Is the civilisation really collapsing?

What happens when we run out of resources?
What happens when we ruin the soil that feeds this overpopulated world?

I don't know why, but my gut feeling tells me this autistic edgelord is right.

What do you guys think?

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Our civilization will keep going due to technology. Had the industrial revolution not happened, we would be in collapse and in a full on race war. But technology keeps our bellies full and minds distracted.

Our technology is only going to get to better with the introduction of robots. These robots will make life so easy that even the most incomprehensibly retarded nigger will live a life of relative luxury.

So, civilization is not collapsing anytime soon.

I believe there is some truth to that because china has all the resources to make electronics because of rare earth and one day oil will be rare. I hope that most of the industrial world realizes its mistake and goes green.

The only way to save civilization is to kill off 90% of the world's population.

Varg is always right

I disagree with that.
To make robots you would need rare earth metals of which we are running out.
Well, not exactly running out, but it creates massive pollution, that's why we outsource it to China. Apparently their government doesn't give a fuck about pollution.

If you pollute too much, good luck finding something to eat, let alone feeding what will soon enough be 10 billion people.

This is just my opinion, I want to hear what others think.

I don't even want to keep the civilisation alive anymore, i has gotten too nasty.

I just hope we will keep some of the knowledge after the collapse.
Primarily medical knowledge, so that we don't die for bullshit reasons.

>What happens when we run out of resources?
We go get more.
>What happens when we ruin the soil that feeds this overpopulated world?
We stop artificially supporting niggers, and then we gas the chinks

>What do you guys think?
People think society is collapsing in every generation and it never happens. Even when society "collapses" like in Weimar and it took a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread, society rebounded pretty quickly. I don't see any possible way that society would go back to the bronze age or some shit like that larper seems to think.

Unfortunately no, but we need it to collapse in order to save the world. At every stage society and technology synergy to further increase globalism and neoliberal capitalism.

I sincerely hope it does collapse.

Even if the collapse won't be as sharp as Varg may think, I think it's a given. We are too much and way overdependent on petrol and general resources that are getting rarer and rarer.

Petrol won't suddenly disappear, but it will get harder and harder to extract and thus more and more costly, and as a consequence, pretty much everything will get more and more costly. Modern agriculture depends heavily on petrol as well. Food won't stop coming all of a sudden but it will get more and more costly and its quality will likely also slowly go down overall to keep the supply alive. Don't be surprised if eventually they start pushing for eating insects.

And this isn't even considering the growing social pressures. It will get nasty.
Croat is right though, this shitshow has to collapse before Europe is overwhelmed.

We have the technology to turn bad soil into good soil. It's not a matter of running out, it's just a matter of who's in control.

This shitshow indeed must end.

Lately I began to have a feeling of how unnatural this world really is.
The whole globalised media culture, the overuse of technology, the unnatural jobs, the unnatural lifestyle, the unnatural entertainment, the unnatural sex lives, everything.

Ironically, the world is overpopulated and if everyone in this world had a massive family, we would all die of starvation.
I know whites are in a decline everywhere, but this is also a fact.

It's a matter of pollution and overpopulation too.

>What happens when we run out of resources?
We are always searching for alternative resources so it not like civilization will collapse because at some point there will be no oil like Varg nigger says

He is an alarmist who bets in the death of everyone just because he was a shitty and murderer person

You're asking young Republicans that question on here, so expect a lot of delusional responses. Basically we are far into overshoot, and the remainder of the century will probably be a descent into literal post-modern civilization, quickly regressing back to the stone age

Secularism is collapsing because secularists don't breed. LARPaganism is part of secularism because it is not actual belief, but acting.

LARPaganism would not be able to exist if Christians did not save and record the history of snowniggers. Snowniggers were too dumb to do it on their own.

We throw away a third of all food produced year. We don't have a production problem we have a distribution problem.

>go to war
This is your mind on snowniggerism. The same as neocons.

