For the athiests of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from?

For the athiests of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from?

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I just choose ones I like then have faith in those instead of god. Literally do not see what's so hard to get desu


Same place as you: a combination of education and experience.

Video games and anime. And my college courses/professors.

I'm not an Atheist. God exists.
I know this because I am god

logic is a social construct

experience, logic, and reasoning

Satan ofcourse :^)

Common sense

*collects social security*


still an atheist though

nowhere, they’re just mindlessly aping social behaviour around them.

source: used to be one

that said a lot of theists are the same way.


Atheism is pic related.

Christianity mostly

There is no good or evil. Morality is group strategy and nothing more.

This. Just because there's no reason to believe in a world-creating deity, doesn't mean the Christian lifestyle is without virtue

>it's worse to be good for goodness sake than doing it just to get a heavenly reward

you religious people are not moral at all. You're only in it for the Godgibs

postmodernism in action

Do not initiate force
Keep your word / tell the truth

Yes, i am an ex stephbot lolbertarian

OP is an idiot who can't tell right from wrong.
Let me guess, OP - abusive and/or divorced parents?

Sure but christianity also takes from zoroastrianism. In fact, Cyrus the Great was the saviour of the jews long before Jesus.
I just don't like christians pretending that they created morality.

Golden rule.


fear of the consequences

My father



It's a slave morality, it is without virtue as its virtues are in opposition to the values of Masters. Whoever had privilege during the birth of Christianity was seen as evil (i.e the Romans and their values). The slaves were put on a pedestal.

Today, the secular child of Christianity (social marxism and its derivative, SJWism) puts nonwhites on a pedestal as they are the slaves that must be worshiped. The masters, i.e the white males, are to be demonized.

study game theory.

morals are basically a strategy that leads to an optimal long-run outcome for all.



societal standards which are older than written god books.

common sense and upbringing. also white

>I just don't like christians pretending that they created morality.

They got this notion from the Jews. Internalized Jewish propaganda.

Steven Pinker pls go

Srs though it's obviously essentially true. It presupposes Evolution so I guess that's the problem.

the christian moral code is actually a bastardization of older codes, most of them pagan/zoroastrian. It's best to live up to societies standards at the very least, you don't need to belive in a god to do that.

The nature of man, his requirements for survival, and logic itself.

>Literally the most effective fighter for capitalism in the past century
No one since Peterson has given people who can't quite settle with Christianity a coherent reason to be good.

All those "cultural christians" you hear would be very unhappy socialists most likely.

>Not recovering a tiny % of the money stolen from you makes you a hypocrite

do unto others you dumb fuck

> morals
Get on my level, pleb

Social standards and "common sense" fluctuate wildly from generation to generation. You might as well call yourself an amoral conformist.

From not being a god damned barbarian..

Pain and suffering feels bad, I would not like knowing that I would cause that for someone else.

Manifestly untrue.

Reminder that a morality developed in WW1 which allowed soldiers to minimize overall casualties.

>For the athiests of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from?

Secular morality is really the only game in town.

>Literally the philosophical equivalent of the kid that thinks the world disappears when she closes her eyes

the most "common sense" and societal conformity as you put it (or following the fucking law) has been with human society since day fucking one. Jesus was in a society, he didn't create one and that goes for every prophet, holy man or charlatan that has ever walked the earth.

So your moral theory is just "follow the law"

Empathy, basically. I recognize when I'm harming someone else and I take steps to never do that, and have some reasonable expectation that other empathetic people will reciprocate this behaviour to our mutual benefit.

Functionally, empathy evolved, once we started to live in tribes and then wider society, natural selection stopped really operating on the individual but instead started operating at societal level, the societies that could cooperate the most tended to beat the societies that couldn't in war and trade and all the really important things. Empathy is basically the biological basis for keeping large societies from imploding with conflict.


>what you believe in is more important than what you do

My morals come from what I observe to help myself and my fellow species.

2/ Also good and evil can be measure by either following and upholding the law instead of breaking it. This is pretty basic stuff.

