Jordan Peterson Thread

Jordan Peterson is the most important man alive today. I highly recommend everyone watch this lecture because you will have the cognizance to recognize the steps that must be taken in order to live a meaningful life, within your own terms, if you have not figured it out already.

Jordan Peterson Thread

>Lecture Schedule
>New Book
>Recent lecture marxists are hijacking to make Dr. Peterson look bad.

He's an overgrown manchild wearing his parents clothes

first post faggot post

t. unsorted

His fans chimping out threatening the woman interviewer, telling that they will rape her and kill her for questioning their cult leader. Just amazing how "sorted" all these young men are.

We never said that.

>things that didn't happen
calling a dumb cunt a dumb cunt is not the same as threatening to kill her faggot
try again shill

what'd he do wrong?

"Clean your room and be thankful we live under jewish rule." - Juden Peterson
That will be $20 plus tip.

Yea, no.

He wrecked her in the discussion. His fans know it. Feminists are false flagging to keep other media from talking to him.

He said women should be paid less and there's nothing they can do about being fundamentally inferior.


he is a boomer and jew apologist. He should be gassed. A total charlatan

He also said transpeople are literally Mao (which I thought would have been taken as a compliment)

Fuck off shill

First post best post, fuck this retarded hypocrite, look up what he did to faith goldy. Freeze peach my fat fucking ass, all he's defending is the classical liberal status quo that gave us this mess in the first place


>my threat matrix says Sup Forums hates....
>let's see here...
>and uh..
>got it here comes my $0.02!

>9% pay gap

Wasn't it meant to be 30% or something?

She got reamed. Decent interview, JBP floundered a little bit and could have had some better answers to things with a little more time to think but overall it was good.

Jesus what a pathetic faggot

>he wrecked her
Stop acting like a child. He didn't "wreck" her. Her job was to ask him tough questions which is exactly what she did. He even admitted she made him uncomfortable.


my my my
JBP really dilates your fuckwounds, doesn't he you tumblr tranny faggots?
As if Sup Forums would dislike a man who suggests taking personal responsibility, even a kermit leaf. If anyone bothers to look through the archives over the last couple of weeks you'll see this thread, with the same responses by memeflags saying things like
and other lefty sjw horseshit. You losers are bad at this.
>clean your rooms, faggots

She wasn't able to debate him. Every time she would look down and read off of her talking points.

Its like Gamergate all over again.

>other side has valid points
>damage control
>focus on the false flag twitter trolls

The first time Peterson ever got legitimate right wing criticism on Twitter he threw a tantrum. An honest to god child-like tantrum. He dished out petty insults, pointed out typos rather than address arguments, the entire thing sounded like he was a preteen pretending to be an adult. Instead of addressing the utterly massive over representation of Jews in politics, media, and finance he simply said "that means you don't want minorities to be successful"

Jordon Peterson ironically tells people to clean their rooms, sort themselves out, have a philosophy of truth. But he gets a tiny bit of criticism from his own audience and he suddenly transforms into a mental wreck that actively obfuscates truth.

You think thats someone you should be taking advice from? All self help authors are the same.

Prove it wrong.

How come Sup Forums is suddenly siding with a screeching feminazi? Is this the bizarro timeline?

this right here. this post is the top of the pyramid. the sentiment most aligned with the highest good that expresses itself as the purest archetype we see define and know as truth

No matter how bad your life may get, just be thankful you aren't this sad faggot who shills peterson on this board for free, and sends him money to his patreon How badly do you want his rug? you sad pathetic loser

Friendly reminder "clean your room" is code for 'join my cult and send me money'

How do you respond when a black person complains that white people are too successful?

Also it's not JP's fault that every person that has a drop of Jewish blood in them is a fucking Jew to them

>Jordan Peterson is the most important man alive today

I agree, hes the successor of Jung and the perennial/occult philosophy.

Thats a laughable fallacy and you know it, user. Stop being a liar like Peterson.
America is a majority white country, until recent decades we were super majority white. Its normal and would be statistically predictable to find whites represented in the majority of any given field. However that hasn't been the case. Even earlier in the 1900s Jews were massively over represented. 1% of the population was 30% or more of Ivy League academia. In fact schools that were even 20% Jewish were accused of being anti semitic.
Companies like CNN are entirely Jewish owned and managed. That isn't just roll of the dice, thats ingroup preference being played out, and Peterson is too much of lying coward to address it. So what does he do? He blindly attacks people to obfuscate the truth.

Jordan Peterson is a cowardly boomer who can't reconcile is flawed beliefs with reality so he lashes out in anger when challenged. Does that sounded like hes sorted himself out? I don't think so.

Noone is siding with her Mahmoud. She is the typical femdom zogbot that brought nothing new to the table.

>Biologically manifestation is okay when its for white people but a conspiracy when its for Semites

If I were the enemy of western civilization I would certainly make it a priority to discredit someone like Peterson.

On a lot of issues he hits the nail on the head, I haven't heard him speak much about racial issues but what he has said makes me think he's inclined to the lefts ''we're all the same'' rhetoric.

I'd consider myself a fan of his but he's completely missing the fundamental point of the Alt-Right and affiliated movements.

Has he talked about race and IQ yet?

Thats another fallacious argument. Jews aren't in high positions in society because they're more intelligent. The data doesn't bear that out. The only available data on IQ shows that Ashkenazi Jews are on par with educated Europeans like Norwegians, about equal to Asains as well. That the apex of average human intelligence that we've seen. No group of Jews is outside of it. On the contrary the more pure ethnic Jews actually have lower average IQ, and have the highest rate of hereditary disease as a result of inbreeding.

Jews are massively over represented in these fields because they act subversively and exercise extreme in group preference where other peoples do not.

Yeah I haven't seen any evidence of it but those people who would threaten her personally and not her ideology are not very well sorted.

I don't send him money, I may buy his book though. I'm not a shill because I'm not trying to slide other threads or dis-align anybody's views. I can't afford a two thousand dollar rug. I really don't think it is a healthy mindset for someone to feel better at the apparent or assumed despair of another person. There is no reward in behavior like that.

Or an enemy of men. Or simply hateful towards life itself.

If you were an enemy of "western civilization" you'd want to promote Peterson as much as possible. He speaks out against symptoms of the problem, but not the cause. His soft rhetoric encourages his audience to be ineffective, misguided. At its core he preaches nothing but feel good platitudes that keep people distracted from the issues. Its just the alt lite all over again.

Be a good person, its all about ideas, not genes, we're all equal after all. Look at all these BASED black guys. The Federal Reserve system and international banks are totally working in your best interests.
Just don't look at the man behind the curtain, goyim.

9% in the UK overall between men and women.
Split it by age group though, and women get 5% more than men up to the age of 35.

>Jordan Peterson is the most important man alive today.
Go back to watching Rick and Morty and browsing Reddit fag

It's not his job to redpill on the puppeteer. There are plenty of people talking about that subject. Action starts with personal responsibility.

You need some sorting mate, I didn't do anything to you. What are you so mad about?

And he’s correct on both counts.

Buy an advertisement, Jordan. Sup Forums ads are dirt cheap.

>defending a manchild
Clean your room

What? My room is clean.


>I don't see a problem with my behavior
Clean your room

He isn't redpilling people on anything, he actively argues away from truth.
He'll always blame "those bloody Marxists" but he'll also defend Jews in the same breath. He won't talk about the core of Bolshevism and how it is legitimate Jewish supremacy. He won't talk about the *fact* that Jewish cultural and religious tradition teaches that all nonJews are cattle, a lesser class of human, put on earth to serve the Jews.

He won't address those facts, and because he won't address those facts he won't address the direct result of Jews carrying out that tradition in the political sphere. Its paramount hypocrisy to present yourself as a paragon of truth when you constantly try to keep truth suppressed, when you do your damnedest to keep others from seeing the truth.
Politics is a game, and people are born with teams. Whites are the only people who pretend like this isn't true, and Jordon Peterson is dedicating the autumn years of his life to keeping the wool over young people's eyes.

He is evil at his core.

What man-child was I defending?

(((Jordan Peterson)))

Then why do you not go ahead and create lectures red-pilling the masses? Nobody is stopping you. It sounds like you have a lot to say and having an outlet for that could really produce some good.

>then why do you not go ahead and create lectures red-pilling the masses?
Jorden Peterson isn't redpilling people. He just attracts people that already leaned right.

He does not actively argue away from the truth. The only way you could say that is if you have not listened to his lectures. There are many truths but because he does not lecture about the truth you want to hear him lecture about does not mean he is actively against truth. Your arguments are very disingenuous. Again I would recommend you use your knowledge and start red-pilling if you think it is the highest good to which you can strive.

I never said he was red-pilling anyone. He is personal responsibility pilling.

this pretty much

So you’re saying that interview made her look completely retarded, right?

Holy shit that poor man. I bet that cunt's "debate" with Peterson was more exhilarating than anything he has ever done to her. Imagine all the shit tests he failed after she came home with wet panties.
>that misogynist was completely wrong about everything, I love being dominated by you

The people you align yourself with is pretty telling of what kind of person you are.

>He is personal responsibility pilling.
If that was the case you would have cleaned your room by now.

You can disagree with all of his points, and still admit she came off like a fool. A fucking fool.

>Jordan Peterson is the most important man alive today.
I like to watch his lectures because he is a decent narrator and makes some points that contradict cultural marxists, but most important man alive today? Come on.