>and the remainder of the century will probably be a descent into literal post-modern civilization, quickly regressing back to the stone age
I actually laughed reading this, but it doesn't make it any less true.

I think space travel will help generate raw materials. Hell some asteroids have quintillions of dollars of metal on them.

We can't solve simply co-habitation problems yet.

Colonizing the stars it's out of our current paradigm.

There are plenty of asteroids worth quadrillions/quintillions dollars in rare earth, in the future we may explore them

It's not about rare earth itself, extracting it causes massive pollution.

Who really gives the middle finger anymore despite 5 year olds? Seriously. What is next, sticking the tongue out? Oh, no! I still don't watch that shit or give 1 fuck about his uneducated opinion. Whew.

Many seem to believe in an uncontrolled collapse happening. There is less talk about intentional collapse, something like purposefully genociding all unwanted humans in order to Not run out of rare metals and petrol. Just give automation 20-30 more years and many many people find themselves 100% useless on the job market. Those in charge don't have to wait for complete automation, they can keep the essential humans as workers.

If I was Rothschild, that's just what I'd do. Why wait for things to get out of your control and risk losing all your power instantly? Rothschilds are just old aristocrats whose power relies on the system being orderly, they would be fucked in a spontaneus collapse.

I don't know, man.
How would this genocide even come to be?
I don't think people are this retarded, despite what's happening in the world?

>I'm a loser who can't keep his life together
>So I'll spend all of my time and money preparing for some incredibly specific end of the world scenario
>I'll craft every detail of it in my mind so that I can finally be respected and in control

Prepping is just escapism. They just want to craft a situation where they can thrive to make up for the fact that they have no control over their current lives. But the best thing is that they don't even bother preparing for things that can actually happen, because they're too busy prepping for an incredibly specific end of the world scenario.

How many preppers do you think there were in Houston when it flooded? Do you think they were prepared for a flood, or did their boxes full of guns and baked beans just get flooded like everything else? The same goes for preppers here in Australia. They've got a plan for a nuclear war, but not for a bushfire.

Modern Agriculture is also highly dependent on the haber bosch process which requires natural gas. It also uses 3-5% of the world's energy production.

Soil can reproduce nitrogen only slowly, BritBong land could only support 10 million people if we went organic... well that's not true anymore because most the soil has been destroyed and the nitrogen fixing microbes with them.

We can only feed a little over half our population now with our chemically dependent agriculture. This island is going to go 28 days later should the world "collapse".

There are too many people in india, africa, and china. Let's start there first.

One thing is for sure: we don't know what is speartip of technological progression. Especially when it comes to weapons technology. Or bio/nanotech. Is think it's rather safe to say that within 10-30 years, we are going to get something that can kill billions of people. Those who have the tech, will have the additional incentive to use it because if they don't, what if a non-related group of powerful people decide to start the cataclysm first? Being the ones who start the fire is the only way guarantee you won't be a victim of someone else starting it.

I mean, virus. Nanoweapons. Mosquito-sized swarmbots? Deadly vaccination? Who the hell knows what they are even doing at DARPA or at agencies that are not public knowledge? Compartmentalization means that big operations and can be executed with only a few key people knowing what is truly going on. Others are only doing it for the money. Automatization means you likely won't need many hands-on people actually doing stuff.There is no easy way to stop small and deadly stuff (like virus) from crossing borders and entering the bodies of people.

The problem is that most preppers are absolute idiots preparing for something like zombies. Or I guess the ones who don't reveal their prepping are smarter. Smart preppers should prepare for possible temporary catastrophes and the total collapse events.

You seem to be to focused on dismissing the survivalist perspective to consider that these scenarios might actually happen.

"What if it can happen?"
You need to consider these possibilities seriously.

What the fuck do you think? War.

Who knows what kind of crazy shit might happen, but I think it will all ultimately fail.
Everything falls sooner or later and so will the globalist elites.
Weirdly enough, it will be nature to take them down, not an armed revolution or something like that.

Or maybe they'll destroy us and we're fucked.
Who knows...

