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as opposed to when attention whoring hobby ruining women hijacked geek pop culture, which was not just perfectly acceptable but commendable. Those damned nostalgic trolls not wanting a perfectly overly skilled feminist woman in every storyline of all of fiction!

>professional movie critics

Imagine actually believing this wasn't the biggest meme "job" in the history of meme jobs.

you mean took back?

also fix our games ffs

Is this the most damage controlled movie in history?

They didn't hijack it. You were given the reigns and you royally fucked it up. You never earned what was given to you. It was never yours to begin with. Your not talented enough to create beauty because your ugly on the inside. That's why you always pressure us to write your diversity garbage for you

This arguement is completely self defeating when leftists themselves call people who they suspect to be "alt-right" virigins, neckbeards, and social outcasts; you know, exaclty what the nerds/geeks of the 80s/90s and early 00s were before the hipsters took it over and it became Geek chic.

>WNs give a fuck about (((pop culture)))

Alternate headline: How some people got mad when Jews ruined beloved Sci-Fi franchises

They hijacked it for (((their))) political agenda.

This. The gentrification of geek culture by hipsters and liberals in 2007 has to be stopped.

>Oy vey, we screwed up, but lets blame it all on old nerds!

It was ours to begin with

Progressive journalists are getting lazy.

1. The author uncritically linked to progressive websites throughout the piece.

2. After bemoaning the alt-right's awful use of the internet to try to win over minds, there's this:

> This knee-jerk prejudice is deeply embedded in American culture, but over the last few years its most zealous adherents have developed platforms and strategies to propel it into the mainstream conversation. As Hawley notes, that’s coincided with the recent (modest) increase in diversity on screen, which has been propelled in part by a digital movement demanding far more accountability for Hollywood’s decision makers.
> Activist geeks, empowered by Twitter and strength in numbers, have been increasingly loud in protesting problematic pop culture; in 2017 alone, effective protests were launched against whitewashing (see: Ghost in the Shell and Iron Fist), cultural insensitivity, depictions of violence against women, and mass gun violence unleashed by purported heroes.

So progressive activists have been making progress, and that's implicitly great!

3. And then there's this:

>As Molly Fischer points out in a recent essay for New York magazine, 2017 was a year of mass sociopolitical analysis of pop culture. Movies and TV shows were viewed through a new prism, and either championed for their progressivism or denounced as problematic.


>championed for their progressivism or denounced as problematic.
>progressivism or [...] problematic

>make an absolutely shit-tier movie
>ppl say it's shit
>oy vey racism and white supremacy

>It's not the fact that that these trolls come out at the same time people are calling the new stars wars movie shit, it's just the alt-right attacking our brave and diverse characters! Total coincidence

Well the Chinese said pretty much the same stuff we did and I think that since they would have been cut off from our pop culture during the 80's they're about as neutral of an observer as you're going to get. Sorry the new star wars movie sucked, we all wanted it to be great but you fucked up, do better next time instead of shooting the messenger.

>write a really shitty character that almost everybody universally hates
>it's the alt-right again guys!

Yeah because a black guy in Star Wars is such a groundbreaking thing. Is Billy Dee still alive? Isn't it a little racist that nu-wars excluded the only black legacy character?

I always noticed this. They basically the 80's revenge of the nerd jock insults

I'm tired of being re-labeled every time hollywood does a shitty movie.

>Main sex song in australia

ghostbusters 2016 is still worse.

>SJWs hijack geek culture from nerds
>turn it from an inclusive diverse safe space into an exclusive club for the people with the right political views
>bully the same people who came to geek culture to escape bullying
>all in the name of inclusion and diversity

No wonder Gen Z is turning alt-right.

Rants about the movie from InfoWars broadcaster Alex Jones (who called it "a social justice warrior mess" and a "giant social engineering experiment") and white nationalist Stefan Molyneux
>Stefan Molyneux
>white nationalist

lol wut