The current state of women

Just saw this from a Jewish chick I went to highschool with. What the fuck do I even say to this.

Nothing, she's fucked m8, just the hair says it all, also that's a shit attempt at hiding the name

"Fuck off to Israel then."

What point is she even trying to make?

you're flag is Estonia so im guessing you didn't go to highschool with her. In fact im willing to bet your supposed to be on a potato farm right now instead of trying to make Anglos look bad you Slavic shit

Call her an anti white kike

Did she only write the names of the women and children victims? Fuck the 54 other men, the only victims that matter were the women and 17 year olds who fired at cops

She wants the hung up high from a pole

Has a lynch fetish

>Jean Pedro Pierre 987
Now that's a cool name.

>Hurr Durr military, what's that?

>le 0% face

>I added my own name to the list because while I am not actually a victim, I would like to be able to ride on the coattails of their tragedy to make myself feel better about not actually doing anything productive at all ever

Make aliyah.

None, she's just virtue signaling and looking for her ego fed.

Going to comment this. Fuck it, she's degenerate already.

Do your own flag with all the names of victims of black crime
I'm sure they sell multi-mile long flags somewhere

Take a pic as proof and show us.

Seems like bad luck to add yourself to that list

American values or not, pigs are scum

>not a victim.
Ummm shes jewish sweetie. Pretty sure she still has her victim card.

Don't speak to kikes, they are worthless

Help me think of how to change the last half. It looks to attacky, I want it to be more about calling out how idiotic it is.

You don’t argue with jews. You don’t justify yourself to your enemies. Do you think a lion pontificates for a gazelle before it eats the gazelle?

Just leave off the "at all ever" part if you are bitch made

So a .07% “error” rate.

Yeah I can't think of anything good right now.

You could post

>"i added my own name so i could appropriate a tragedy for likes"



>"I added my own name to stand in solidarity, but lemme get those likes first"

Opened with some bait. Gonna put that next

Bitch you wouldn’t have even made it to Schindler’s list.

Lol did she just try to imply I'm gay as an insult? I don't think leftists know what "hypocrite" means.

just say one word


Holy shit this dumb bitch can’t do basic math

Affirmative. Also her name is in that pic haha

So you're an unthinking bootlicker who doesn't think that there's a problem with police violence?

FUCKERS THE Vth crusade or whichever one was next had been callled!!! Most important thing on Sup Forums in a year!!!! Get in here now!!!!!!!


These people just want likes.

Tbh, that's pretty funny coming from a leftie. If it was a Sup Forums shitpost she would have BTFO you.

Unthinking is the only way anyone can be onboard with the current state of US police forces and their entire lack of accountability. Hell, it's still not a legal requirement that police departments even report the number of people they kill annually.

>Dewboy Lister III

She doesn’t hide it. Color me unironically surprised.





In a country of 320 million, those statistics are astonishing.
Good job USA!

don't respond. just remove her from your timeline and post conservative shit on yours. she'll see that, get pissed, and remove you as a friend. that way you get to trigger them while not looking like a stalking sperg. in any case, that's what i do. . .

Why did she think you were gay? It didn’t seem like she was using it to attack you.

>what do i say?
Did you add your name to the list of holocaust victims as well?

It really is considering some of the hell holes that exist.

>engaging a female regarding anything political

you're out of your depth kiddo, it doesn't matter how smart or correct you are, they will always win

>Every time an armed person was shot by a cop is unjustifiable.

Man, just imagine if you came at her with a knife, what's she going to do?

It's probably because he didn't hit on her obviously enough in HS.

Of course she was it had no relevance. A liberal being passive aggressively bigoted.

>ridiculously small minority of people who were shot while unarmed
>true colours
Pick one.

Idk, I dated her best friend for like all of senior year and broke up with her when she got a nose ring, so she could still be mad about that.

>jewish chick
have a seat user
let me tell you the difference between a woman and a jewess

Tell her they don't stand at all since they died.

*Thinking emoji*

>>I added my names to the list because these victims don't stand alone
she added her fuckin name to make it about her FUCKIN LOL

>I added my own name to the list please give me attention internet. :))


I'm listening

Just send her a link to this thread so we can have a proper conversation. Fuck this Chinese whispers bullshit

How’d id love to see her face when.

call her an oven dodger and move on

Women just gotta make everything about themselves.

Tell her to seek mental health

>”why are you adding your own name to the list of people who suffered and died by the hands of police? That is not only disrespectful but just cries of ego. Sorry, if you’re going to pay respects to those victims, you need to seperate yourself from it instead of pushing your way through and trying to share their spotlight.”

oh she wants a fight, eh. "wheres the statistics" topkek. she won't listen even if you show them to her. she's virtue signaling for some shit that never happened to her. including herself on a list of people killed? this is mental illness. she clearly has never done anything of value for the world, so she wants adoration and recognition via her own imaginary death. what a fucking lunatic. this is some of the most mental gymnastic attention whoring i've ever seen.

She needs some guy on Facebook to raise it for her while she documents the event