hahahaha Republicans are fucked!
Hahahaha Republicans are fucked!
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It must suck being this retarded.
Senate required 60 votes.
nah, democrats are not in toutch with reality
and it doesn't help that they are incompetent
It's not a good sign when your biggest talking point hinges on people not understanding how the government works. Your party just shut down the government over illegal immigrants, how many of your senators are running in red states this year?
Republicans couldn't even get 50 from their own party
>Republican senate
Is this guy a complete moron or just outright lying? He does know that you need 60 senators to control the senate right? He isn't that fucking stupid is he? I mean you would have to have lower than toddler level intelligence to think less than 60 senators is control of the senate. The nuclear option only works for appointments such as supreme court positions.
You're implying they were Republicans to begin with.
They're responsible for making a proposal that can muster 60 votes. I guess Dems could try to make their own proposal but it'd probably fall short of 60 as well
>Shitty hashtag just copying the superior and organic #SchumerShutdown
Why are leftist memes just poor imitations of the right?
Actually the resolution was 50-49 in favor of keeping the government open, the GOPe fags voted with the Democrats and all the Dems facing difficult midterms voted with the Republicans. Unfortunately due to retarded filibuster antics we need 60 to do anything these days.
Here's a list of how everyone voted
>no true republicsman
Does it hurt to be THIS fucking stupid?Like seriously, are you in any discomfort? Can I get you an Advil?
>Mike Lee (100% conservative rating)
>Rand Paul (95% conservative rating)
>Jeff Flake (93% conservative rating)
>Mitch McConnell (89% conservative rating
>Lindsey Graham (81% conservative rating)
>not Republican
>Rand Paul is the GOP establishment
Oh no. Are you retarded, user?
>he thinks Americans want their government shut down over DACA shitholers
If they're voting to actually give amnesty they're not Republicans
why do you reply when you only prove my point
Lee and Paul are opposing the budget because it's not "conservative" enough. The rest are amnesty hacks.
Personally I'm getting really sick of Rand Paul's shit.
liberals are painfully stupid
you need 51 votes to have a majority, retard
OP learn how government works and stop being a shill idiot
it requires a 2/3rds majority, retard.
never post about US politics again brainlet
it need 60 votes to pass dumbfuck, not a simple majority
RINO's you mongoloid.
You need 60 votes to have a majority, retard
please define "White"
Let's be real, we need a government shutdown.
>Lee and Paul
Tea party want to cut spending
>Flake and Graham
Only voted No because in order to bring the resolution up for another vote you have to be on the prevailing side. It's a stupid senate rule of order, but I'm sure you didn't know that.
What a retarded thing to say.
people be actin like filibuster aint a thing.
its impossible to be stupid and at the same time intellectually dishonst.
he's just repeating what schumer and the msm have told him.
as for schumer and msm they of course know better, but they lie on purpose for the very reason of creating a useful idiot as you see in the tweet.
schumer is the most dangerous kind of person. he's smart. he knows what he's doing. when he stands up there and lies to your face he knows and has carefully chosen those lies to manipulate the public into carrying out his will.
chuck schumer is the closest thing to evil i've ever seen.
i mean... its true. you need to beat a filibuster.
dems have been playing russian roulette alone with an empty revolver since last year. gop and trump finally said 'fuck it' and loaded the gun.
nuclear options works on more than appointments. its just that the precident at the moment has long gone so far.
I think anything that explicitly effects the budget can be passed through reconciliation
the republican proposal was provided:
>lets fund the government
You'r enot even american
I know you dumbfucks
More democrats stepping on their own dicks hahaha literally chose illegal immigrants over Americans. Haha schumershutdown
>I know
your prior post says otherwise
>is wrong about something
>gets corrected
>I was just being retarded XDXDXDXDXD
You 60 to invoke cloture and end debate on a pending bill in the senate.
vote not to be on the winning side to be able to reintroduce the bill, basically procedural.
It doesn't matter. Normies will blame Trump and Republicans. That's what they've been programmed to do since Bush Jr
It's not 2/3, it's 3/5 in this case
You either thought you were being a funny troll and failed (retarded) or you or trying to cover up the fact you are retarded.
took this far to get the answer correct.. all above, /uninstall