What would happen if every post you ever made on this website was made public with your name attached?

What would happen if every post you ever made on this website was made public with your name attached?

people would be shocked at just how much of my anti-semitism I hide in public

nothing. im self employed. not a wagecuck

They would be able to pinpoint my shit street.

I'd get fired for racism.

They'd see how often I get digits and they might even praise them.

> What would happen if every post you ever made on this website was made public with your name attached?

No one that I know would be surprised by what I post one bit.

I redpill everyone I meet.

>public with your name attached
lol - look at this faggot

Why do girls always roll the pants like that?

i'd blame some guy who has the same name as me

There would be so many people exposed that nothing would happen and the culture would shift to a free speech society.

I would stand by everything I said. I meant every word.

Since i'm already on the fringe of society, it doesn't matter. My 3 friends and family wouldn't care and my coworkers would probably laugh.

I'd go full travelling hobo

People would know who to thank.

Whelp, I'm going back to jail.

Id just use the information to hunt down ctr shills

Fucking do it. I know it will happen eventually!

Nothing will change, I was gonna be sent to the gulag anyway.

i would be discussing the nuances of irony with some people

a target rich environment would be revealed to me

I don't care, I live by my beliefs.
My wife and mother-in-law agrees with my views.
And most of my family is okay or has converted to it.
I'm not scared, why should you be?
If you truly believe in a cause then you should never be scared to show it.
You are weak if you are scared to share your views.

Umm I would get kicked out of college. May be a good thing tho

There would be a lot of people rejected by society with a desire to join together and nothing left to lose.

this obviously.