Sup Forums arguments dont hold up in real life...

Sup Forums arguments dont hold up in real life. I was debating this guy today on why Trump was the lesser of the two evils and brought up stuff like Clintons shady deals and wall street backers and they got shot down. This was from a phd graduate. Now I feel like a brainlet, thanks Sup Forums.

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You are aware that Sup Forums is satire, right?

Yeah, it's everybody else's fault you can't win an argument.
Fuck you, pal.

Maybe don't get your political information from jpgs

What should I have said then?


You honestly don't seem that bright if you're asking that sort of question.

Go back to your jungle tunnel gook

a thread died because you're a faggot who can't hold his own in an argument and has to rely on internet strangers' poorly rehashed arguments instead of thinking for himself

Why do leftwing scum lie all the time? Is it because you know you're wrong and therefore can't debate honestly? What does it say about your ideology that you need to lie all the time?

Should have talked immigration/amnesty/demographics even civnat cucks would agree with you there smdh

It was in person not on Sup Forums. I'll admit I'm not as articulate as I should be I'm just saying that the points that I did bring up are points that I agree with and others have as well for several reasons.

>lesser of the two evils
cuck position
not Sup Forums's stance at all
surprise you're a FAG

>you believe what some fat fuckingretarded yank keyboard warrior heard on a entertainment radio show and memes is true on the internet

>you belive the laws constitutuion lawyers judges senators credible journalists and all the top tier and down organisations think tanks legal experts and the fabric of justice and democracy

make your choice on who is on average most likely to be correct

you great big stupid fat fucking yank moron

What did this person say that shot down what you were saying? You make it sound like you cucked to this person's arguments.


Sounds like you weren't very confident user

how is this Sup Forumss fault

>Listen to ya rootless cosmopolitan clique goy

>repeating anything you hear on/pol/ as fact

you fucking idiot
this whole board is a LARP and noone who isnt a fucking brainlet downs actually believes any of the conspiracy garbage ythey use to sell communist books

Shareblue should probably be aware that pol, on average doesnt subscribe to the "lesser of two evils" cuck out. Better luck next time.

How in the hell are we supposed to tell you what you should have said if we don’t know what either of you said and what evidence you brought up?

Yes, I'll own up to the mistake. I suck at arguing because I can't form my thoughts fast enough into words when I get put on the spot like that. Anyway to overcome it?

That Hillary Clinton wants to flood the country with low IQ shitskins more than Trump

You have autism. There's nothing you or I can do

Lesser of two evils is the weakling conflict-avoidance answer.
Is that what you actually feel?
I didn't believe for one second that Trump would deliver on the wall, I think he's a shrewd lovable huckster and manipulator. But I wanted him to win more than I've wanted anything else in my fucking life. I wanted him to win because he wasn't a politician, he could fill supreme court positions, he appeared to take illegal immigration seriously, and it would be a devastating morale hit to the left and to the media.

this board is for entertainment you mong
its justa bunch of teaparty scumbags and right wing retards making up shit

your not supposed to actually repeat the airport novel trash you hear here to any physically alert and functioning person, jesus christ

Yes you are stupid and you should feel stupid....

Not only is your OP garbage and unintelligible , your entire arguement is based on a false premise.

Trump is not the lesser of two evils, he is the first good man to reach the presidency in a long time.

Should we tell him, lads?

tell my dick you faggot french fuckass cuntster

If you can't hold your position in a debate then you either haven't researched your sources hard enough or you're a retard.

They don't work because everyone is an indoctrinated normie.
I told my mom that, if she is a strong and independent woman then why do you need f*minism to get you of your feet? And she just couldn't answer me, she kept thinking I was a mysoginist, (Shes 42 and Im 18 btw)...\pol\ arguments don't work IRL because everyone lives in a fucking bubbly echo chamber...
Normal everyday peoples fucking suck and they should stay behind.

>Sup Forums arguments dont hold up in real life
because you didn't use memes. did you show him the memes? you need memes.

>federal indictments about to be handed out to the dnc, Obamas and Clintons staff
You must be braindead, how in the fuck did you lose that argument hahahahaha

Spend time learning the responses to common libshit retorts. Just takes practice.

amerilards so assblasted that they have a literal ape brain for president. When will they learn that they've been manipulated by the system to vote for TWO CHOICES. Yes count them, 1 and 2. How delusional are you guys to think that voting either will make a difference in your pathetic lives. Kill yourselves lmao

What arguments did you use and how were they beaten. O wait none of that happened because you are a shill and this is a slide thread, sage

>Literal ape brain
>Literally everyone you literal ape brain

>lesser of the two evils
you already lost the debate when you showed you didn't even have confidence in your choice. if you actually want not sound like a dumbass, do your own research and form your own opinions instead of just getting quick brain droppings from image macros made to appeal to normies. provided a couple pastebins to help spoonfeed you on some of the basic shit. learn how to actually do research and how to detect bullshit

thanks for your reply!

It is not our fault that you are an idiot. Learn the facts to support your arguments you dumb shit mother fucker.

>Now I feel like a brainlet,
pretty much what I expected.
You should keep moving until your flag is a leaf.

Your welcome, have another leaf.

Because you are stupid enough to lose to a PHD in something so worthless you didn't even bother telling us. Yes, you are a brainlet, you're welcome.

>le satire board XD
>BASED shadilay! my fellow kekistanipedes!

I'd go back to memorizing the proper 56 genders before you start lecturing anyone on anything leaf. What sexuality is a pedo again ? Canadian that's right.... I almost forgot

You're probably someone that can listen and thinks things trough after the talk is over, while he's probably some soybrain estrogrin that just decides he's right in the here and now and doesn't analyze anything more than face value.

Just discard him as trash despite his (((achievements)))

You're just incompetent and an idiot, not too surprising. How could anyone even lose a "trump is better than clinton" argument?

OP i was in a similar situation the other day. i was saying it's hard to empathise with liberals who whine about trump and his racist comments to haiti, when hillary clinton stole millions from haiti.

the response was a "so? that doesn't make what trump did good. stop deflecting on hillary"
I couldn't come up with a response other than "okay..... that's literally all i have to say."

was i being a bit too austistic /pol?

>this shitty bait thread is not immediately 404'd

The mods suck so bad here.

you just don't know how to argue

Don't worry, the Liberals will try to shoot down arguments no matter how valid they are.
However, Nationalists and Liberals can agree that Trump is bad, albeit for very different reasons.
If Trump does his full 2 terms I am 100% sure that at least 1 of the 3 remaining Nations without a Jew run central bank will have one. Either NK or Syria.
Trump supports Israel.

We can all agree that these are bad things.
>Words build bridges to unexplored regions.