>A fucking fool.

>Who are those guys dad.jpg

Your contributions are unsubstantive. Why talk if you have nothing to say?

Your contributions are unsubstantive. Why respond if you have nothing to say?

I'm part of a group with a huge podcast network, We have people doing just that.

This just isn't true at all.
Peterson is a liar plain and simple. He is exactly what the majority of the alt lite is. The core of his message is always deflecting away from the truth. He in fact has deliberately told lies in arguments just to hold on to his political position. He is a champion of the status quo. He is a defender of the down fall. A soldier of the spiral.
Look at what he did on twitter when he got a tiny little bit of push back. Criticism Jewish over representation in media or politics? He calls you evil, he calls you a coward, he says you just don't want minorities to be successful. He is arguing that it is literally impossible to question this fact or reality unless you're some backwards uneducated hick. That at its core is nothing but a lie, because Jordan Peterson is a liar himself.

He tells you comfortable lies so you don't have to face down a tough moral decision, again exactly what the alt lite does. Peterson is allied with "those bloody Marxists" because both he and them want to keep white advocacy stifled. They want to keep truth suppressed. All his rhetoric about rescuing your father, pulling this or that out of the depths, that is new age interpretive self help babble. He is literally giving a post modernist interpretation of literature while pretending to fight post modernism.

He is everything he claims to be against. He is fooling you, clearly.

I meant that including the impact he will have in the future. But yeah I can see why it would look like a loft claim; we are yet to see his full influence.

I honestly love the interview and have listened to it like two times by now, it's fucking hilarious.

So this is how neo-Marxists are attempting to spin the situation to avoid the realization that their cult got exposed live on national tv and then went viral online. Sad!

Well best of luck with your network and podcasts in the future. I'm not being fooled unless somehow personal responsibility is foolish.

>it's fucking hilarious.
When you troll a libtard epic style

This. JBP cheerleaders make me wanna puke, its all a fucking cult. Just look at how they all repeat "clean your room" like drones, which is literally the only practical advice this Patreon gibs whore ever gave.

Peterson isn't preaching personal responsibility.
If you accept personal responsibility then you'd accept you have a responsibility to yourself. You have a duty to seek truth and call out conmen and tricksters wherever they arise.

You hold Peterson on a pedestal because he gives you anodyne, not virtue.


Clean your room by buying this 2,000 dollar rug goy

That's DOCTOR Juden Peterstein for you, buckyim.

The clean your room meme is a joke. It's good practical advice but the idea underlying it is that you should change chaos into order and do it on a level that is immediately available. It is just a good segway into larger talking points, any anybody can clean their room.

This woman was the most perfect interviewer any JP fan could ask for. Contrary to an interviewer who already agrees with him, this 30 minutes might actually red pill some normies.

It’s obvious iShills are programmed to hate JP

>anybody can clean their room.
Then why haven't you done it yet?

I appreciate his lectures because they give me a better understanding of the base nature of humans. I made the thread because I wanted to talk about his thoughts but I should know better than that by now because nothing productive is ever accomplished in "controversial" threads.


He's Elijah. He's John the Baptist for our world. One of his followers is going to be the real fucking deal. Only things to wonder are, who is it going to be? What are they going to do?
The Fourth Turning is upon us, but I don't think Jordan Peterson will live to see it all the way through.

His lecturing event in Amsterdam cost nearly 700 dollars. What the actual fuck? I used to like the guy but his greed really turned me off on him, I can't take him seriously anymore. Does he realize his primary audience are twentysomething college students/NEETs?

Is there something you want to talk about? I guess in some way you are manipulating me because I am taking the time to click your name and type out something like this, and maybe you will get a chuckle out of it, but mostly I am using it as an opportunity to bump the thread until people that are interested in talking about anything join the thread. Thank you for this opportunity.

lol yeah, thanks for pointing that out that was a pretty silly mistake. segue.

The general group think Sup Forums reaction does make sense considering that most people here are nazis who think the Jews are behind everything.

>this 30 minutes might actually red pill some normies.
I agree. Remember how Thomas Sowell and his live debates from the 70's and 80's saved America and made everyone a republican?

So you're saying gas the kikes race war now?

I'd bet that a lot of that has to do with the many panelists who have doctorates and stuff. They are probably splitting the money.

>I guess in some way you are manipulating me
Just like (((Jordan Peterson)))

I bet she gets immense momentary pleasure out of dominating that cuck of a numale.

Shlomo Peterson is the most import rug salesman and Patreon panhandler alive today. "Come on, goy, throw a few shekels in my cup and buy a $2000 rug"

Who is Juden Patreon?

sort yourself out m80

I am pretty sure jews come into my room at night and make a mess which is why I can't be bothered to clean it.