Resources will not be a problem. There will be ways to replicate everything.

>hope it does collapse
It won't.

Oh and while you're probably right about many preppers, there are still those who simply want to absolutely guarantee that they won't die from just anything. I don't want my survival to be at the hands of a complex system that nobody can truly understand.

My brain simply can't wrap around how a world can continue the way it is. We will soon have 10 billion people without a work or a purpose in the system. Living quality levels are rising everywhere, especially in developing countries. Environmental pollution is only going to get bigger. Excavating for rare resources is getting harder and harder while demands get higher. Eternal UBI for the greedy masses? I don't find a reason why it would be allowed to get to that point.

Am I completely bonkers for not finding this madness sustainable?

>What happens when we ruin the soil that feeds this overpopulated world?
You can fit the entire human population of the world inside Rhode Island (a very small US state). We're not running out of room or soil.

>Am I completely bonkers for not finding this madness sustainable?
Of course not. I'm surprised more people don't see it this way.
They will find any excuse to keep the civilisation going.

I know there are lots of amazin things from civilisation, like modern medicine.
However, these guys are only concerned about their comfort, about how stupid snow niggers don't have PCs with thousands of hentai pictures and their favourite waifus.

>Or maybe they'll destroy us and we're fucked.
Not necessarily everyone is fucked. I think primitives will survive. A virus or technological virus-like creation wouldn't probably reach them, because the bigots don't have open borders. I also don't think that whoever would craft an intentional genocide of humanity would go through the effort of killing isolated, simple living humans. Let's say there's a self-sustaining village in Siberia, they are not going to pose a threat to you (they genocider) on any level. They might even like you for cleaning up the Earth from 10 billion UBI parasites.

People living in cities are fucked whatever happends. Maybe world government enforced transhumanism? I don't know what will happend, but it can't be anything good. Good things waste resources and if you're not one producing resources, there's little reason to expect being handed good things.


It will, Europe is already collapsing, america is propped up by immigrants.

Certainly the trajectory of society is population collapse, eventually.

I think the collapse will happen too soon for them to be prepared in that manner.

Then again, I may be wrong.
It's just life. We'll try to survive and see what happens. What can you do...

>What happens when we ruin the soil that feeds this overpopulated world?

relax dude, we've never had it better globally.

Famine (hunger) went from being a universal phenomenon to being an exception affecting only a small fraction of the world.

extreme poverty went from 90% to 9% in 200 years due to the Green Revolution, pioneered by Dr Norman Borlaug (nitrogen-based artificial fertilizer)

>back in the 1960's ecologists were predicting massive famines
>in the 1970s the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death
yet the exact opposite happened.

In 1961 people in 51 countries, including Iran, Pakistan, China and Indonesia, consumed less than 2000 calories per person per day.
By 2013 that number had fallen to just one

world agricultural prices are now half of what they were in the early 20th century.

The UN reported in 1947 that around 50% of the world’s population was chronically malnourished… Today this has declined to around 13%

>What happens when we ruin the soil that feeds this overpopulated world?

We are in this very situation right now in the city I live in.

The southern parts were always used for farming and growing food. Its the most fertile soil in the entire country.

Now the government and property developers are salavting over selling it off to new immigrants to build housing.

The farmers are all saying that it will drastically reduce the food supply in the country and we will have to start importing food in from abroad. You think politicians care?

Growth, growth growth, no matter the cost to the enviorment or the host population!

>Famine (hunger) went from being a universal phenomenon to being an exception affecting only a small fraction of the world.

Over half the world lives on less then 1$ a day. A huge majority of the world is starving you idiot. Have you not noticed the boat loads of niggers arriving in Europe every day?

>Growth, growth growth, no matter the cost to the enviorment or the host population!
The bubble has to burst sooner or later.

>Have you not noticed the boat loads of niggers arriving in Europe every day?
these people are not starving user.

'we have fallen upon evil times’

inscribed on a stone in a museum in Constantinople.
He dated them from ancient Chaldea, 3,800 BC.

