

Other urls found in this thread:

>hair campaign
>can't see hair
>it's perfect!

>X did Y and its Z

Virtue signalling matters more than effectively selling the product.

They should cast her next.

wait a tic...

I honestly wonder how low humanity can go from here.

>And that's a good thing.

Ok so how are we suppose to know the product works if we can't see her hair?


makes you feel bad for people who post muh 56 percent meme, they're actively being erased from their own country every day and they're such pussies they can't stop it.

it's like funny contact lenses for blind people

El goblino americano

You haven't seen shit yet


Oh my God I am furious!!!!

USA being a mutt nation does not invalidate UK being more and more muslim you know Pedro

Really gets your neural net cpu learning doesn't it?

and how is that not offensive? they're mocking muslim woman.

how about a make-up ad for an acid attack victim?


>thing happens and this is how you should feel about it :DDD

>and it's beautiful

the problem is that virtue signalling WILL effectively sell the product

This is as bad as that makeup company saying "get the London look" while have a gap toothed rabbit as their spokeswoman.

Whats next, running shoes for quadriplegics?

For now maybe, but that culture is starting to die off, I can't see it lasting for many more years.

>symbol of oppression
>celebrated by liberals
8 years baby

X did y and it is z

When will the west stop treating the hijab and Islam as a fashion statement?

Someone post examples of hair commercials in saudi arabia. Notice something?

didn't she also said something like "the Jews should be gassed"?


It's fucking real. Holy shit.

Liberals/Leftists are fucking insane.

Hitler is preserving the Germanic race, and it's beautiful.

>Sup Forums says they hate slutty women and want females to dress modestly
>hate Muslim women who dress modestly
Why is this place so hypocritical

ummm that's la goblina to you, shitlord


Probably the same time they stop trying to sell movies and tv shows based on how diverse the cast is.

If you think that's what we're saying then you might actually be retarded

is this the official Sup Forums thread?

Liberalism is a mental disorder

I thought make up was haram, no? Isn't it some kind of jewish trickery? I'm surprised there isn't a fatwa being declared on L'Oréal for plastering a good muslim woman's face with lies and deceit...

Oh, and she ain't muslim if she's been westernized. You can't be truly religious and live in a "progressive democracy."

100% chance this woman is a Marxist and not a liberal lad.

No way, people actually putting the advertised product on display makes too much sense.

el niggres le hippotomo

We don't hate Islam, sharia law is the final solution to degeneracy

the left has gone so far left that there's no difference anymore

>It's feminisim if a woman choose to be oppressed

Durrrrrrrrr shitlord

Just buy expensive, needless luxury items and smash capitalism hurrrrrrrrrrr

This. As a straight white male I'll just convert and start throwing fags from rooftops.

Wtf I love diversity now

>american reading comprehension

liberals/leftards are the same thing, they both end up where white western countries are filled to the brim with niggers and shitskins and property rights no longer matter

It's the underlying philosophy, not the means. Islam is an invasive force used by foreigners to subjugate Europe, there's nothing inherently wrong with headscarves, there is when they're used as a method to erode and replace native European culture.

Kek this will piss people off.
Make white women more slutty cause guys will all damn that chick is hot.


how incredibly exciting and empowering

liberals/leftards are indistinguishable at this point, they both end up where white western countries are filled to the brim with niggers and shitskins and property rights no longer matter

You'll still be a pussy, user. Not even the Prophet can help that.

>neck at a 45 degree angle


it's funny how the jews boost up their own enemies. maybe things got out of hand.

It's a 2 second clip in a 60 second ad and even during that time she explains the concept that people with covered up hair still want it to feel comfortable.Sup Forums is as bad as the left I fucking swear you guys jump to such stupid conclusions.

Wow l*berals are fucking insane.

>a glance into the history of Nestlé and the cosmetics manufacturer L'Oréal reveals deep links with Vichy's disturbing past. I find a Nestlé poster in the magazine L'Illustration of February 31, 1942, showing an Aryan child, proclaiming her loyalty to Pétain's new moral order. In 1940, L'Oréal's founder, Eugène Schueller, bankrolled the fascist anti-Jewish group La Cagoule. Schueller's son-in-law, André Bettencourt, who took over L'Oréal, was a Nazi propagandist for Goebbels. In the magazine La Terre Française, Bettencourt wrote in 1941, "The Jews, their race is tainted with Jesus's blood for all eternity."
A company created by antisemites who gets bought out, infiltrated and ends up being ran by Jews who push diversity and LGBT shit with all the kike media coordination relays like huffpo telling goyim to think its wonderful, the same pattern you see with Disney for example. A while ago they had a similar campaign with the first trans model but it backfired because it turned out xir was racist. And now their Muslim model turns out to be counter Semitic. The fucking irony. Why Jews are supporting Muslims so much when they're their biggest enemies, just to spite goyim, I'll never understand. For a high iq race with supposed long term vision and intelligence, they're actually making sure the next Hitler will be a shitskin and finish the job.

