Policeman Tortured and Beheaded, His Son Flayed Alive in Guerrero, Mexico

Mexico deserves to get Tsar Bombed


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I'm not watching that shit


Wow, really wants me to import all of them.

The son was the best. Great freak out when he sees his dad being sliced up.

Fuck borders amrite?

meme flag shitter

>Mexico deserves to get Tsar Bombed
>radioactive fallout

Why not get it over with already?

That video will be coming up every time a Mexican cries about how being deported is unfair.

so i've seen everyone bitching about this, but i figured it was just some more gore, nothing new, damn was I wrong. That video is fucked. My entire view of the mexican peoples has changed. OP is right about them needing to be removed from the planet, creatures like these are the reason we won't conquer space or elevate our collective consciousness.

Man gore threads don't phase me but this shit had me in cringe and suspense. I would do everything in my way to get shot rather than dying like that.

>the most graphic video of all time,

Jesus, why are they like this. What is the possible explanation for this?

Multiculturalism can not work we can't live with these people. They all have to get back. There was a time when we should of of tried effective integration. That time has gone. We need a popular uprising

>why not get it over with already
because mexicans arent human
this wasnt a simple execution,this was torture

>because mexicans arent human
Guess you're right.
I don't really know what kind of human to call a people where individuals can see this horror show and just shrug, doing nothing.


Absolutely fucking this.

And Syrians fucking cry about a few bombs and invade Europe by the millions.

i personally believe that the best way to deal with these ”people” would be to impale them
the only way to repay blood is with blood

Mexicans invaded America by the millions too.

I'm saying they have a reason to flee from this shit. And at least the Mexicans bring women and children.

Not like Syria with its boats full of teenagers and men, 98% male """""refugee""""" population


your country is so great man, why not take it all in?

Not even niggers are that savage. Just let that sink in, you're worse than niggers.

Too scared to watch it with sound, anyone here willing to explain what it sounds like?

Is that the recent weapons raid in bong land?

They're both gagged but when the guy with the knife slices the neck of one of the gagged men, the other starts screaming while muffled. He's then restrained over the decapitated corpse of the dude and is flayed.

I wonder what will happen on the day of judgment?

Gtfo newfag

Thanks I guess

Not watching in order to keep my blood from going above boiling point.

does evil exist?

What's the point?

The only good thing is that the people who filmed this degenerate shit will be probably killed within two or three years

I wanted to stop watching that about 20 seconds in but could not take my eyes off it

One of you Spanish speakers need to watch it and tell us what they are saying.

I don't get how a group can do that. You could almost accept one crazy guy doing it.
That poor kid pissed himself watching his dad.

I guess this is op's intention but if I lived in the USA any empathy with immigrants just went right out the window. I would also be demanding they get that wall sorted

how do people become such filth

Aren't Mexicans really just the same as they've always been? I mean weren't the Aztecs doing shit like this? I think its just their culture. Absolutely build the wall though, 100%. Maybe build two and create a DMZ even.

supposedly these are rival cartel and not a police man

everyone involved in this knows that the same fate awaits them when they inevitably get caught by the other side

Fucking heathens. The whole country is a shithole.

They don't.
Some people are simply born fucked up and evil

I think 'police man' in mexico is pretty far away from what we think of 'police man'. Like I said these are fucking Aztecs. Imposing western style culture on them is just wrong. And it will fail whenever you try. Ill we can do is understand it, and insulate ourselves from it.

Woah! Veddy sexy daddy & son

The Spanish trying to civilize them was a waste of time

I see those Aztec genes are still holding up

Can we get this trending? Will the legacy media report this? There should be an international squad of mercenaries that hunts down these most evil devils.

Delete this

And some, I assume, are good people.

Trying to rational what I had just watched, I thought we surely wouldn't do something like this. Then I thought of your people and all the stakes and impaling. Then,,, well those people probably aren't proper whites either.

It's funny how we try to make sense of a crazy world.

When I was in Romania a gypsy girl threatened to cut off my head because I didn't give her money. So maybe theres some sort of connection.

Yeah, one thing I've always found fascinating is that Central and South America are one of the WORST places on the planet as it relates to violence. ISIS does a great job creating videos that are designed to scare the shit out of us, but if you look up "Most Dangerous Cities in the World", they are all like either in Brazil, Mexico or Venezuela.