>You can fit the entire human population of the world inside Rhode Island
But people live and don't only stand shoulder to shoulder, existing doing nothing. More forest-area has to be cut down for food. Life ''quality'' (demand for resources) is ever increasing, especially among the developing nations. Automation will make people useless wasters of resources (assuming UBI gibs). Why keep them around, when you could choose not to?

>I'm surprised more people don't see it this way.
I guess most people give up before they even start thinking. They find no use in thinking for themselves, if something big were to happend some important intellectual would talk about it on the newspaper. If you don't think about it, it can't happend!

>I know there are lots of amazin things from civilisation, like modern medicine.
Nearly everything of our medical problems would be solved by not living within civilization. Knowledge won't disappear even if the system collapsed, so a lot of modern medicine knowledge could still be used in a post-civilizational world.

I don't know what I'll miss from civilization. Easy availability of music, I guess. Unless I manage to find a wife that can play all the songs I want.

Well, muslims will take care of you and China is there to put things in order

What do you think would cause the collapse naturally (i.e not with human intent)?

>relax dude, we've never had it better globally.
Present state prosperity has no relevance in trying to figure out if things are going to get fucked in the future. A non-civilizational tribe in the Amazons might survive something we don't despite us having it better right now.

>yet the exact opposite happened.
Bad predictions done in the past doesn't mean that present predictions about the future are automatically wrong. I don't think economic growth or for no reason. I believe there will be an intentional genocide, for good reasons.

My question is ultimately about what the hell are people going to do in post-automated UBI world? Why not remove everyone that you don't need? Knowing about cases like Seth Rich makes it pretty clear that people are not some divine individuals but buttons of power to those who are in charge.


Because he's right. At least in some topics. You shouldn't run to the closest market and buy tons of canned food tho. Instead of resources you have a lot bigger problems waiting for you.

>What do you think would cause the collapse naturally (i.e not with human intent)?
Naturally, of course.
Only people like Varg and us want it to collapse.

Everyone else, from globalists to normies want it to go on.

>Nearly everything of our medical problems would be solved by not living within civilization.
What if you need some sort of surgery, like removal of your appendix?
What about dental care?
I know there are ways to keep your teeth healthy, but what if you fuck them up?
>Unless I manage to find a wife that can play all the songs I want.
Or even better, learn to play them.
I've become interested in playing music recently.
I'll learn to play a couple of instruments.

Things have never been good in civilizational life, it seems. I used to think that if the ancient Greeks had problems, it's ingrained in humans and can't be fixed, but human history goes further than the stone-age.

What will China do post-automation and too many mouths to feed for no profit?

Has humanity ever existed in a time when 99% of people were drains and not contributing to society in any way? Because we are going to be in such times. Historically people have always been buttons that can serve advantage to anyone, even negroes were useful as plantation workers for their owners. Arabs simply killed off their slaves when they didn't need them. Are we the slaves in this scenario?

We are living in absurdly revolutionary times from a galactic perspective and we think this is ''normal''.

it's a matter of perspective. it's just chugging along like always though.

there will never be a "collapse"

>there will never be a "collapse"

But there is climate change which is 100% real; see: ending of ice age, we're just now entering warm season..

Perfect pretext for killing off the poor

Naturally, you mean like rare metals ending by surprise?

>like removal of your appendix?
What causes problems with appendix? Do tribal primitives have problems with the appendix? They seem to survive alive despite of everything, so I'm not too concerned to be honest.

>dental care
I wouldn't eat sugar or eat in general as much in a post-collapse world, so my teeth would likely to be all good. I guess if we were to survive a cataclysm-event, someone is bound to know something about modern medicine. My best friend is conveniently a doctor and I think I'll carve out a space for him if I can see signs of the Final Happening. All of the most highest elite going on a ''long vacation'' at the same time would be a sign.

