








We need to shut down this Merchant Roastie down asap.

I guess she knows damn well whats going on.
It is not a secret that Jews have been prosecuted till the brink of extinction, time after time.
Because they so desperately want to have their holy land, they'll be able to ethically do nasty things as the ends justify the means to them.
Naturally there always is a response to that.

Here is an idea;,..
>lets just let them have their Israel.

Wooh wait a second pall, hear me out.
If we let them have Israel, there will no longer be a reason for them to undermine a host state, as they have their own state. Just give them their land and let all trouble be settled! perhaps they then wont need to struggle and claw in order to survive.

>dirty ctr kike magically appears


im not a kike and your thread is a failure


nice pics polandbro




Holy Fuck! Every god damn thread is SJW bullshit. I wonder how much this raid actually costs.

Cancer af.
>New sherrif in town...


well... there is fear

God I hate that disgusting shitskin zionist cumdumpster bitch Nikki haley.

Lul good goys




The plan is to pull out of the middle east and let Russia and Saudi Arabia handle the Israel situation. After Mueller exposes the Israeli corruption in our government Trump will cut ties with them.


jesus christ this is fucking pathetic

Trump isn't a kike puppet. Read this

Only a small percentage of Jews want a Jewish state, the Zionist Jews do all they can to scare the wondering Jews to move to Israel to be "safe".

Majority of antiJew groups are funded by Zionist groups in hope of bringing Jews "home".
