Cross the border illegally, and the US government will give you a free plane ride to where ever you want inside the US at tax payer expense

Illegal Aliens Quietly Being Relocated Throughout U.S. on Commercial Flights

Illegal Aliens Are Quietly Being Redistributed Across United States on Private Flights

ICE Caught Shipping 'Planeloads of Illegal Immigrants' to Boston Area!

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Well, they shut down the government for illegals, so why not this?

You really should consider freight trains and concentration camps.

I'm wondering why they don't just fly them back from where they came?

ICE is doing this.

Thomas Homan's ICE. Appointed by Trump.

Yeah, must be the Dems fault. Somehow.

It's all about white genocide.
The more shitskins in white countries, the more racemix it will be.
They motivate this with ((("rules" and "laws"))) they have embedded in the system themselves.
They will never openly admitt it, but it's all about getting the evil white man to extinct.

this is curious activity no doubt

not sure what to make of it. Whats the point of this? Distribution or consolidation?

Every village shall take its fair share of shitskins.
They do it to make pure white regions being something of the past.
History has shown, wherever there is a small shitskin community planted, it rapidly grows through high birthrates and furthermore immigration into a majority.

To make this an even process, they have to distribute the shitskins into every last corner that is still not filled with shitskins.
They use the same tactics in Germany.
No every small village got its share of niggers.
