Koe no Katachi

I had my doubts. There was just no way Yamada could surpass the K-On! movie and Tamako Love Story. I mean, they were pretty much flawless masterpieces themselves.

She did it. She fucking did it. This is possibly the single greatest piece of animation ever made.

>that face Shouya makes every time he's confronted with what he did, even if it was a simple reminder
>classmates making small gestures to him, obviously trying to include him even though he shuts them out
>that beautiful animated sign language
>that fireworks scene
>that moment when he finally decides to open up to everyone and bawls his eyes out in the end

How can one studio be so based? Yet another proof of Kyoani superiority, TYBKA
Haters BTFO

Does this really have their best character acting yet?

Careful there'll be some nonsense poster calling it a rushed mess by bringing up the manga with no understanding of animation or aesthetic criticism in general.

I think it is. Shouya himself is so well choreographed. I particularly loved how outgoing and loud he was when he was younger but extremely quiet and hesitant when's he's older, and slowly through the movie he gets louder and less hesitant when speaking with others.

And any time he's reminded of the past he puts on a very specific face that makes him look like he's going to start crying at any moment.

Is the ending still shit?

No, I thought it was fantastic. It ends with the end of Shouya's development. It's still a bit open ended (notoriously the romance) but ultimately you get a sense that everything is settled and smaller, not as important to the story issues will be tackled naturally over time.

Everything good about this film comes from the manga, the direction is terrible and confusing.

Every single major plot point feels shallow and unjustified because no character besides the leads gets any kind of build up what's so ever.

Some characters like Mashiba and Sahara don't even make sense as members of the cast with their key character moments ripped out.

The mangos best scenes are missing, shoko waking up from crying to ishida killing his child self.

The whole concept of triumphing over boredom which justifies/explains his actions in the first aren't even hinted at.

The film is heavily flawed put the ass and the ass, nothing feels justified, key plot moments have no emotional weight because they relied purely on the character interaction the movie cuts, I know what they where going for with the subtitle piano shit but it really doesn't work as an ost, really only 3 standout tracks. Terrible direction, trying hard to win artsy and symbolic at the films ecpense.
The film really is no good, like a 5/10 maybe.

Any good subs yet?

No, most of it is pretty stiff and lifeless save for select scenes. Kyoanus lickers will tell you it's subtle animation though.

The movie succeeded just because the manga was really good.
The animation was good and the voice acting was great but they left stuff that in my opinion was very important and had a lot of impact on the story out of the movie which made it feel less dramatic.

But I've heard from Sup Forums that manga is utter shit (amd looks ugly) but they somehow managed to adapt it to the best movie of all time

I've read the manga, the movie doesn't feel rushed at all, it's just shit. They ignored every single character's story, never hinting at their rhyme or reasons, never builds the relationship with the mc, so when the time comes and his calling everyone out the scene doesn't even work.
They pretend like he had actually built a connection with these people, like they ever had an actually conversation, like there was actually something at stake, when in reality there wasn't, what a blunder.

>The movie succeeded just because the manga was really good.
the manga is mediocre. soap opera for teenagers. and i'm not even baiting.

>Everything good about this film comes from the manga, the direction is terrible and confusing.
I never had trouble understanding the movie
>Every single major plot point feels shallow and unjustified because no character besides the leads gets any kind of build up what's so ever.
The build up was in the flashback for all the side characters, and you get hints of Shouko pushing herself away because she hates herself and blames herself for everything, especially the bridge scene where Shouya breaks down, leading up to her suicide attempt.
>Some characters like Mashiba and Sahara don't even make sense as members of the cast with their key character moments ripped out.
Mashiba is obviously pretty friendly in the movie. He's curious about Shouko after finding out she's deaf from Kawai (who knows them). Sahara obviously has a lot of emotional baggage from not being able to stand up for Shouko and Shouyo wants to be closer to her, so it's natural.
>The mangos best scenes are missing, shoko waking up from crying to ishida killing his child self.
It's been years since I read the manga, but the narrative was tightly packed and perfect as it is in the movie in my opinion. Shouko groveling at Shouya's mom conveyed that emotion more than enough
>The whole concept of triumphing over boredom which justifies/explains his actions in the first aren't even hinted at.
In the movie, you can tell Shouya doesn't understand the consequences of his actions yet. He's enticed by how everyone laughs and pays attention to him when he picks on her.

Mashiro/Nii-sama are "good enough". There's some errors and awkward lines but it does it's job

>the film is superficial because it does not give enough time to build credible interactions
>it's not rushed at all

No, the manga is great, a bit over the top and melodramatic, but it takes it time and truly builds up all the characters and the drama, so when things blow over or when shoko tries to kill herself it feels justified.

The movie is an absolute mess, cutting out everything good about the manga, butchering it's most impactful scenes, and making some of the most unnecessary changes in how the story was told, the film blows ass compared to the manga.

Don't tell it to Kyoanifags, okay?

>i wasn't confused
well maybes it's because you read the manga, just looking a dozens of people giving there opinions that had no idea about the manga, they where all confused asf and over nothing. I showed this film to a few friends and they where like "what?" 60% of the time.

>The build up was in the flashback for all the side characters
No it wasn't, that's what you call a character introduction. The movie introduces a character and then that's it. They don't actually build up the characters and their relationships, you can't tell me a single important thing about sahara and mashiba because the movie absolute neglects them.

What you just stated about them, tells us nothing the character of mashiba or sahara, or there relationship with ishida, how he see's them, how they see him. The scene when he tells everyone off bends entirely on the personally interactions and arcs he had with them, absent in the movie.

>It's been years since I read the manga
That explains a lot, i suggest you reread and realize just how shallow everything feels in comparison.
The manga has shoko graveling at ishidas moms feet, and the scene of her crying in bed, the movie definitely had time for the scene but completely changed it for no reason and made it worse.

>In the movie, you can tell Shouya doesn't understand the consequences of his actions yet.
ishida getting off at attention does nothing for the whole ideology his actions have been built upon.
The idea of killing boredom was deeply explored, his psychic and attitude explained, even if you didn't like what he did you could totally come to understand why he would.

absolutely non-existant in the movie, they also did a sub par job at showing the bullying, how ishida got everyone to participate and what the sensei actually felt(which gives so much more weight to the scene when everyone turns on him in class)

Instead everything in this movie is just lesser compared to the manga, it's actually embarassing.

>a bit over the top and melodramatic
>Nishimiya singing wrong in the class choir
>The little sister turning Ishida into newspaper news
>Nishimiya yelliing she loves the bully in the middle of the street.
>Ueno yelling with Broccoli-kun in the middle of the street
>Mashiba throwing throwing the children's backpack on the floor
>Ishida conveniently saving Nishimiya from suicide
>Ueno beating on Nishimiya in the middle of the street
>Nishimiya's mom beating Ueno in the middle of the street
>Ueno, who is not even in the family, stoping people from entering Ishida's room.
>Ishida running from the hospital
>Nishimiya and Ishida meeting coincidentally on the bridge
>The film critic cursing everyone

KnK is FULLY overdramatic. Even more so when we remember that Japanese are known for repress their feelings, especially when they are in public.

Are there any heartwarming films like Koe no Katachi?

Is there a good 1080p file out with subs yet?

I saw one in reddits megauploads.

>well maybes it's because you read the manga, just looking a dozens of people giving there opinions that had no idea about the manga, they where all confused asf and over nothing. I showed this film to a few friends and they where like "what?" 60% of the time.
I don't remember anything except for Shouko's suicide attempt in the manga (which honestly made the fireworks scene just before that much more harrowing) but Yamada always explains though body language. You have to pay attention to what the characters are physically doing. Yamada's a huge film nerd.
>you can't tell me a single important thing about sahara and mashiba because the movie absolute neglects them.
Mashiba wasn't that important in the story, so he doesn't need some sort of personal conflict. He gets upset with Shouya during the bridhe scene, which was key to Shouya's and Shouko's development.
>What you just stated about them, tells us nothing the character of mashiba or sahara, or there relationship with ishida, how he see's them, how they see him.
Like I said, not as important in the film. It gave enough reason for them to mingle with Shouya in the first place, and the focus of this movie is obviously Shouya. It doesn't need that particular development to move the narrative along so it was cut.
>The idea of killing boredom was deeply explored, his psychic and attitude explained, even if you didn't like what he did you could totally come to understand why he would.
Once again, I don't think WHY he did was that important to Shouya's inner conflict later on. It showed how oblivious he was to other's feelings and pushed everyone around and this point was brought up again while Shouya and Shouko were walking around the art museum, indicating how he tiptoes around his own emotions because he's afraid of hurting others due to how he treated Shouko in the past (which is why he talks about "doing things properly" during the fireworks scene).

Unironically one of best technically directed anime movies ever, too bad the source material holds it down.

>Yamada's a huge film nerd
Well i guess you have her to blame for the films overall inaccessibility, i suggest you look up the reviews from non-anime fans they all mention the confusing direction, i guess we have her to the blame for the films lack of success.