>Or even better, learn to play them.
Hah, I've tried on my keyboard. Not really a natural talent, can play good enough to impress my family. Varg has talked about playing music and he considers it mostly a waste of time. Heavy words from a professional musician.

>Naturally, you mean like rare metals ending by surprise?
I don't know, man.
I guess something happening, a crisis occurs, people and the elites try to stop it, they fail, they try some more, slow it down, fail again, everything goes to shit.
Something like that, I don't know.
>Varg has talked about playing music and he considers it mostly a waste of time.
It's just a matter of perspective.
It is in a way, but if you take the right steps you+ll have enough time.
Music makes us stop and enjoy it, enjoy life.
Life is not just about survival, but the experience itself.
If all we do was survive, no matter how unhappy we get, what's the point of surviving and procreating anyway?

There are many perspectives to take, but who cares.
I personally like music and I'll play some.

Robots require energy. Producing robots and keeping up a 1st world lifestyle costs physical resources that are not unlimited.

You are Rothschild. You and your 100 buddies own 99% of relevant factories and technology. Would you keep around all the slaves that literally only leeches off of you and pollute your environment? They might pose a danger to you, what if the most competent slaves (there are thousands that are bluntly put just smarter than you) are plotting against you? There's one thing powerful people are afraid of and that's losing their power. They have reasons to be paranoid in a meritocracy, you don't stay in power by being a nice guy and playing respectful. So long there's a fear of losing power, there will be unfair measures that will be used in attempts to stay in power.

>Something like that, I don't know.
Sure. I don't think Varg claims to ''know'' either. It's really hard to predict bad happenings, if you could do it the happenings would be avoided. As systems get complex, it won't require many dominos to fall for a chain-reaction.

>Music makes us stop and enjoy it, enjoy life.
Oh I totally agree, but I simply don't think using all your time on only practicing instruments is worth it. As some people do. They are not going to be very useful for themselves if SHTF.

>If all we do was survive, no matter how unhappy we get, what's the point of surviving and procreating anyway?
I'm not sure, but I think the meaning of life is found in the struggle for survival. Survival might be ''boring'' for us because survival is obvious. What if your survival was a real struggle? It's impossible to say from our comfort levels. I think there is a good reason why primitive tribes simply didn't kill of themselves. Bears only have suicidal tendencies when in captivity, maybe this our metaphorical prison cage is real after all?

Technological progress negates social progress. Goethe knew this. Everybody will be a drooling degenerate retard but at least they'll be comfortable

Goethe knew that. Teddy knew that.

Many people have it bottoms up and equal technological progress with social progress.

automation will drastically reduce the work hours and bring abundancy of resources
I don't see why they would genocide most of the people because they will still need people to buy stuff from the robots and to maintain them functioning

We die, nigga.
Unironically now, it's already over. Even if, even if every european becomes a nazi (as if the switch goys and women would ever side with you) like you all want, all those fossil fuels are already being depleated. No more plastics and fuel. We didn't make escape velocity out of this planet.

Absolutely right. I feel this every day.

> will drastically reduce the work hours
Not only reduce, it's going to make humans (progressively everyone eventually) literally useless to the system. Why would they need people to buy stuff that require energy and resources to produce? They will own the mines, they will own the energy sources, they literally have zero benefit of providing you with free shit. They could build terrific spaceships for themselves with the resources instead of useless Teslas for the useless plebs. If we could just ''consume'' ourselves to riches everyone would recieve universal basic income already.

People are really scared to imagine that they someday would not be ''useful'' for those in charge. It's going to happend. Most people (redditors/futurologists -types) seem to think the elite is benevolent and would pay for their gibs out of pure pleasure of having another mouthbreather waste precious metals and pollute.


Bread and games.

