Meditation Magic

Have you meditated today Sup Forums?

Get some energies flowing tonight, let's get this meme magic flowing in the real spiritual realm!

1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair or cushion.
2. Close your eyes. ...
3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.
5. Let your mind free.

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i do a fap meditation while driving

And then what?

I do fasting

It's called prayer, fag.


Oh sweet I only need one more of you guys for another heart container

I make sigils for money and puss and then jack off and when I climax I imagine the sigil using my third eye


Hi, Bodhi.

In addition I suggest the use of mantras with personal meaning (bible quotes, philosophical quotes, etc), koans (shit like "what is the sound of one hand clapping"), or walking meditation (focusing on the steps and movement rather than on breath).

pine needle diet
yup :)

>Make no effort to control the breath
>Focus your attention on the breath

How exactly do you do that? All I end up doing is sitting there manually breathing.

Your only thought should be about your breath, but no need to control your breathing as it should occur naturally. Then once you have the breath as your only thought, let it slip til there is nothing

Then it happens desu.


Watch without engaging. Your body will breathe with or without your effort.

Breathe naturally, let your point of awareness (which is normally eyes for most people) flow in to the depths of your lungs and out with each breath to the tip of your nose.

If you finally figure out how to meditate, you will eventually realize that your consciousness/spirit/energy extends beyond your body

why is he wearing sunglasses and look like a ghoul?

Living ritualistic mummification for spiritual purposes, I presume the sunglasses were for the luls. Not many folks in this day and age have the stones to do it.

try to put yourself in a quiet and comfortable situation
notice the sensations around you
dont try to block things out of your mind and "force" focus
make note of the things you are sensing, acknowledge them and let them drift out of your thoughts
for me i like to visualise the space between a candle wick and flame

fukn, i just watched a utube vid about the dead monks people say are still meditating. fucking woah bro.