You're now the leader of the Illuminati

The secret council, the most upper echelon, the controlling elite of mankind have decided that you are the Chosen One of ancient prophecy. They bestow upon you endless wealth, complete use of their incredible influence, and access to their darkest secrets.

How do you use this power to change mankind? What is your endgame, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gas the kikes race war now.

>giving you my secrets
Wouldn't be very Illuminati of me, would it?

Get steam games for free.

I would give away games everyday

But they are the jew user.

It's called the Pindar

watch netflix and masturbate

Immediately execute all the NWO officers, Start from square 1.

I change warfare by going extreme with class division

basically police in full riot gear babysit peasants who fight eachother with swords. the winner of the sword wars gets privileges in society. it will breed strength, control the population, and bring peace and order.

Enact a plan to prevent all women from being potty trained.

essentially governments will watch us all and make sure none of us cheat and use guns or explosives. only spears, swords, and shields.

My order is to fry you.

Certainly if they truly believe that I am the ancient one of legend then they will have to do what I say lest they disobey the ancient one of legend. I'll just tell them that they won't really be dead, and will wake up to a greater Israel with infinite goyim to rule over. I know for certain they won't die, because I am the Chosen One of ancient prophecy of course.

It doesnt work like that, tho

Hookers and Blow for Everyone. Even the hookers get hookers and blow. I know it's a controversial platform, but a worthy one.

Get man space born and become a shadow leader of tens of worlds.

Right wing death squads


Use the power to defeat the Shadows.

Honestly anyone that isn't Germanic is a waste of air


Ishygd think that the Illuminati is anything other than the global Zionist cabal.

I won't be the controlling elite, I am not a Bogdanoff...

you're on Sup Forums you dipshit. we have known since inception that it's all about the jewish money monarchy that contrls the banks

Wouldn't you like to know :)

Just scanning for Reddit.

Hand over control to someone truly deserving and capable.

The Bavarian Perfectabilists like me would form a far reach deep space fleet like the Dark Fleet.
Earth is a lost cause all effort would be to take The smartest BP and exodus Earth to colonize at least ten worlds.

>How do you use this power
I'd get two girls at the same time.

I would tell them all to go kill themselves. They would have to obey. Then I would use all the money to clone Hitler so he can lead humanity into a brighter future

invest EVERYTHING into making a functioning Locust and then just run around in it blowing up cars or some stupid shit

No one is going to get your office space reference user

as I stated from the outset ten years ago, Hyper-Flux continuity.

influence society to make penis inspection days a social norm

1) I will orchestrate the genocide of Candadians. The long awaited" day of the rake" prophecy will come to pass.
2) I will give Western countries 6 months to deport all shitskins. Each month after that, if any shitskins remain, I will kill a western leader + their closest staff members and the CEO + directors of a major company untill the job is done.

Nigger eradication would commence immediately.

ethno states for everyone. then invade china

I miss watching babylon 5

Chek'd. But you got it, and trips, and thats all that matters.

For some fucked up reason, you think this counts as an approximate shitpost. Report back to Lucifer faggot, you have failed.

I'd tell you to go get raped by a pack of roaming niggers but it might actually happen so that would be mean

And also eliminate the Narn Regime.

Whenever there is trouble there's always a Narn at the center of it

this species is not even capable of producing the object I am talking about however as my first action of Leader of the illuminati I would make all their DATA open source and free to view on the internet.

Babylon 5, cool.

continue with their plans. If I had the status and money, you bet your ass I'd abandon all of you and the rest of humanity for my own benefit,

I would try to make Europe mostly normal again or keep it the way it is, since the damage has been done. I'd just help out the Middle east to further my goals
that or use my infinite wealth to make America an isolationist ancap state.

is that you true king?

What does your heart say ?


It says I am the true king and you faggots need to bow down before there is no species left to bow to anyone. All because you let some slut shake her pussy and convince you its more valuable than logical thought.


King of What ?

fuck off space kikes

Marry Tay Tay

I don't want you.

Tits or GTFO.

Beeing the Master of the Illuminati
Realizing that means i am satan

would ask god for forgiveness

I'd focus all resources on creating an AI that analyses the profile pics of everyone on social media and responds to all non-whites with racial epithets automatically with every post they make.

Ban NASA, redpill normies,erase everyone's memory of cocaine and destroy production/distribution indefinitely, and Battlebots get legal citizenship.

>Battlebots get legal citizenship


I'm not a megalomaniac psychopath that believes control on that scale is possible and strongly believe in unintended consequences. Tell them the best of luck but no thanks because wouldn't want it on my conscious and remind them the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

Dat webm, gets me evry tiem

>pile all resources into space exploration and traveling
>build arch for all white people
>"You guys were right, we whites are all racists which is why we will leave this planet to you."
>establish paradise on a new homeworld
>watch the chaos from afar

you die as the lost 1000 year comet that coincides with ceasars death in 2018 cementing a legacy for all of future time

14/88, gas the kikes, race war now

I’d go home and fuck Ivanka

i would make op not a faggot for once

Gas all the humans except for one woman and play Adam and Eve

They could always use someone to clean their assholes.

Execute everyone who listens to or reads Alex Jones unironically

Let's clean up the gene pool by sterilizing the genetically defective--fat, short, ugly, stupid, diseased. They'll make good cannon fodder against ISIS.

world peace

Is this a test Mr Durden?

