Anyone saw this movie?
KOE no Katachi
Voice acting was really good. Everything else was shit.
this movie is so great tho
wll why?
well why?
its not that bad though as what is see it as
It was pretty good. Great, even. But I still prefer the manga.
>Deaf girl
>Who songs
>No Pinball Wizard
One job, Kyoanus.
>Forced drama
>Forced art
>Forced moe
Everything in this movie felt forced. I have never felt so patronized and insulted while watching a chinese cartoon before. And I usually like Kyoani adaptions. This shit was trying way too hard to be something it's not.
Do... do you even know what moe means, user?
I'm gonna watch this movie tonight or tomorrow and I'd like to read what are the thoughts of anons who already watched it.
I read the manga and I have great expectations, which is usually not a good thing when it comes to film adaptations.
Not him, but moe as a word is dead man, no one uses it like Travis Touchdown anymore, save for a few good anons round here. Hell, I don't use it anymore, it's like saying something is "epic." But hey, even though it lost in semantics, it's nice to know the boom from it won out in the long run.
I read the manga before and I loved it. They do cut some things so be prepared for that. The voice acting for Shoko is incredible
Lower your expectations, it's just good.
You'll still cry though, both sound and animation are top notch.
The main flaw is in all the characterization that was left out due to time constraints, especially Ueno, Kawai, Sahara et al. Thankfully, Tomohiro's still a bro and Yusuru is still bae.
Drop all expectations and just going in hoping it's at least enjoyable.
The cut the character arc for every single character, yet they still use all climax's that revolve entirely on the relationships built up in the manga, that are non existent in the movie.
It just comes off feeling really pretensions and shallow.
I read the manga before i watched it, but the way the jump around from moment to moment can be pretty confusing, it's like they assume you know what happens inbetween, it's honestly not very good story wise.
No, but I heard it was good.
My Generation is for plebs. Quadrophenia and The Who By Numbers are patrician.
those mashiro subs are shit
come on uk save me
How shit is it
really bad, the problem is the transliteration part
the translations are a bit too direct, not translated properly for that scenario, making the english read a bit funky
not as bad as the sand nigger version floating around but pretty bad honestly
I'm a fan of the manga, but I think the movie's better. I have some reservations about the script, but they're easy to set aside in the face of a truly great film.
Guess I'm going in RAW then, primary school proficiency don't fail me now.
when is the goodsub
Pinball Wizard is off of Tommy you fuckin' numbskull
She's deaf, not blind
I Can See For Miles is their best song
The racemixing/forced diversity ruinted it for me.
Kikes, get your hands off my anime. You already ruined Western entertainment
acknowledging the fact that black people exist really activates your almonds huh
Good to hear, I hope you continue to enjoy less in life
seeing racemixing forced into yet another homogeneous and high-trust society pisses me off since I already know the destruction it's caused in my own nation. This has nothing to do with black people existing, retard.
Enjoy the shitty pozzed multicult anime of the future with token mudishits and other assorted "diverse" characters. I'm sure you'll have a blast.
you seem like a deeply unhappy person, and you have my pity
I hope you frown so much you get unsightly wrinkles at an early age
>you seem like a deeply unhappy person
I am unhappy. Honestly, if you're happy with the way things are right now then something's fucked in your head. There's nothing to be happy about when you know your society, people and nation are deliberately being burned to the ground and there's basically nothing you can do about it.
At least anime was a temporary escape from that, but apparently it's now going to be full of the same bullshit.
Oh let me guess. Are you yourself a nog? Is that why you're putting on this piss-poor condescending act?
I elect to not give a shit either way
That's quite the leap, so let's pair it with a leap back to your containment board
Nihilists are the most worthless kind of trash, honestly. If nothing has any meaning, then just kill yourself already.
>Mommy! Someone's having opinons I don't liiiiiike! Get them away from me!!!!
You're pathetic.