Exactly this. Did the Roman think his empire was going to fall? Hell no. Energy and entropy. Everything has growth and then decays and then dies.

robots will never develop a full consciousness, that even the dumbest people in the world has, so it won't replace all jobs, only the manual labor ones
also if there are no buyers, or payoff for the investment, the automation process will cease before people turn in obsolete

They won't have to, they just have to be slightly cheaper than a minimum wage worker. The AI doesn't even have to outperform a human as long as it's cheap and meets some sort of minimum standard.
Compare AI to student, immigrant or black market labor. No one is going to argue those groups of workers are better than a skilled professional, but they are indeed labor.
Consciousness is not a factor here, in fact the designers might want to get rid of it altogether. A conscious robot might get ideas about voting and the constitution, and have some murders planned out just in case its demands aren't met.

What is a consciousness and why is it required for doing a job? Is there a reason that an artificial consciousness couldn't be made? No, if we assume the materialistic worldview.

There are people being replaced by automation right now. Manual labour like construction repair work might be automated later than let's say a physicians job, as you really need good motor skills for construction and awareness of surronding and how things can be solved. There is nothing mystical in anyone's work that requires an actual human to do it.

>also if there are no buyers, or payoff for the investment, the automation process will cease before people turn in obsolete
These people will be in direct control of all produced robotics, all (automatized) resource mines, power plants, everything. What makes them forced to produce you the newest Tesla instead of directing resources to their own spaceship? Nothing. They don't need to ''invest'' if they are trillionaires. They want power, not money. Power is what they will have if they eliminate the rest of humanity.

Somebody told me this photo was faked. I am looking at their feet and finding it hard to believe these people have ever even seen a pair of shoes.

>I don't know why, but my gut feeling tells me this autistic edgelord is right.
>go larp innawoods inside your wifes Lada
>hand over all political control to your enemies
>society doesn't fail or the downfall isn't total
You're fucked now

Could very well be. I only used it for illustrative purposes.

What do feet look like that have never used shoes?


Yeah, could be. But that's a low-res pic so hard to say if they are true or wannabe natives.

Letter A was apparently after wearing shoes for only a matter of weeks. I will see if I can find a photo of Yanomami Indians and their feet. Brb.

Pictures like these I find quite interesting as they are pictures of basically 'free range' humans. They aren't really hunter-gatherers, more like hunter-horticulturalists, as they do cultivate cassava and plantains (cooking bananas). These would be Huaorani indians in this article. The one guy's feet look either deformed, or he is the village tree climber, or something.

>implying it hasn’t collapsed already

Never underestimate preppers.

No you retard. All of this chaos is manufactured for the rolling out of military nationalist states.

Do you want to know how Mexico came to be? Pic related.

Very interesting pics really. It'd be fascinating to see what Europeans looked like in the stone-age with their spears and shieet. I also never got what asiatic people did pre-agriculture. Were they hunters? Gatherers? Were Asiatics always of smaller stature than Europeans?

I don't have a problem with them, only for the bad ones that think they are covered by having a few cans of food. That's a lot of spearheads?

How come poverty is dropping when we have the highest population ever seen in history?
It ook until the 20th century to hit 2 billion, then 4 billion in the 70s, 7 billion by 2000.
Yet the amount of poor people with unsecured fresh water and food was always the same, about 1 in 4.
Now that is changing.
Things are actually getting better and have been for 30 years. Stop being a big internet manchild ffs.

>It'd be fascinating to see what Europeans looked like in the stone-age with their spears and shieet

I live on the prairies (Great Plains), and I think basically stone age whites would have looked very similar to the local Indians, minus some cultural expressions in their clothing, weapons, tools and art.

I think it is a pity that we live in this world, and not that one. I think people were forced into farming. The Comanches in the US apparently gave up farming when they were able to catch wild horses or steal them from the Spanish. That they gave up farming to return to hunting (which is often described as a tough, shitty life) is quite telling, in my opinion.

