Thot hate thread

Post thots getting btfo


>acting like my asshole is being permanently stretched


The pain in this man, fuck me.

Based grandpa

the only way to defeat the thot is to find a younger prettier thot





>The bartender rushes to call 911 on the guy

LOL what the fuck is she even trying to do and WHY?

fucking hell

Big kek

Pol, please. I have had a rough couple of days and I need this more than anything. A good thread, with many posts of women getting rekt. IDEALLY a ton of posts about girls who regret their actions and are punished. Girls who are posting about their realizations that they are whores. Please Sup Forums, for an user in need


That picture is old as hell. I remember seeing it on Sup Forums like 9 years ago

Wonder if Ronald fought in the big war.
How you feeling about the sides now grandpa?



>thot begs for money outside
>guy says he doesn't have any
>proceeds to go inside and buy beer and wings
>thot notices and webm related ensues

Houstonfag here, that was on the local news and everyone was laughing their asses off.

>not naming it bar_neo.webm

Look offended that fucking dark haifes broad on the inside gets after he hits her.
>WTF?!?! Why would you provide consequences to her actions.

Stop telling that fucking lie you /r9k/ reject. They were a couple having an argument


I can't confirm either way but the couple theory is wwaayy more believable.

Someone begging for money wouldn't be in the position to be possible acruing disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, or possibly assault charges.

wtf is that real

Women can dish out some amount of dame threw scratching and puling hair but they can't take it