Manga is ok
Realized how much of it was forced the second time reading
Yamada is a god
KyoAni adaptations are always better than the source material
I heard they cut out a ton of bullshit I didn't like from the manga
Downloading it now, hopefully it's good
Why put myself through the added stress? Nature is going to do the job for me sooner or later.
If you actually read the manga and think the film is better, then you missed the entire point.
No one's really a nihilist. People who actually refuse to give anything meaning are retards
If you're the type of guy to narrow in on the writing you might feel a bit gypped. Script has its problems but I do believe it is a very good film. Hope you like it
>Why put myself through the added stress
So you're nothing but a self-absorbed sack of shit who allows the world that was built up by your ancestors around you to collapse simply because you were too absorbed in trivial indulgences. Got it.
Like I said: the most worthless kind of trash
Mind explaining what I missed, then? I own the manga, read through it several times.
Feels goooooooood.
I'll probably feel gypped but I'm hoping less so than I did reading the manga again.
Also if you think what's destroying Christendom is black characters in my Japanese anime's then I'd advise expanding the scope of your imagination and life experience. Stop caring about this shit. Go outside.
>haha look at me! I'm so enlightened and above it all because I invest absolutely no value in the society around me!! Lol. Aren't I a clever little monkey?
Start redefining the parameters of what you consider society, because your current priorities make you sound like a dibbling shut-in.
Are the Mashiro subs really that bad?
>what's destroying Christendom
Who the fuck said anything about christendom?
Also, nice retarded strawman there, dumbass. I'm saying that I don't want to see the same kind of shit forced into Japan that was forced into the West and is currently killing us.
>Go outside.
Woah, you got me there. How could I ever compete with your vast worldly experience? I'm obviously nothing but a shut-in who cares about things. I should should just shut my brain off and pretend everything's fine like you! Thanks!
>Start redefining the parameters of what you consider society
Tell me. Do you think you exist in a separate bubble entirely independent from the society you reside in?
They're fine from what I've seen
Just wait until Monday if you want to watch it subtitled.
Problem is I'll be going away on monday and won't have anywhere to watch it for a week or two so I'm really itching to watch it this weekend.
I used Christendom as a stand-in for "Western World". Maybe Lebensraum would be more suited to your purposes, although that term has slightly more, uh, baggage.
Unironically caring about racial representation in anime and tying it to an end-times theory about the death of the white race makes you mad, red, and nude online.
Have you read the manga? If so I'd recommend just watching it raw, there's nothing you won't understand even without any Japanese knowledge.
I didn't
>I used Christendom as a stand-in for "Western World"
Well this is completely wrong and not interchangeable. Christianity is only one aspect of the West. Western civilisation is far more than just Christianity. These two things are entirely.
>Maybe Lebensraum would be more suited to your purposes,
You really can't help bringing in entirely irrelevant shit into this conversation, can you? Does it have something to do with your inability to even address my original concern?
>Unironically caring about racial representation in anime and tying it to an end-times theory about the death of the white race makes you mad, red, and nude online.
>Haha, it doesn't mean anything, you silly conspiracy theorist. You're just a tinfoil
Yeah, that bullshit doesn't work anymore, dumbass. If the entire track-record from the West is anything to go by, then what happens in anime - one of the most popular forms of entertainment in Japan consumed by their youth and young adult population - will have a great effect on what is seen as acceptable in Japanese society. In the west interracial relationships, homosexuality, "diversity", and other such tripe were first normalized through popular media before being implemented into society as a whole. You'd have to be a blind fool to not see the same thing happening in Japan.
Well shoot. If you have to you could watch Mashiro or 35mm, but in my experience iffy subtitles are distracting and keep me from getting fully into it, y'know? Mashiro is a clean-up of a machine translation, 35mm is original. Neither are high quality.
Get the fuck out. This thread is about Koe no Katachi, not some bullshit ideology from a slobbering racist like yourself. If you're so depressed about the state of the world, go have a circlejerk on Sup Forums with your fellow morons.
I haven't watched it but I hate it.
Weird, I haven't seen it but it's the greatest movie ever made.