I'd say that society is sure to collapse, but i'm not sure when exactly. It could be 100 or 1000 years but I think it will for sure be long after our lifespan. Let's just assume it's that far away. Then it won't be us that will bear the consequences. Yes ,yes, think of the kids. But by that logic (future generations) humanity is destined to fail, destined to die off. We stand no chance of infinite survival. If you wait long enough and survive even the meteors or deadly viruses through ages you will still just die off from sun running out of energy. It's futile,
in the long term we are done for, so why care if it will be in a 100 or 1000 years, as long as it's not in our time. I'm not trying to be selfish, just saying, shit will happen at one point, and humanity WILL go extinct. Nuclear war, meteor, virus, running out of resources, pollution and the final boss - sun going out.

Read through the thread and make that comment again. Overpopulation is not only a problem of food, it's a societal and environmental disaster.

I think farming won over hunter-gatherers because farming would result in larger settlements in smaller areas. Plowing a field sure sounds rather boring and unfulfilling, I am in no way skeptical as to why someone would prefer hunting over slaving on the fields long days.

I believe it will happend within our lifetime because of the rate of progress in automatisation and other tech.

If humanity were to survive billions of years to see the sun explode, I think the last descendants seeing the sun die would be a beautiful end to the story of humanity. Seeing that moment, would make all of humanity worthwhile. We don't have many duties in life. I see strival for survival to be the most important one. A 100 years is a short time in the grand scale of things. If I can help my future descendants by thinking a 1000 years forward, I will do it.

>I think farming won over hunter-gatherers because farming would result in larger settlements in smaller areas.
I agree, although I think the benefit was that the farmers could just assimilate or kill the hunter gatherers. Look at Canada; they had problems with the Indians being Indians so they introduced the reservation system.

Yes, waiting billions of years for that sight would be (unironically) worth it.
>tfw you will never see the sun explode during your life time
>why even live
>remember maaaaaybe your offspring will

Hunter-gatherers probably ceded initially easily land for the agriculturalists, because a small piece of land is not much worth to hunter-gatherers. I guess conflict started when the hunter-gatherers were all too crammed and noticed there's not enough land for everyone. Maybe some of them went the path of war and other like you said, assimilated into agricultural ways. Not out of wanting to do it, but out of necessity. It bothers me how ''agriculture'' is often treated as an obviously superior alternative that dum stone-age hunting people didn't just understand first.

Agriculture even made people manlets. It tells you something.
>it took until the twentieth century for average human height to come back to the pre-Neolithic Revolution levels

The ultimate reward in this struggle of humanity is to see whose bloodline gets to get literally in touch with the sun.

>Agriculture even made people manlets
Stature wasn't all that was affected...

What will happen is all the rich greedy kikes will automate everything, thinking they are not part of the system as well. But who will buy their goods when people cannot find jobs? We will all become slaves, for real this time. We'll all be wandering around the streets living in tents and shit.

And still abbos live like abbos since 10.000 years and they never got extinct

So no

I remember reading the opposite, that because of the amount of c-sections during childbirth, more children with bigger heads are being born (with mothers surviving to take care of them).

Its also interesting that they are equating brain size with intelligence, because there is variation in brain size between different ethnicities and genders.

>I remember reading the opposite, that because of the amount of c-sections during childbirth, more children with bigger heads are being born (with mothers surviving to take care of them).
Now that is interesting, although c section births are more susceptible to things like allergies and whatnot.

>Its also interesting that they are equating brain size with intelligence, because there is variation in brain size between different ethnicities and genders.

I doubt they will touch on that. They even mentioned that the rate of loss was constant for men and women.

Agriculture might have been the greatest tragedy humanity had to face. We will overcome it, I want to believe.

I laid that out in my answer to him. You don't actually need people to be consumers once you control all the resources, the means of production, and you even own your army of robocops and paid human scientists. They will have ever chain in their hand and they can start fulfilling their dreams. Once they get rid of the plebs, of course.

This is doomsday-y, but it's logically consistent and in line of assuming that the end-game of powerful people is to secure all power to themselves.

I also remember reading in the article it was worrisome, that in the future we might "evolve" to be completely dependent on medical surgery for the child and mother not to die of pregnancy complications. I can't remember the time scope they were talking about, but i think it was sooner rather than later.

found some more cool information: