I'm gonna pick up a Amazon Fire 8 for reading manga, what does Sup Forums use to read manga besides their PC?

I'm gonna pick up a Amazon Fire 8 for reading manga, what does Sup Forums use to read manga besides their PC?

I'd rather get something E-ink but nothing E-ink supports MicroSD which is bullshit.

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My phone or physical copy

physical or put torrented manga on my tablet

I got a 5.8 inch phone and while I've read shit on it, I feel I can achieve greater comfort with a bigger screen.

Some chinese tablet I got for the equivalent of 110 American dollaridoos.

Is it Android or one of those cherry trail tablets?

friend who works at the local airport gave me a Kindle Fire someone left behind

I don't even use it since my phone is easier


Galaxy Note 10.1. Used it in uni/college for note taking etc as well as read manga and novels.

I got one of those google nexus 2 tablets. Downside is that it's part of the google botnet but on the upside, it works quickly and it's convenient if you want to get comfy in bed and read manga.

>I'd rather get something E-ink but nothing E-ink supports MicroSD which is bullshit.
But that's not true...


I use my LG G Pad 8.3. Here's an old pic.

I wouldn't recommend E-ink. I tried it on my Nook Simple Touch and it sucked. It looked cool, but it was slow and annoying to read some pages.

>I'd rather get something E-ink but nothing E-ink supports MicroSD
The old Kobo Glo HD, if you can find it anywhere, has an internal microSD card that you can replace with a bigger one and clone the entire OS over to it; it also has the same high resolution screen as the newest Kindle Paperwhite unlike the Aura 2. However it is out of production so you may not be able to find it new.

Kobo Aura HD. E-ink and Micro SD. There's a larger one out now but I'm satisfied with what I have.

Does he ever give you bombs that people leave behind?

>menu button
are you a time traveler?

I use the same one. Got it for free, too. It's pretty decent: anice size for most things, though you might have to zoom a little if there are tiny asides in the dialogue on the page. It also worked well for watching shows while using exercise equipment.

Oh shit. You just reminded me I have that exact same tablet I got for free a few years ago.

I have an old ipad 1 that I got for free. it's annoying finding applications that work for it, and the low ram can be annoying at times as well, but it's pretty damn nice. the fact that it's 4:3 really helps for manga

Xiami Mi Max

I just use my computer monitor.

I've tried using a medium-large high-rez e-reader and it's actually really nice mix of both worlds in terms of size and feel , but they still are fragile as fuck so I'm waiting till there is a more "rugged" one out. Also waiting for the new CPUs that drive page changing to come out, will make the page change faster and have less bleed.

I use vlc to read manga.

Absolute mad man.

sick bro