When did religious fags start becoming keepers of morality? Religion is immoral by definition as it has believer and non-belivers (and we all know what happens to non-believers) While as a religious fag you may think it's immoral when someone breaks a religious law it's actually not because they may follow a different religion that deems you immoral too. Only if someone breaks the law of the land than someone would be pushed by followers of both religions. Thus it's a better moral/good bad case. Religion is just faith based tribalism that really just divides people and forces unbelievers to obey, fuck that.

white genetics, which solidified the decent parts of the decent religions in the first place. What's so hard part to understand christ-cucks?

Actually what happens is the tend to improve as we become a species capable of higher order thinking we tend to challenge the rules that came before us and improve up on them.

Theistic systems of morality cannot change therefore they cannot improve, and thats why we now look back at the bible and say that stoning people to death is immoral, raping and pillaging is immoral, etc.

Practicality and human nature, if we all go around being bad we'll make a shit-society.

the problem with empathy is that not everyone is born with it and some learn to switch it off or are abused in such a way as to lose it. You really can't count on other people being as empathetic as you're, it's actually a really dodgy sliding scale. (it's easily abused too by sociopaths)

Empathy isn't what builds societies, it's fear. Fear of the wolf, fear of suffering, fear of abuse, fear of losing property, fear of dying, fear of dying alone.

Atheists don't have any fucking morals, that's the problem.

Both the Nazis and the Communists were atheists and just look at their body count.

Nazi's were Catholics my dude.

Reminder that if you only do the right thing because a kike religion says you'll go to hell if you don't, you aren't truly moral.

Not even a little bit, most Germans were Protestant but the Nazis always hated the Church and it's (((teachings))).

Shamanism is guided by ancestry, love of the Earth, love of nature and love of tribalism.
Written religions are all cults.

Common sense.

Evan lefavour? Is that you?

>It's another "I need skydaddy to tell me that killing is bad" episode

>are Catholics
Lol this is why I can't be bothered posting much.

Let me just reiterate that morality is genetic and it's very measurable and observable. Whites are the most moral for better or for worse.

from society and culture. and I don't believe post modern crap.


cont. and our religions and cultures (i.e. memes) reflect our genetics. We all admit that culture is downstream from race, how about you admit what we all know, which is that our religions are downstream of race.

>Whites are the most moral for better or for worse.

Maybe, but atheist white Nazis and Commies slaughtered millions nonetheless.

The law varies massively between societies and time periods. If it worked that way then a very long list of acts would have to be both moral and immoral which is absurd. If I became dictator and could set the laws as I wanted would that make me God? If I banned bananas would eating a banana suddenly become evil?

The reason religious fags see themselves as gatekeepers of morality is because their moral system is grounded in something outside of humanity, whereas with secular moral systems you can believe whatever you want to believe.

Didn't stop the church from still agreeing to his policies. Besides the communist and nazi death counts are nothing anyone who knows anything about human history should be surprised of have read of the thirty years war or any European history for that matter. Humans will always mass kill each other Christianity did nothing to stifle it.

What's the basis for evaluating the quality of a moral system?

The Church literally saved people from the Nazi Holocaust and the Catholic Church played a leading role in destroying communism.

The Church is not perfect but they have always been better than Godless atheists.

Morals? Like sense of right and wrong? Whatever is healthy for society, really. ra ra civilization and all that.

Code of laws.

History disagrees with you.

exactly, for better or for worse. Whites just had the best technologies. Africans with nukes would be the end of humanity. The evolution of man to reach a point of social cohesion enough to invent weapons that can kill humanity give that group the ability to at least understand that power in concept. The most primitive societies on earth including aboriginal societies and certain groups in africa have homicide rates beyond what whites can imagine.

This. Maybe not the nuances, but the basics are naturally selected

From myself, my nature, my reason, my feelings and society - and they form in a way that appears to be most beneficial to all atm.

No need for higher power as an original source. Men created higher moral principles and then submitted themselves to them and then changed them when needed.

Where's your God now?

The same place the Bible got it's morality. From innate human nature.