>Mashiba isn't that important
Are you fucking joking? Mashiba plays a key role in giving ishida his confidence back, and aiding him in facing his demons. Helping him to face his elementry school teacher, mashiba becomes an important pillar of support so it's exceptionally painful to see ishida lose him. Even worse when he punches him infront of shoko.
This specific scene is important because as shoko can't hear, she can only assume the worst when everyone walks away but actually seeing physically force being applied against ishida you can see her damn heart break, it was soul crushing.
In the movie it's just this weird awkward staring baka.

>Character development and relationships aren't important in the film
Well if they are going to do the bridge scene exactly the same, then all that relationship build up is essential for having the scene mean anything, you have got to be joking.

>The why isn't important
I watched this film with 5 other people, i was the only one who had read the manga.
as soon as she started picking on him all of them went "Wtf why?" "why is he doing that?" "what's his problem" they looked geniunely perplexed when he began throwing rocks at her in the park etc.
That blatant disconnect, and all of them looking at me for answers, taking them completely out of the movie, what a mess.

>You have to pay attention to what the characters are physically doing.
It's a drama, not a game. Being subtle is valid, being vague, is not.

Went to see this in the cinema. The theatre contained a bunch of guys in their mid 20s sitting on their own and as far apart from each other as possible.


I'm curious, what makes this the best "technical direction" ever? A lot of people say that was one of the movies biggest flaws. I'm genuinely curious.

>films lack of success.
Are you retarded? It's one of the highest grossing late night anime films of all time.

Raged like a motherfucker that he didn't understand her confession and it's never revisited again.

Sounds like you're friends with retards.

>Once again, I don't think WHY he did was that important to Shouya's inner conflict later on.
(not that user, but) yes, it is necessary, otherwise it seems that he committed bullying just because he was a bad and villainous kid. so, emphasizing the issue of boredom is important because it shows that he did everything he did without being aware that he was hurting someone.

I guess in your country normie couples don't watch family cartoon

KyoAni fags are so fucking embarrassing. Imagine being this oblivious to other art-forms.

Even Shinkai praised its direction as absolutely amazing, random shitposting opinions on a chinese cartoon imageboards carry significantly less weight.

Why didn't you bring your kids user?

So how many KnKs are we up to now?

Shinkai? The guy who does not know how to direct, just use pop songs, sunsets and detailed scenery in the place of real development? Ok.

>Well i guess you have her to blame for the films overall inaccessibility, i suggest you look up the reviews from non-anime fans they all mention the confusing direction,
It wasn't completely inaccessible. I can understand if it's something like Angel's Egg but the movie hand holds you through all the important parts. Yamada just doesn't shove the build up and characterization details in your face.
>Mashiba plays a key role in giving ishida his confidence back, and aiding him in facing his demons.
In the manga, perhaps, but not the film. The film has Shouya facing his demons during Shouko's suicide attempt, and that's when he realizes what he's just been skirting around the issues and ended up causing Shouko to attempt to kill herself.
>Character development and relationships aren't important in the film
The essentials where there. You know why the characters are around, and why Shouya tries to bring them all together. The importance in the bridge scene is how Shouya blames himself, and even more importantly how Shouko blames herself.
>"why is he doing that?"
For one, he's a goddamn kid. He doesn't understand the consequences of his actions. He's always the driver behind his group of friends. He gets a thrill every time he picks on her and other's laugh. He wants validation from others in the film, and that's why when he gets abandoned by the others when the teacher calls him out angers him so much.

Like I said to the other user, Shouya's just a kid so we are already inclined to believe he just doesn't understand the consequences of his actions and his wish for validation in the film. I think that change was great and made kid-Shouya a pretty realistic character.

I love KyoAni and Yamada, but honestly a bunch of scenes in the movie slightly lacked the raw emotion and passion that the manga had. I liked that they subdued it to not make it too overbearing like the manga, but it was really hard to be moved by it since they toned it down so much.

I'll give an example: Ueno and Ishida meeting again in the manga was far from being as relaxed/slightly tense in the movie. Ueno was walking Ishida down and forcing her way to him (and later Shouko) to the point where Ishida is visibly uncomfortable and irritated at Ueno's actions. The movie made Ueno hop into Ishida's bike,(even worse took out Ishida's irritated attitude towards her) and made Ueno's return to the cast a lot less disruptive as it was in the manga.

Says the manga fan who can only describe a film by its plot points aka what doesn't actually matter.

