
The defeat of the Jew will be by Arab hands, MARK MY WORDS. You Western faggots are their slaves and have been for so long now

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cant deny that but not every one here is cucked. take care Ahmed. cya when the time comes


God fights for israel.. Arabs are a bastard race who while preserved and not hated by God due to His mercy will never have primacy over israel who God chose to bear His laws for His purposes. Not by anything of merit on their own did God create this people, Israel but for His own purpose. Therefore He will always preserve them and one is the greatest of fools to fight against them for doing so they fight against God Himself.

Arabs are the worst at fighting Jews
Just look at a history book


God will damn Israelis to the pits of hell for trying to trick him. Judaism is all about how to trick/force God's hand.

That's because Jews start unjustified wars when they know their neighbours are completely defenceless and unprepared. That's changing though.


Who allows usury?

I do not say Jews are blameless. History shows many times God severely punished Israel for disobedience. I say the Holocaust was another of these punishments just like Babylonian Captivity, Persian destruction and Roman destruction

In the modern world Middle ages Christian Europe brought Jewish Usury to be an art form forbidding Jews any other trade.. I try and look at the world from the objective. Jews aren't special because they're Jews they're special because God made them a people and gave them His laws to live as examples and when they go astray they are punished.

So if Jews are Gods people, why did they create Israel before the emergence of the Messiah?
Many based Jews doctrinal oppose this.

In the New testament we are told for now Jews are blinded by God to the fact of Jesus being Messiah.. after the Jews and of course not every Jew but the officials as a People/Nation rejected Jesus and had Him put to death God gave the redeeming Grade of Christ to the goyim until a time of His choosing when He will reveal Himself to the world and the Jews will see Him for who he is and was . their weeping and lamenting will be bitter but He will save Israel as He has promised from the beginning.

*Grace not Grade

You've avoided the point lad.
The revelation, that messiah, according to the own Jewish scriptures, will reveal himself and THEN the jews will form Israel.

How can you support an Israeli state as the paragon of jewish basedness when it's very existence is contradictory to the Jewish doctrine?

Mudslimes could never do anything about jews in the middle east. Somehow they will do it in europe. How the fuck are low IQ subhumans going to defeat the mastermind kikes?


>God fights for israel.

Christians are the New Israel. The ''Israel'' in the Middle East is not from God, but from (((Rothschild))), pic related.

The holocaust didn't happen.


>Jewish doctrine
to which specifically do you refer?

As a Christian I see the question through the lens of the New testement primarily but does Daniel not talk of Israel being restored in the time just before the Messiah returns?

I don;t get too hung up on what Jews and Israel do today because as I said I aim to see from God;s perspective .

I suppose you are aiming at the question of the legitimacy of the present State of Israel by suggesting it can not be the real deal until Messiah returns.. I think there is more to the picture.

?The Talmud in Tractate Kesubos (p. 111a), teaches that Jews shall not use human force to bring about the establishment of a Jewish state before the coming of the universally accepted Moshiach (Messiah from the House of David). Furthermore it states that we are forbidden to rebel against the nations and that we should remain loyal citizens and we shall not attempt to leave the exile which G-d sent us into, ahead of time

>.I don;t get too hung up on what Jews and Israel do today because as I said I aim to see from God;s perspective .
So why would God favour a people not doing what he's commanded them to do?

>I think there is more to the picture.
Go on. Why should christians support a state that DIRECTLY contravenes Christian notions of fairness, tolerance, respect.
That literally oppresses and denies self-determination for local Christians in Palestine?

into the trash it goes

Do you accept in the Hebrew Old testament God commanded israel to destroy many of the natice tribes in the region? Gof called them idolators and ordered them slaughtered.

God established Israel with Jerusalem as its Capitol and also removed them for a time. Now He is bringing them back for the finale.

Are Arab states just in all things? Can a Christian openly proclaim his faith in Saudi Arabia? Not according to my Armenian Christian friend from Aleppo who's father worked in SA.. In most all Islamic Nations Christians are at best second class citizens.

We have to live with our man made nations and their laws.. However the opposite of supporting Israel is supporting the enemy of God so how can you expect a Christian to do this?

But it didn't happen, so take off that Nazi flag rabbi and fuck off.

>into the trash it goes
For you.

But not if you're Jewish; It's the basis of much their rabbanical philosophy.


You do realise Israel are literally working WITH the Saudis you condemn?

You realise that Jews don't accept Jesus, they were involved in having him killed, they don't accept him as a messiah but Muslims actually do?
That Saudi Arabia is not the arbiter of "muslims."

Answer me this my good user:
Who created Saudi Arabia?
What purpose does it serve and for whom?

> Not according to my Armenian Christian friend from Aleppo who's father worked in SA.. >In most all Islamic Nations Christians are at best second class citizens.
Christian palestinians are abused regularly by Israelis,

In Syria, a civil war was instigated and backed by Isralei intel and the CIA.
Syrian Christians lost out on peace and their lives for around 8+ years.

So tell the Syrian Christians how amazing Israel is. Go on. I dare you. Say it to their face.

You have a lot of travelling and reading and learning to do. this isn't a simple football match about supporting
>Muh God's side
You doughnut


I hope you shitskins get each other killed