ITT: Girls that ruined shows

ITT: Girls that ruined shows

every main heroine ever


This. Pic kinda related

Bowlcut got BTFO hard already though.

Why are black haired girls always shit

She's pretty bad, but the MC is so completely dogshit that any character is good compared to him.


The Ruri of this show alright.

Hot but not too hot and incredibly devoted to the MC with a lot of perks. Constantly one-ups all the other girls and stops them from trying.

>it's a "the main heroine winning is a completely foregone conclusion but let's set up a harem scenario anyway because fuck you" show

She sucks
Fuck You and Die Incest Fag

hey lets force a shitty useless childhood friend out of nowhere so betas can all cry when she obviously loses


pretty much

I like how MC-kun screams.

Akamatsu brought eternal despair through copying Rumiko's romcon formula.

Then again Rumiko is the unfortunate prototype of everything wrong with romcoms and she wrote the prototype of story derailing villain.

what did he mean by this

Not the author's fault that you always bet on the wrong horse, dumbass

first girl and/or main girl are always worst


Risa from Amagami.


>tfw when hate both Kuroneko and Kirino
>this retard can't do other thing than show his shipperfagottery and butthurt
Nekotards are the worst. Saoribros on the other hand are patrician.