Yeah you know that guy who despite all that is the director of the most successful anime movie ever? Yeah that guys opinion is worth more than you, who dwells in a basement and faps to chink cartoons all day.

the films is only plot points. there's practically no dramatic build up, no nuance.

Thanks for making your opinion invalid.


Shouya was scared of Ueno in the film at first, but he does get irritated once she starts talking shit on Shouko.
Ueno also showed up to the amusement park by herself, and Shouya was obviously not trying to pay attention to her, evident from how the show placed her in the background with an X as he was having fun with the group, which led to Ueno's frustration and the Ferris Wheel scene.

might be interested.

35mm has 1080p release on both nyaa.si and nyaa.pantsu now with corrections supposedly.

Is it worth getting or should I wait for HorribleSubs release?

The essentials aren't there, nothing feels justfiied. and you don't need to explain the "why" to me, i've read the manga.

The point was that I got that "why" from the movie, not the manga. It's all there.

Get off her dick, this isn't a rodeo. The manga was WAY better, and it wasn't that good of a manga either.

This user, pretty much naild it.
The movie is just most of the key scenes of the manga poorly stitched one after the other, with nothing keeping them together.
All the missing interactions and characterization make the drama fall flat, and what is left is a rushed, bloated mess with too many characters with no purpose that never have time to breathe and too many plot points to rush through.
KnK is the perfect example of how NOT to make an adaption, any half competent screenwriter would have cut all the fluff and completely reworked the script into something functional. But what can you expect from Kyoani?

I'm not just talking about Ishida being irritated at Ueno touching Shouko, but him being really irritated at Ueno herself. In the manga his annoyance towards her seemed as if he didn't even want to look at her face, much less spend more time with her. Taking out most of his dialogue after that scene really undersold how much remorse and spite Ishida still has for his friends that abandoned him in his old school.

wow the movie fucking sucks

>They don't even get together
It's just another overrated movie

I love low quality bait.

Ah, film Shouya doesn't spite his friends, he's just scared of them, like when Ueno got him to buy the takoyaki and was confronted with Shimada. Even when he watched the video of Ueno being a blunt bitch to Shouko, what really struck out to him was how Shouko hated herself, rather than anger at what Ueno is doing, most likely because he only hates himself.

I like how the movie portrayed Ueno's possessiveness.

But it's the truth

The only real issue I have with the movie was how shallow Nishimiya seemed. Her arc of opening up to communicste to others instead of just being a neutral passive person was completely removed.

In the movie she was just a cute dead moeblob. Would have much preferred they cut some of the side characters to give her a bit more developement.

Which subs are the best?

>wait for HorribleSubs
If you are gonna wait then do it for proper subs.

In the film, her character ran parallel to Shouya to me. She also hated herself, blamed everything on herself, and was scared of the other kids from when she was bullied.
Her confession and subsequent frustration was adorable.

She doesn't really show any considerably growth from that in the movie. Her efforts to reunite everyone fall a bit flat in the movie because they come out of nowhere (unlike the manga, where it was to make the movie for him). You could say her arc is complete because at the end she opens up to Ueno by talking to her and laughing, but it feels a bit contrived compared to Shouya arc and how wonderfully his growth was executed in the movie (better than the film, IMO. Which is what makes me so hard to call the manga completely superior. The movie does so much better than the manga, that I really they had rewritten the story to focus more on the main characters).

One of the best scenes in the manga, where Nishimiya imagines herself reacting less passivly to her initial teasing is heartbreaking and I really wish they had put it in.

I also liked how the film showed that killing herself hurts others a lot. That once scene of Shouya's mom yelling at Shouya for planning on killing himself and that flashback to how Shouya's mom got into a fight with Shouko's mom was heartbreaking.

Yeah, Shouko definitely feels a lot smaller compared to the amazing development Shouya had, though she still had much more development than the other characters. Her suicide attempt and Shouya's injury made her realize how much her passive neutrality put so much strain onto Shouya, and afterwards she does make visible attempts to support him, like when she goes along with him to the school festival, pulls him along as he looks down at the ground and stuff.

The manga is super overrated, but the middle parts of it are quite good. The entire last 1/4 to 1/3 is gutter trash though.

>it feel less dramatic

And thank god for that. The manga had an interesting premise but turned ridiculously melodramatic with flat/boring bullies just to make sure that you don't forget that Shouko is such a sweet girl that suffers because she is deaf. In fact Ishida is the only interesting character of the story.

The movie is not perfect but lowering the melodrama was a good choice.

HS and proper subs. Nice bait.

