The Way of Men

Hunting and fighting are two of the most dangerous jobs you’ll need to do to stay live. To thrive, humans need protein and fat. You can get enough protein and far from vegetables, but without an established farm you’re going to be hard pressed to gather enough vegetables to meet your nutritional needs. A large animal can provide protein and fat for days – longer if you know how to preserve the meat. The problem with big, protein-rich animals is that they don’t want to die. Meat is muscle, and muscle makes animals strong – often stronger than men. Wild beasts come equipped with tusks, antlers, hooves claws and sharp teeth. They’re going to fight for their lives. Taking down a big, protein-rich animal is going to be dangerous. It will require strength, courage, technique and teamwork. Finding food also requires exploring – venturing out into the unknown – and who knows what lurks out there?

if you are going to survive, your group will need protection from predators – animal, human, alien, or undead. If there is someone or something out there who wants what you have and is willing to fight for it, you’re going to need to figure out who in your group is going to be willing to fight back. You’ll want the people who are best at fighting to stand watch, to defend everything you care about, or to go out and eliminate a potential threat. If someone or something has something that you need, the best way to get it may be to take it. Who in your group will be willing and able to do that?

Maybe females are part of your group. Maybe they aren’t If females are with you, they won’t have access to reliable birth control. Males and females won’t stop having sex, and females will get pregnant. Humans are mammals, and like most mammals, a greater part of the reproductive burden will fall on women. That’s not fair, but nature isn’t fair. Even strong, aggressive women become more vulnerable and less mobile during pregnancy. Even tough women will nurse their young. They’ll bond with their offspring and take to caring for them quickly. Babies are helpless, and children are vulnerable for years.

If there were no other physical or mental differences between women and men, in a hostile environment the biological realities of human reproduction would still mean that over time more men would be charged with exploring, hunting, fighting, building, and defending. Men would have more time to specialize and develop the necessary skills to excel at those tasks. They wouldn’t have a good excuse not to. Men will never get pregnant, they will never be nursing, and they will be less encumbered by their children. They may not even know who their children are. Women know who their kids are. Children don’t depend on their fathers in the same way that they depend on their mothers. Men are freer to take risks for the good of the group, believing that their offspring will live on.

As things are, there are biological difference between men and women that have little to do with pregnancy or breastfeeding. On average, men are bigger and stronger than women. Men are more daring , probably more mechanically inclined, and generally better at navigating. Men are hard wired for aggressive play. High testosterone men take more risks and seek more thrills. Men are more interested in competing for status, and when they win, their bodies give them a dopamine high and more testosterone.

Because your group is struggling to survive, every choice matters. If you give the wrong person the wrong job, that person could die, you could die, another person could die or you could all die. Because of the differences between the sexes, the best person for jobs that involve exploring, hunting, fighting, building, or defending is usually going to be a male. This is not some arbitrary cultural prejudice, it is the kind of vital strategic discrimination that will keep your group alive.

Humans, like chimpanzees, will often hunt in teams because cooperative hunting is more effective than hunting along. When you put together a team – any kind of team – the raw skills of your candidates aren’t the only factors you have to consider. You also have to consider the team’s social dynamic. Which people will work best together? As a leader, you want to create synergy, reduce distractions, and avoid conflicts within the group. Males will compete for status within any group, but they will also compete for females. Eliminating a second layer of potential jealousy and antagonism may be reason enough to choose a male over a female.

If there are females in your group, they will have plenty of hard and necessary work to do. Everyone will have to pull their own weight, but the hunting and fighting is almost always going to be up to the men. When lives are on the line, people will drop the etiquette of equality and make that decision again and again because it makes the most sense.

That practical division of labor is where the male world begins.

The party-gang

Thomas Hobbes wrote that when men live without fear of a common prower, they live in a state of “warre”. In warre, every man is against eery other man.

Hobbes’ idea of warre is interesting on a theoretical level, but his warre of all against all is not the state of nature for men. It’s natural for a man to look after his own interests, but those interests drive men together – quickly. A loner has no one to ask for help, no one to watch his back, no one to guard him when he sleeps. Men hav a greater chance of surivvial together than they do apart. Men have always hunted and fought in small teams. The natural state of warres is ongoing conflict between small gans of men.

Chimpanzees organize on a party-gang basis, which means they change the size of their groups dependin on the cicrucmstances. Chimps gather together in lareg parties and build alliances for strategic reasons, for mating, and for the sharing of resources. When circumstances change, they break into smaller groups and huntin parties. The smaller groups – the gans are the tightest and most stable. The males are loyal and rarely move from gang to gang. Females sometimes join the males in hunting activities, but they are more likely to move from one gang to another over time.

All of the men in a given army are part of the same big team, but the strength of the bonds between men will increase as the size of the unit decreaeas. In smaller groups, men are more loyal to one another.

When writer Sebastian Junger asked US soldiers in Afghanistan about their allegiances, they told him that, “they would unhesitatingly risk their lives for anyone in the platoon or company, but that sentiment dropped off pretty quickly after that. By the time you got to brigade level – three or four thousand men – any sense of common goals or identity was pretty much theoretical.” There is frequently rivalry between the groups. Each group has its own regalis, its own traditions, its own symbolism, and a common history.

