Serious question. What is wrong with race mixing?

I'm just curios. I was talking with my wife about how almost all commercials are race mixed couples now, but why are they pushing it. What happens next? Why mix?

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first and foremost you are disgracing the battles your ancestors fought for your sake and your ability to be here.

second you are terminating the "sophistication" of your genetics and creating an abomination that will look nothing like you, nothing like your tribe, won't think like you, and has a myriad of developmental issues.

>What happens next?

An IQ90 bastard race is created for the jews to rule over.

The Zionists wish to seat a descendant of King David upon a throne of the world govt as King over a world full of slaves, race mixing is the way they believe they can make it work, because mixed race people are of lower Iq than non mixed persons, just smart enough to follow orders, but not smart enough to challenge their power. See the protocols of the zionist men of wisdom.

Finally - a topic Sup Forums has never tackled

Your children become retarded identity crisis ridden consumers who will do whatever (((the Jew))) wants

Is that it? To lower the collective IQ of the "people'. That's high level conspiracy that normies wont take. In fact they will do the opposite. Fortunately, as soon as a few white girls pop out black kids to non-existent fathers, they may catch on. Now as for white dudes and black woman, not enough black woman are attractive enough to make a dent. It has to be pushed for white woman to want black men.

But why are they pushing to let Muslims take over? Muslims will literally exterminate Jews.

well no shit, sperm is fire and forget. The man has next to no investment in the nigger child.

so use the Socratic method instead, ask the normie if this would exist in a homogeneous society, ask the normie what they see in it.

“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway

1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO

2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>why buy the cow if she gives the milk for free?

3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>Hispanics and whites are bigger whores than Asians

4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>Whores have difficulty keeping a man

5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom

9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too

>I'm just curios. I was talking with my wife about how almost all commercials are race mixed couples now, but why are they pushing it. What happens next? Why mix?
Read about the Kalergi plan & Hooton plan, Jews wanna pollute the white race by "bastardizing" the white/caucasian gene pool with brown/black people.

Excellent post Leaf bro

Why wouldn't they kill us and use robots?


destroys your identity and ruins your racial level (i.e you become stupider and have less moral character, like a nigger)

the jews push mass immigration to cause hate and division

jews and cultural marxists killed the west

>Yuri Bezenov, KGB defector, Ideological >Subervison, (AKA killing the west)



They have to push the diversity angle, which they know will end terribly but still the push, cunts.

Because the Saudi royal family is (((Jewish)))
So was (((Abdulwahhab)))
Your typical Muslim has no access to that information and it certainly won't be put in front of you by the Jews paying to propagate bullshit in mosques

Most other races are inferior to whites and the few that aren't lead to a ugly child with inferior qualities of both races. A child born to two white parents has a higher chance of being successful than a white and asian parent, and that's with one of the better biracial pairings.

all other races are inferior to us.

Cro Magnon man is special in his ability to create and invent.

I can't understand this. Please improve the formatting. What is the meaning of "NO"? Are you trying to say 97% of Caucasians were not married at the time of the child's birth?

There's nothing wrong with it. Populations are like clouds moving into each other, morphing, changing and losing their identity. It's the natural state of things and how things will continue as long as we live in a globalized world.

Mestizo here. Just got hernia surgery and it hurts so bad I need a nurse to hold my bloody penis while I pee while another one holds me up. Turns out hernias of all kinds are really frequent among mestizos, my brother had them as well, in the same places. Why make your kids purposely pass through that. The Spanish didn't know better, and to be honest some mixes turned out right in other way, but you know the consecuences now.

Tbh the only hope I see for future generations in my country is to embrace CRISPR technology and purge the bad genes child by child.


Only chads fuck stacies and only stacies fuck chads. Regardless of race. Because your ability to tell chad from eugene and stacy from fat franny is diminished when you go outside your race, race mixing increase the probability of stacy not fucking a chad.

Most cases of race mixing are a low tier person taking advantage of the "arr rook same" effect to get a high tier person, therefore polluting a good bloodline with trash.

Jews ask it of every nation they perceive as a threat if they don't do it to themselves first

Japan is next on the chopping block.


Much higher chance of divorce.
Your children will be dumb as fuck, ever heard of a mixed race genius? I didn't think so.

Nothing from scientific point of view. Impregnate the one that has all the attributes you would like to enhance in your offspring.

Other arguments are just emotional and issues with human social construct. There is literally no reason not to breed if the partner has all the genes you'd like to carry on.