The screams are muffled by a band around the victim's mouth, but it's nothing blood-curdling. Most of the sound comes from one man cursing the two victims in Mexican (I guess)

No need to import them, they're all on the way. You're welcome.

Mexicans you fucking heartless trash

>I'm saying they have a reason to flee from this shit.
So they can bring that shit here?
Fuck that. Repeal DACA and let the fuckers reap what they sew.

Most of them aren't refugees and are not from Syria



Trump tweet

My sides

Capes need to make a come back.

When they overwhelm our population and start working in our police forces we will start seeing the same thing here.

I wish someone would do that to policemen in this country.

I don't have time to find it, but a liberal historian did an analysis of fucked up depraved evil the Hunan race has done. He looked at African, European, Anciet Near and far eastern civilizations. What he came up with was the indigenous peoples of t he western hemisphere -- Indians -- were the most unbelievably sadism c and cruel

That's why it's best to keep one round for yourself if barbarians seem like they may capture you.

This is how they do warfare. They take captives, and then subject those captives to singular acts of brutality. And they've been doing it for a long time you can read about it they used to be called 'The Flower Wars'.

And it was a big reason why Hernan Cortes and about 1000 conquistadors could conquer the entire continent because the natives weren't capable of defending themselves against the western style of total war and shock infantry. When the Aztecs fought, they were only trying to knock the other guy out, because such a premium was places on captives. When they Spanish fought, they were much more in the way of 'fuck you nigger, Im going to kill you, lay waste to your lands, and seige your cities until the dead, starved, emaciated bodies of men, women, and children lie scattered throughout the streets'. And they just had no defense because that style of warfare was totally foreign to them.

So, I mean, I know it looks brutal but if its any consolation our way of warfare is much more brutal, but its also better in a lot of ways I cant imagine the psychological torture the cartels i.e. tribes basically put the regular people through. Thats actually probably why so many of the native tribes decided to actually help Cortes against the Aztecs. They preferred Spanish brutality to Aztec brutality. Still I don't begrudge them their way of life and culture but seriously build the wall.

By the way Victor Davis Hansen lays this all out in his book Carnage and Culture.

Fucking Mexishits have to be the biggest edgelords on the planet.


W-what's the banana for?*gulp*

How many fucking threads are going to be made about this? Are you just now learning about cartel brutality? They also skin their enemy's faces off and sew them to soccer balls.



I have not really watched gore films since my early Sup Forums days and the odd ISIS videos posted here. But this might be one of the more brutal ones I've seen, especially since it is fairly decent quality.

Banana phone

>They also skin their enemy's faces off and sew them to soccer balls.
Please be bullshit

Even ISIS usually makes it quick.

Man, I don't think impalement would even faze them at this point. In some alternate universe were Mexico actually had a functional government. They should just round up anyone that was remotely connected to a cartel and execute them. No quarter, no trails, no mercy. Just a complete cleansing of all the lawless zones in the country.

Yeah, like I've heard of people being boiled in acid or just in water alive and shit.

I have to say, this skinning of a little boy has to be the most fucked up thing I've ever seen. It's another level of inhumanity.

Oh *wew*.
I thought they skinned a banana duck or something....

Where I'm at we don't have mexicans and shitskins. We have albanians tough
They're the scum of the earth
They make me sick

They make the captives walk around a big empty room in complete darkness, and somewhere in the room there is a single banana peel on the floor that will make them slip and fall should they step on it. Potentially really hurting their bum.

Lmao and I thought my neighbors were shit

>They should just round up anyone that was remotely connected to a cartel and execute them. No quarter, no trails, no mercy. Just a complete cleansing of all the lawless zones in the country.

But thats just not how they work! That's not how their culture works. You're going to ask some shitskin to not be a shitskin? Come on man, use your brain. They have a shitty culture but if its what works for them then who am I to judge. I mean by all rights its working better for them atm then ours is working for us right now because they aren't going extinct!

>They should just round up anyone that was remotely connected to a cartel and execute them. No quarter, no trails, no mercy. Just a complete cleansing of all the lawless zones in the country.
Every time they do that they end up becoming a cartel themselves, a lot of the modern cartels are previous militia that were formed to remove another cartel. It's a very cyclical trend that will not be solved without outside intervention.