Some researchers believe that the human brain can only process enough information to maintain meaningful relationships with 150 or so people at any given time. That’s about the size of a military company, but also about the size of a typical primitive human tribe, and roughly the number of “friends” most people contact regularly through social networking sites

Within that tribe of 150, people form even smaller groups. How many people would you loan a lot of money to? How many people could you depend on in an emergency? How many people could depend on you?

If you’re like most, that number drops to the size of a platoon, a squad, or even a fireteam. The team size for most group sports its somewhere between the fireteam number and the platoon number. American football teams have around 50 members on a roster, but only 11 are on the field at one time. Baseball teams keep 25 members on their rosters, with 9 on the field. Soccer teams play between 7 and 11 members. Basketball teams play 5. Water polo teams put 7 in the pool.

Men revert back to this archetypal gang size, even for recreation and storytelling. How many main characters are there in your favorite film, books, or television shows? The number works for religion and myth, too. Jesus had 12 apostles. How many Greek gods can you name?

The group of 2 to 15 men is a comfort zone. It’s an effective team size for tactical maneuvers, but it’s also socially manageable. You can really know about that many guys at one time. You can maintain a good working relationship and a meaningful social history with 100 or so more. Beyond those numbers, connections become extremely superficial, trust breaks down, and more rules and codes – always enforced by the threat of violence are required to keep men “together.” In times of stress – when resources are scarce, when the system of rules and codes breaks down, when there is a lapse in enforcement, or when men have little to lose and more to gain by breaking the law – it is The Way of Men to break off from large parties and operate in small, nimble gangs.

If you put males together for a short period of time and give them something to compete for, they will form a team of us vs them. This was famously illustrated by Muzafer Sherif’s “Robbers Cave Experiment.” Social psychologists separated two groups of boys and forced them to compete. Each group of boys create a sense of us based on what they liked about themselves or how they wanted to imagine themselves. They also created negative caricatures of the other group. The groups became hostile toward each other. However, when the researchers have them a good enough reason to cooperate, the competing gangs were able to put aside their differences and join together in a larger party.

For instance, the slogan "Honor Diversity" is popular with gay rights advocates, who reject traditional, hierarchical ways of defining honor and masculinity. "Honor Diversity" is an interesting slogan, because it essentially means "honor everyone and everything." If everyone is honored equally, and everyone's way of life is honored equally, honor has no hierarchy, and therefore honor has little value according to the economics of supply and demand. "Honor Diversity" doesn't mean much more than "be nice"

Feminist demands for absolute equality and the integration of the sexes into war and its equivalents – combined with the looming threat of technological mass destruction and the desire of globalist elites to protect their investments against ornery gangs of men – have pushed the intellectualization of masculinity into a terminal phase: repudiation. Accepting the nature of men as it is and offering them equivalents to war is no longer acceptable to women or globalists. Their shared agendas has become the complete repudiation of the idea that men should want to do the things they’ve been selected to do.

Boys are scolded even for their violent fantasies – for the violent stories they want to hear, the violent books they want to read, the violent games they want to play. Male “demonism” is punished, pathologized, and stigmatized from cradle to campus. Even the good guys are treated like bad guys for ganging up, for being “xenophobic” patriotic, or too exclusive. Video games, fighting sports, and movies are decried for being “too violent.” Football is deemed “too dangerous” by many overprotective parents. Everyone is supposed to agree that violence is never the answer- unless that violence comes from the cutting edge of the State’s axe.

thanks reposting lifestyle advice from a dick sucking faggot OP

truth doesn't take sides. Only one can side with the truth.


>t. brainlet who is only used to reading 150 symbols at a time.

Is this book interesting to read because you activating my almonds at tge moment

Jack Donovan is a literal sodomite and most of the shit here is fucking "manosphere" Roosh and Davis Aurini talking points that are a fucking decade late. Videogames aren't decried for being "too violent", for exmaple, they're just a waste of fucking time. Seriosly, what did you hope to achive by posting this shit here? On this board that has gobe through Iron Pill comics, reading lists, fucking Peterson and has dedicated SIG threads? Are you some fucking retard Boomer that thinks this works like Reddit - you can just repost some obvious fucking shit nobody cares for and get mad upvotes?

get the fuck out and take your fag pamphlet with you, fag enabler

Yes. It's a lot of common sense really, but it's a good book nonetheless. It shows you how men and women had roles in the past and why the differences in genders existed and still exist. Talks about Honor, Mastery, Courage and Strength. Talks about male psychology a lot and how it relates to the modern world and about the current masculinity crisis.

>Videogames aren't decried for being "too violent", for exmaple, they're just a waste of fucking time
Haven't you heard about feminists crying about violence? Boys getting kicked out of school for having a fist in a shape of a gun?
>get the fuck out and take your fag pamphlet with you, fag enabler
You know, I heard that in Russia there are a lot of closet faggots, they just try to hide it really well, but they secretly fuck each other, especially in the army, since there are no women to see for at least full year of service. Sorry for your bad personal experience. Maybe lay on some vodka to numb the pain.

calm down user, is just a book, an guess what, no one reads anymore so why put all that sand in your vegana.

> guess what, no one reads anymore.
The absolute state of mexican society, no wonder why our current president is an iliterate fuck.

>Queers as an authority on masculinity

I do enjoy reading user, but sadly its starting to be rarer to see people who enjoy that activity these days, especially this place that at most only reads cleverly worded screencaps.

It's sad to see how good threads get slid, but some shit about "why women are trash" which gets posted everysingle day get 300 replies.