1. Seize control of all North America. Gradually institute a eugenics program combined with a eugenics based immigration policy.
2. Gradually start to punish and ban all unproductive and rent seeking economic activities. Only people that actually produce economic value will make money. Economic parasites will gradually move or go broke.
3. Gradually expel all ideologies that are incompatible with western civilization. Specifically all muslims, most jews, and anyone else with supremacist, violent, or dangerous beliefs.
4. Revoke citizenship and deport all people who can not live by these three rules, along with habitual criminals.
5. The rest of the world can do whatever they want as long as they don't bother me. This includes polluting the air and water so much it affects North America.

I've got a little list

>Read up on all the esoteric secret stuff and get my own copies of it
>Helicopter rides for all commies, one way of course
>Gas all hasidic jews
>Wipe Islam off the face of the planet
>Gas all progressives
>Collapse China from within
>MS13 gets the bullet too
>Mexico pays for the wall and the president crawls on all fours to kiss Trumps feet
>Kushner gets gassed
>Kushner's family gets gassed
>Watch a ReviewBrah video
>Get what reviewBrah recommends that week :)
>politicians who allowed immigration have their families beaten, then raped then killed by immigrants. Then they are hung in public squares, then the immigrants are shot
>All niggers in south africa are killed and the land is returned to the whites.
>Get India some proper plumbing.
>Spics returned to Mexico
>Neil 'Deez Nutz' Degrass Tyson gets strapped to a rocket and sent into space
>Harris, Dawkins, Denton and internet atheists get the bullet
>Justin, son of Castro gets the bullet.
>Vatican gets a clean out from top to bottom.
>Benjamin Neten-yid-hu walks out infront of the entire United Nations, while televised on every station and streamed over the internet, wearing nothing but a diaper, a baby bonnet and a pacifier and says the following:
>"Bibi made a boom boom in his daipy"
>Gets gassed immediately after.
>Israel no longer a country and Israelis are forbidden to be considered human.
>All those stories Jews made up about what the Nazi's did to them are to be carried out on all remaining Jews.
>The holy land becomes christian again.
>Make it law that citizens are allowed to have firearms to protect themselves. Any person that has campaigned against guns is to be shot in both kneecaps and then in the head.
>Execute every last person in the Illuminati that seems shifty.
>Declare Traps aren't gay only if after nutting the person screams at the top of their lungs "No Homo!"
>get a harem of bitches and go live as a druid somewhere in the wilderness

That about covers it.

I buy out Monkey Tree and fire all the employees and take over Hong Kong.

That's all.

Probably, give up on the project after realising that it is a completely pointless waste of time.

do whats already in place, depopulate like a boss,

I’d ask for a corner office with a view then I’d get multiple helicopters to pick up New Zealand and drop it into a volcano

I would execute the leaders of leftist factions and try for fascism round two, they got to try communism much more than fascism was tried.

Start up pizza restaurants.

>How do you use this power to change mankind? What is your endgame, Sup Forums?

you can't, it's not people who choose, and if you are asked, it's your last test. don't you think they have a backup plan for disobedient people? you will burn the world thinking you are changing it to the better.

10/10, Classic Australian shitposting!

use the technology to find a way to hack this simulation and then to find a way to get people out of it.

bro, i dont think you understand,
there are no people...

except me.

is that what you know or what you want to believe.

i know that at least I am real.
the question is how i can get out.

1. Release all information on hidden and suppressed technology and history.
2. Execution of all political donors and their bought politicians and heads of industry.
3. Complete dismantling and reformation of CIA (all current directors and higher ups, executed)
4. Release information on JFK, publicly and brutally execute surviving conspirators and their families/realtives, all assets liquidated.
4. Execution and elimantion of all criminal enterpises from street gangs to cartels. Starting with prison cleansing and then out into the public.
5. Declare all the worlds forests and jungles off limits for logging and any type of industrial extraction of resources, punishment is execution of every member the company and their families.
6. Elimination of all middle eastern peoples and cultures (Israelites and Arabs) the mineral rich land will only be used for resource extraction not settlement
7. Same with parts of Africa and Asia
8. Tap into the geothermal energy of the world's super volcanos giving society cheap energy also releasing pressure so they don't erupt.
9. More funds for NASA and technology firms with the goal of colonizing the solar system and the developement of advanced tech from medical (which WILL be affordable for the populace), world wide highspeed internet, and hyper advanced weaponery (gotta be careful out in space, better safe than sorry).
10. Complete genome and DNA sequencing for every person. Breeding program enacted with the goal of wiping out hereditary all diseases, disorders, and anomalies. Eventually designer babies will be a thing. No more downs or retardation.
11. All citizens will have the right to arms and training of any form of self defense.
12. Dueling is legal, enact some kind of framework that will give the duelers 3 days to prepare or cool down to change their mind. If both parties agree to duel to the death, so be it. Members of the losing dueler's family/group are forbidden from challenging the winner for a period of of 3 years.

1. Send all the shitskins back home.
2. Publicly execute our traitorous establishment.
3. Teach independent thought in schools.
4. Abolish the age of consent laws.
5. Decriminalise cannabis.