>And it was a big reason why Hernan Cortes and about 1000 conquistadors could conquer the entire continent
Yeah let's not take into account the 500,000 Tlaxcaltecs that joined the spanish and other tribes because they were sick and tired of the Aztecs bullshit.

Actually, the Conquistadors won because so many of the people themselves went turncoat. They didn't conquer anything all by themselves.

No chaim, you're the shit.

wow you're so fucking edgy

What Mexico needs is a proper fascist government that means business.

>He was successively appointed prefect of Trapani, arriving there in June 1924. He stayed there until October 20, 1925, when Mussolini appointed him prefect of Palermo, with special powers over the entire island of Sicily and the mission of eradicating the Mafia by any means possible. In the telegram, Mussolini wrote to Mori:

>Your Excellency has carte blanche, the authority of the State must absolutely, I repeat absolutely, be re-established in Sicily. Should the laws currently in effect hinder you, that will be no problem, we shall make new laws.[6]

>Mori took up his post in Palermo in November 1925 and remained in office until 1929. Within the first two months he arrested over five hundred men, a number that would only grow in the following years.[10] In January 1926, he undertook what was probably his most famous action, the occupation of the village of Gangi, a stronghold of various criminal gangs. Using carabinieri and police forces he ordered house-to-house searches, picking up bandits, small-time Mafia members and various suspects who were on the run. He did not hesitate to lay siege to towns, use torture, or take women and children as hostages to oblige suspects to give themselves up. These harsh methods earned him the nickname of "Iron Prefect".

>Mori understood the basis of Mafia power. In order to defeat the phenomenon, he felt it necessary to "forge a direct bond between the population and the state, to annul the system of intermediation under which citizens could not approach the authorities except through middlemen..., receiving as a favour that which is due them as their right."[11] Mori’s methods were sometimes similar to those of the Mafia. He did not just arrest the bandits, but sought to humiliate them as well. If he could exhibit a strong central authority to rival the mafia, the people would see that the Mafia was not their only option for protection.[10]

>I mean weren't the Aztecs doing shit like this?

Yes, don't believe all the nonsense about the noble savage. The Aztec were as vicious as they come. Here's a little excerpt from their origin story.

>"In time, the Tepanecs of Azcapotzalco ousted the Mexica from Chapultepec and the ruler of Culhuacan, Cocoxtli, gave the Mexica permission to settle in the empty barrens of Tizaapan in 1299. There they married and assimilated into Culhuacan culture. In 1323, they asked the new ruler of Culhuacan, Achicometl, for his daughter, in order to make her the goddess Yaocihuatl. Unknown to the king, the Mexica actually planned to sacrifice her. The Mexica believed that by doing this the princess would join the gods as a deity. As the story goes, during a festival dinner, a priest came out wearing her flayed skin as part of the ritual. Upon seeing this, the king and the people of Culhuacan were horrified and expelled the Mexica. Forced to flee, in 1325 they went to a small island on the west side of Lake Texcoco where they began to build their city Tenochtitlan, eventually creating a large artificial island."


Thank god I wasn't born in Mexico

what is that white thingie coming out of his stomach??

They don't even think about it. They're not white, they DO NOT have the same notions of mercy compassion empathy etc that we do. Seriously, for your own health do not ever make the mistake of thinking subhumans might be moral decent or reasonable.

What they need is a brutal dictatorship. Their attempts to make appeasement or to stamp out the problem just create more of the fuckers.

They need someone willing to drop a few nerve gas canisters on some towns to prove that they are not fucking around. They need a Saddam 2.0.

I fucking pointed that out dude and if your shitty culture is why your own people turn against you then its still the reason you were conquered. Or at least thats what Victor Davis Hansen points out in his book Carnage and Culture I don't want to take credit for his ideas.

That's his soul.

Nah in all seriousness those black hat garbage you've posted are the shit, Arabs are relatively easy to deal with seeing how they're weak and unmotivated.

I didn't knew Mexicans had souls!

Like I said dude, why judge when their culture is thriving and ours is hurdling headlong into suicidal extinction?

You have a good point there, I don't know what it is.

>What they need is a brutal dictatorship
That will happen when the cartels eventually take over completely.

Yeah I mean Mexicans definitely don't have souls. Lets at least get that straight.

Was there a reason why?



