Cathy memes


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She may want to study up on multivariate regression analysis before she talks with him again so she not so BTFO next time

Why do that when you can just think everything is sexist?

Is "controversial" a leftist buzzword?

"According to @jordanbpeterson I’m disagreeable, and therefore quite possibly a man."

How can she be this retarded? Do the people that support her not see how stupid and foolish this is?

"According to this person my hair is long, and therefore quite possible a woman" (women generally tend to have long hair. Men generally tend to be more disagreeable then women)

Indeed it is

I'm beginning to suspect that Cathy Newman may be misrepresenting Jordan Peterson's beliefs.


>so you're saying I'm a man

it's like she can't help herself

i unironically mentioned this to my liberal psychiatrist and he said it's true. take that lefties

>my psychiatrist


Does anyone have access to the Spectator article about the interview? Sharing would be much appreciated

Lmao her tweets are obsessive misrepresentations of what he said too? What a looney cunt.

I want Dr. Peterson and Cathy rule34 NOW

ITT: Autists unable to detect tongue-in-cheek

I think I'm out of the loop here

She fucking fails at even the most basic logic. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this.

Some women can't control their thoughts. Carl Jung called it "Animus possession".

>watch me wreck this nazi!
>you're a retard lobster girl

I fucking hate feminists.

How the fuck does this woman have a job, she can't even understand basic arguments and concepts. This was a diversity hire if I ever seen one.

It's sad, she will never see herself as anything more than a poor helpless victim.


At first I thought she was merely doing an average job portraying the devil's advocate in that debate. Her after action conduct has shown me that is not the case. That interview was actually her best effort at defending her true positions. She is an imbecile.

Yes. Any word that implies control over the bounds of a conversation is generally a leftist buzzword.

I personally got the impression that she agreed with a lot of what Peterson was saying. Pretty sure I detected some chemistry there too. Sure, she couldn't quite keep up at times but that's understandable, most of his interviewers can't.

It's a common practice for British journalists to play a hard devil's advocate to even the slightest of controversial figures, no matter their cause. However, I think she more than likely paid more attention to his online critics than his own work during her research. I think he probably turned out nicer in person than the daft leftists lead people to believe online.That said, it was her job to try and press him into the corners which everybody wants him to be pressed into, but fail to do, so she tried (and failed).

There was a lot of humour in the interview and there's definitely humour in that tweet, she certainly took it as a compliment at the time. You boys really need to untwist your knickers, it was a good interview. He came off looking calm, collected and concise to his fans, she came off as dogged and determined to hers.

I don't even fancy her.

Lol what a retard

There's really no reason to even bother debating these types of people. The entire fucking interview she basically ignores every single fucking thing he says and keeps repeating her gotcha questions, ignoring all of the many factors involved in these issues

It was not a good interview

She wasn't just playing devils advocate, it was clear she went into it trying to get him to slip up in some way or catch him out on something he said. She had no real interest in having a conversation or exploring what his views actually are.

You can tell that was her goal from the way she kept going "so are you saying ..." or "so you are saying that ..." and then completely misrepresenting or unfairly extrapolating on what he had just said.

She's obviously an intelligent women its hard to believe she didn't know exactly what she was doing, pretending not to understand the points Peterson was making. It's something I notice the likes of Tucker Carlson doing with his guests also, willfully misinterpreting or straw-maning the point their guest has just made and then arguing against this new strawman argument rather than what the guest actually said

>There's really no reason to even bother debating these types of people
That's where you're wrong, bucko!
This interview is turning into a cultural phenomenon. He's effectively pushing back

As a lobster I'm insulted to be put in a similar category as this woman

>She's obviously an intelligent women its hard to believe she didn't know exactly what she was doing, pretending not to understand the points Peterson was making.

That's exactly what I'm saying. She was being facetious for a lot of the interview.

It wasn't her job to get to know him, he wasn't publicising a book or tour, it was her job to challenge him on his biggest perceived weaknesses.

Unfortunately for her, anyone who tries ends up pissing in the wind because they don't get his position. Its sad that Peterson's views are seen as so far out.

So you're saying she tried to get him to say "nigger"?

>access to alaskan records since birth

>disagreeable, and therefore quite possibly a man.

next debate


>what gives you the right to say that?
>...I'm a clinical psychologist.

So you're idea of a good interview is deliberately misinterpreting what your opponent says and wasting everyone's time?

It was the worst interview I've ever seen and not at all enlightening.

>when she gets visibly uncomfortable and tries to change the subject after he talks about women being miserable in their relationships after settling with a beta they can dominate
>see her husband
she went home and had an existential crisis after this slaughter

>Wasting everyone's time

She made his critics look stupid and him look smart.

She wasn't there to interpret what he said, she was just there to get him to say it.

Fffs he didn't say that all, has she no comprehension skills at all? He said she had to use some male traits, like disagreeability, to get to where she is now. What a fucking idiot

Show her husband please

you cant make this shit up

Oh god. It's worse than I thought

This meme is great but it would make more sense if she said something like "so you think women should be forced to use them for laundry?"

please, that nigger probably doles out backhands every 30 minutes.

She resorts to "so you're saying..." even for the publicity of the interview. What a woman.

Also, tfw your attempt at virtue signalling for the religion of peace gets you turfed out and laughed at.