians pray that Trump can pull off an actual deepstate coup or we will fall within 10 years.