What is the most popular ideology on Sup Forums?

What is the most popular ideology on Sup Forums?
If you vote at least bump this thread

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NatSocs and those soon to become NatSocs

Go fuck yourself.

Where I'm going, we don't need roads.

is this data mining?

Centrist bump.

Probably, but I'm still interested in the results.

You're correct, we'll need train tracks for the box carts.


What's "full 1488"??



right wing libertarian bump


Interesting, only 33% of this place is NatSoc apparently.

We had a better poll, and NatSoc won. Still think bots and redditors are the lolbergs.

>huy guise here's this poll that me and my faggot discord buddies made, we swear it's an accurate representation of Sup Forums and we aren't rigging it at all!


fsb please go

reminder that this is the average Sup Forums user. Most natsocs are nazi larpers. Dont get it twisted kids

Actually that poll was 50/50 at the end.


mfw the results

>Sup Forums is still almost 50/50 NatSoc/Libertarian
Amazing though how the general shitposting has increased...

Why do you allow both "leaning" and "winged" for left and right, but for libertarians you only have "winged" and no "leaning"? I'm a left-leaning libertarian, close to centrist, and I can't vote in your dumb poll.

The perfect understanding of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is one person/ ideology

kys, i went from 1488, to right wing libertarian.
no democracy edition.

Both are for edgy 15 yo. There is no better system than regulated capitalism.

FUCK off with your leddit /biz/ wojaks faggot

NatSoc bump

I just want lower taxes for fucks sake

Insh'allah brother

It's not a real poll without gerrymandering, though. The kid's learning.


Captcha gets it.


The one where you stop forcing shit memes for marketing honeypots.

Whitey #BTFO


Funny, I took the screen shot when it was about to reach bump limit...I wonder if bots were involved...

Different poll

Lol libertarianism is laughable. You are in the "soon to be natsoc" demographic.

Daily reminder we live in your head rent-free

Consider suicide shill.

Where is fascism you nigger, natsocs soil us with their racial obsessions.

There was a more recent one and natsoc won

Full 1488 here


>Implying that, with all the empirical data we have on race at this point in time, that a fascist leadership would not create policy with racial understanding in mind
You're a retard.


>everyone is either a nazi or libertarian
no, this wojak shall prevail
Then choose left teaning retard

Retard alert

>forced meme
>datamining thread
no click zone

You the_donald fags are the worst people on the planet. You're a kike puppet and you don't even know it. NO ONE likes you, I don't know why you ever thought you were welcome here. Heil Hitler.



We don't want them either.

- /biz/

>Not being full starvation
Whats wrong with u?

Go back

>central Manhattan is average Sup Forums users

88 holds back 14
Hitler failed to properly identify the enemy.
It is not just the Jews but rather the bankers, finance sector, and media (jew dominated businesses due to historical precedent) and Hitler was naive enough to think he could control them when what he should've done was destroy them.

money manipulators who provide nothing to society, tempting the incompetent to attempt that which they're not capable of and then be enslaved by the people who gave you the tools of your own destruction while they use the blood money to control the governments of the world.
media sensationalism manipulates the common folk who give in to appeals to emotion and leads them to take satisfaction in their ignorance believing only that which they are told to believe and learning nothing on their own. Ignorant masses controlled by those whose job is to craft sweet lies because bitter truths aren't profitable.

If you add up "Right winged", "Right winged libertarian" and "Right leaning" the NatSoc faggots lose again.

That's not how polls work, sweetie

>23% of Sup Forums is "right wing"
Electing Trump was a mistake, Sup Forums's fascists and libertarians have been overrun by unenlightened neocons.

Enjoy the ban you triple nigger

its in every thread.



> I'm all these things also all retarded
God dam user

Left winged libertarianism is an oxymoron you literal retard leaf.

He was first and foremost concerned with the bankers and communists. If you go to 2:10, this is addressed.

I'm torn between Libertarianism and NatSoc, i'n my perfect world i would like to have them both so i could try out both lifestyles.