Daily reminder: shit like this is why he's /ourguy/

Daily reminder: shit like this is why he's /ourguy/

godspeed mr. president

>if I pretend not to understand my enemy, none of his concerns matter
Retarded mindset from a retarded president :)

>same goes for the left

Winning big league!

That doesn't make sense.

>Name calling with no argument
Shoo shill

god damn i love being white

Argument? He says stupid things because he doesn't give a fuck about thing other than himself. You are genuinely retarded if you think otherwise.

Fuck off shareblue fag

He was smart enough to defeat the DNC, the RNC, the mainstream media and their entire shill army including you.


Even a broken clock is right 2/86400 times a day :)

what an argument

Trump is not perfect. But, anyone who does not see that he's a huge boon to us is an idiot, and does not live in the real world.

By that logic, wouldn't the country doing badly be catastrophic for him as he would view the country as an extension of himself? Since he's so "narcissistic" and "sociopathic?"

>Retarded mindset from a retarded president :)

>Writing about women having it better now than they ever have is retarded...

t. Gender Communist

Why are these bitches so dark?

So...what he's really saying is: "Please enjoy the sh*t sandwich and while you're at it wash it down with my piss. I love blowing myself for totally unrelated events to your march/cause."

>he would view the country as an extension of himself
Who said that?

This must be a liberal thing.

Literally not an argument and missing the point of the joke as badly as a deep autist. The left can't meme because they have nothing but mean-spirited sarcastic humor

>The left can't meme because they have nothing but mean-spirited sarcastic humor
Unironically being this unaware

What are the women actually marching for? Why wouldn't they be happy about low female unemployment?
