How does Sup Forums react?

How does Sup Forums react?

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Open a beer, put on our jam.

I sage

By posting "IT'S HAPPENING"!

I transmit a farewell message on 8992.00 (I have the ability, it's just illegal to do so) to Sup Forums.


post scat porn on Sup Forums

took em long enough


>Put on sunglasses
>grab a beer
>get to the highest spot in town
I will welcome death with open arms.

Start killing niggers

A liberal city gets blown up? Party hard

chug handle of cheap vodka
be drunk as fuck when the wave hits

I sage and I don’t worry because nowadays every drill comes with the tag line “not a drill”.

honestly, go rape my next door neighboor.

i live in a shithole country, the sewers aren't deep enough and neither is my basement. might aswell go out with a bang

>How does Sup Forums react?

Retreat to bunker and seal the blast doors


Finally, now I may rest.

depends on who is firing the missile.
if its us nuking the gooks then i would laugh
if its someone trying to nuke us then just laugh even more since i live in the middle of nowhere.

Who is going to bother nuking Sweden tho?

Hopefully it lands on Germany.

jump in my golden underground bunker

Pop pottasium iodine pills, wash it down with vodka and oxy and go have fun outside

i try to livestream for you fags


The probability that it would hit me is very unlikely. No one would waste a nuke on where I live.

I'd just check the wind patterns and forecasts from the target to see if I need to take fallout precautions.



Walk to the liquor store. Execute any lawbreakers I find looting. Pay for a bottle of top shelf bourbon. Walk home. Sit in a lawn chair and toast the apocalypse.


why not buy your happening bottle before the happening? I doubt there will be any cashiers still hanging around operating a store

The ride finally ends

buy a happening bottle. thats a neat idea. is there any particular bottle we could all agree on? when theres a legit happening, we make a "TAKE A SWIG" thread and we post our happening bottle shrines

Nobody can beat our technology.

I don't have the willpower to save a bottle. And I'd pay for it out of principle despite their being no cashier and the money being useless at that point.

Just from that fact that I'm alive to see it, I deduce that the war doesn't involve Russia, and start celebrating.

>Happening Bottle

I'd recommend Bookers. I'd also recommend WL Weller Special reserve. It's a wheated bourbon with the same mash bill as Pappy van Winkle produced in the same distillery. It's essentially a 7 year rip van Winkle. Very good and the price is low. It's a budget bargain.

Most likely option. Followed by "what's your end of the world theme song?" posts and "It's NOT happening" replies.