Kill all niggers, jews and arabs.


Unironically this

Why do I get banned all the time for posting Sup Forums related meme threads and this and BLACKED threads stay up for hours?

I would like to gas lefties and jews

Maybe the jew thing is a meme, or the jews hate themselves the most

I'll never NEVER fucking understand why the left is celebrating headscarfed muslim women when they are as far from their ideal as they can get. The only muslim countries where women have some sort of say are the countries where the headscarf is very occasionally worn like Lebanon

Can someone finally explain to me what (((they))) benefit from pushing sjw propaganda in movies and other media? What's even the point? How all these blacked shit, and even their nature sandenemies integrated in developed countries will help (((them)))? I just don't see how ruining movies with sjw shit will be useful



>I'll never NEVER fucking understand
it took me years to grasp aswell
it turns out they don't mean anything they say, they don't really care about supporting muslims or women or whatever
Its all about doing whatever it takes to subvert and destroy western civilisation and people

Woah how did you figure it out

>and that's ok

This. I've seen Marxist's outright contradict Marx in an attempt to gain adherents to their movement and further destroy western civilisation. Never trust anything one of them says.

race wars, they can profit on them

What the hell happened to europe?

cultural marxism

Are you retarded. Liberals are the greatest defenders of capitalism. The very reason they import shitskins is to have an exploitable underclass to fuel their industries.

They may pretend to be progressive but all they care about it the dollar. Just look at Justin Trudeau, liberal darling who doesn't mind making billions selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.

I don't see any race war right now nor even begining of one.

I can't believe this is the only sane place left on the internet, a fucking imageboard called Sup Forums


because mods are the ones posting them

>wanting women to not be sluts and wanting women to be stoned to death for showing an ankle are the same thing

Fuck outta here...

>the next Hitler will be a shitskin and finish the job

will pajeet finally put the (((poo))) in the loo?

Weep for your children

there's a great pasta around about how jews can only think short-term due to their parasitic nature and don't really have any long-term goals, just running on intuition. then you realise that all races are like this and we are truly fucked as a species.

What are you a bigot?
Stupid islamaphobe

Doesn't covering a hair make haircare commercial pointless? It's the hair that sells the product, not the fact that you can cover it after washing it.

>Maybe the jew thing is a meme
Like I wrote before, L'Oréal is originally founded and ran by antisemites. They ran into a lot of problems as a result. Now if you look at who's running it, the 3 key people running L'Oréal on Wikipedia, the 2 vice chairmen of the board of directors are Jean Paul Meyers, son of Rabbi Robert Meyers, and Peter Brabeck. Surprise, both are Jewish. The Bettancourt family, to keep being in business after the antisemitism scandals, donated millions to Israel and the granddaughter converted after marrying Meyers. The heirs of this once antisemitic empire built in the vichy regime, the greatest fortune of France and one of the biggest in the world, are now Jewish. Surely it does make one think.

Every fucking time. The Jewish thing is definitely not a meme. Don't trust pol for it, but every time you smell tricks, simply look up who's running the companies involved and you'll find the same recurring coincidences. Protip huffpo isn't ran by goyim either.


naw Jews hate Jesus more than anything and will bed with Islam to crush Christianity

its literally a dog collar for woman and idiot feminist are embracing it, we need a world war and if it happens we send the woman cause of equality

Trudeau is importing them for votes, not to stimulate the economy. Why would a rich, second-generation trust fund babby give two shits about the economy?

They want to smash the imaginary patriarchy of the most liberated culture in the world but they want to suck the dick of an actual patriarchy like islam.
Strange times

imagine being an iranian woman, fleeing the country because you dared to put down your hijab.
And the first ad she sees when stepping out of the plane is a "YES HIJAB, FEMINISM XDDD" thingy.

this is some 1984 shit