Yes, that's absolutely true. Some people fail to develop empathy due to what is basically abuse and aggression in early childhood, pretty much younger than the age of 5. Mirror neuron growth can be stunted and so people really fail to feel the suffering of others to some varying degree, full on sociopaths and psychopaths basically lack any measurable empathy and so often behave in extremely immoral ways.

Sociopaths can abuse this fact and do, but it's typically a bad strategy long term because game theory basically says trust people once and then keep track of reputation, that leads to the best possible outcome for the group (high trust societies have low transaction costs and so are more wealthy), and sociopaths have to move around from place to place to continue to abuse people.

Empathy is what builds societies because all the societies that lacked empathy to a great degree had huge internal conflict and low trust which made the overal effectiveness of the society and their ability to trade and essentially gather the resources to wage war, much less than societies who had higher degrees of cooperation and trust. Those societies went to war and lost, they're no longer around. You look at low trust and high friction/violence societies like with Muslims or violent parts of africa and they're centuries behind the west.

If we went to war with them now, we'd drop 100 nukes on their head and just irradiate their entire civilization, it's why despite their religious book telling them to invade the world and spread islam, they won't do it through war. Because they'd lose.

If you were a tyrant with shit laws your society would collapse. So stop with the hypotheticals, you can see the laws of Sumer and the laws today and you can see the overlap, sure some laws have changed, but so has society in size and form. But the basic laws (the moral ones) don't kill, don't steal, etc have been there since before the first book o' god was set in stone. What happened then is religion was just a vehicale to reinforce these laws into a really dumb society. (So it stops being me Mr Moses/Pharoh/Priest giving you the laws, but GOD himself)

>secular moral systems you can belive whatever you want to believe
Not so, see there is something called third party persepective, which in regard to the law is the jury that fucks your shit up.

Athiests can't believe in morals because they're materialists. How can a materialist believe in something immaterial.

Micky mouse comics

idk I just try to not be an asshole

I am proud to not be affiliated with any Semitic garbage. All Abrahamic religions are tools to dominate stupid people, or to rape innocent children.

My morality honestly stems from Social Darwinism.

The quality of the system is really the proof of the pudding. Bad systems which failed to increase trust in society and decrease internal social friction between society members simply produced less effective societies and when they struggled against other societies the most effective society came out on top. It's something that evolves with time.

Trust is a good measure of the moral system, and you can measure trust in a society through economics because low trust societies come with a much higher trading/transaction cost.

So I go down my local pub, I know the guy, he knows me, we're both good people. One day the card machine stops working and we have a tab open and we can't pay as we dont have cash and can't process the card, so we agree to settle up the bar bill when I'm next in.

Low trust society, that devolves into a violent incident because he thinks ill stiff him, maybe he needs a bouncer to enforce safety due to fighting patrons, whatever. Insurance costs go up massively because people have to insure transactions. People who have to use escrow instead of just trading with a promise to pay have huge additional overheads.

for the Christians of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from? Because the Bible doesn't say anything about rape or genocide or child molestation...

>Raping innocent children is bad
>My morality stems from Darwinism where the strong can rape whomever they want

I neglected to mention in my earlier comment that atheists are also mostly retarded.

Morals are generated by the brain and the brain is material

Checkmate atheist

High trust societies kill themselves, look at what is happening now. Wealth equals less children. High trust means welcoming people into your house who you really shouldn't. Instead of a balance with a lean towards trust, a high trust society will face the same amount of problems, although different, than a really low trust one. They'll just be really rich when they collapse.

if you need to fear punishment from god in order to be moral you need to kill yourself

I've read his moral landscape book and it makes sense to me.

honestly though values are humanism but if you're going to be racist then it's only some humans are human. you can't be racist humanist. the non-whites are basically not human then

Social Darwinism is retarded

Why would it not be logical to enslave part of population and use them as disposable working slaves?

I have no morals, I simply conform to the norms of the human herd around me, except for any action I desire to partake in that I can get away with safely.

it's easy when you don't consider them human