Nii-sama, because 35mm is a cartel-like localized and simplified crap.

>He is so mean to me I hate him
>But now he was nice to me and he suffers I guess I love him now

That is Twilight tier writing.

So are there any good torrents with good aubs and fixed horizontal black bars?

This film is very symmetrical. Not just the imagery, the staging or the backgrounds but the events of the film like the splash and ripples of water following the different emotions of the characters and the light in tunnel motif signalling the beginning and end of the film to encapsulate adolescence and growing up.

This entire trip scene was so beautiful.

The movie is just most of the key scenes of the manga poorly stitched one after the other, with nothing keeping them together.
All the missing interactions and characterization make the drama fall flat, and what is left is a rushed, bloated mess with too many characters with no purpose that never have time to breathe and too many plot points to rush through.
KnK is the perfect example of how NOT to make an adaption, any half capable screenwriter would have cut all the fluff and completely reworked the script into something functional. But what can you expect from Kyoani's writers?
If this was Yamada's attempt at being taken seriously as a "real" flim director, the result is just pathetic. Even Your Name in its mediocrity is a far more competently put together movie.

I still can't believe they pulled this off in three months.

I can't wait for Yamada's next film.

That is very true, she did show some good growth at the end. Maybe I should rewatch the ending.

Manga ending is complete and utter shit. They should have just ended it at the graduation and kept and open ending on what happens to the characters.

What flat and boring bullies are you talking about? The ones that pop-up before she transfers to Shouya's school? (In Yuzuru's flashback)

>Doesn't understand redemption.
People can change.

Also consider that Shouko had a similar issue to Shouya, her deafness made it hard to communicate to her, and she then purposely avoids communicating her own feelings to others, compounding the problem. Both are self-loathing, Shouya because he believes no one will love him for his past-actions (as well as some feeling of guilt to his mother) and Shouko for feeling like she is a burden to others (and feeling she is unable to be loved because of her disability.) They are very similar chatacters in this regard, which makes for a very good contrast. Both of them attempt suicide for similar reasons too, without knowing that they would only hurt the people around them who do care.

does anyone want to put in spoilers what happens in the manga where the anime left off?

>What boring bullies?
Are you implying that Ueno is was not created just to be hated by the reader?

>K-On! movie and Tamako Love Story
>they were pretty much flawless masterpieces themselves

Kawai is more of a character meant to be hated than Ueno. But yea with the exception of Shouja most of the characters in KnK are kind of dull and includes Shouko.


Nah it was forced drama trash.

I felt so sad for her when she asked if her voiced sounded weird, and he said "yes." Like she spent her whole life deaf but thinking at least her voice was normal and didn't even know until that point. She'd probably be really self-conscious about saying lewd stuff too.

In the manga is it ever expressed if she's considered attractive?

Yeah it is, but it doesn't lead to anything cause ya'know let's just have the mc confess and then don't build on it and ignore it


Is this the only thing teenagers care about?

Fuck you

Why even bring romance into it if you don't ever bring it up or conclude what happens between them romantically

Yet you can't explain to be what makes this the greatest technical direction ever. Also this critism isn't from Sup Forums, like 10 british reviewers all mentioned how shit and confusing it was, I had personally scene how it effected a few people i showed, it's fucking ass mate.

Nice pic, the architecture in that landscape looks like izamu noguchi work.

It's funny how both Kyoani and Shaft got to adapt almost at the same time two award winning manga about bullying, isolation and difficulty of communication, and that while Kyoani only produced a confused and poorly edited copy of the source material, Shaft managed to improve it.
It just shows which the better studio is I guess.

Shaft's adaptation was mediocre and improved nothing.

>I had personally scene how it effected a few people i showed, it's fucking ass mate.
I'm sorry to say but, you're too stupid for a show made for teenagers.

How are we btfo? You've yet to show us how Yamada beat her contemporaries besides all this circlejerk.

>greatest piece of animation ever made

Not when Pinocchio exists. Or the Chernobog scene of Fantasia.

Is it too much to ask for some closure (in regards to their relationship)?
True, the manga ending was trash, but at least they held hands.

Look at this triggered guy.

Sup Forums also thinks the Rape of Nanking didn't happen, but should have.

Thanks for reminding me about this movie, guys! I'm gonna go download the raw now and maybe watch it next week end (or tonight even).

The manga is very heavy on monologues and introspective sequences rather dull and uninteresting to look at, also because of the poor paneling.
Shaft took that occasion to let visual symbolism and abstract imaginery run wild, leading some of the most dense and breathtaking espressionist sequences of last year.