There's one race, the human race

There's one race, the human race.

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And one race that's responsible for the majority of violent crime.


Damn US really looks white as US Flags in Sup Forums say

Niggers are not human.

she looks fun af desu, would party with til dawn

Niggers and chinks aren't human.

Whites are a minority in NYC.

‘cep fo whitey

>one race da hooman race
>chimps out whenever a negroid is shot but not when a white man is

well then which is it?

It's always the inferior people that want equality.

Makes sense I guess, it's expensive area

Not really.

She wants white cock

And that there’s an ape.

No sweetie humans are a species not a race get it right.

One breed: dog


Then how do they decide who gets affirmative action?

Right, you are human.
>a sub-species of human

>There's one race, the human race.
So racism is impossible.
Cool. Guess we won't be needing them quotas then.


>there's one race, the dog race


white af friendo

Communists are not human.

BLM burned that bridge, now they want to say All Lives Matter, fuck you, too late


Actually not even that

>There's one race, the human race.
Then niggers should celebrate the advances made by whites like it was their own and stop committing crimes against our establishments


Biologically speaking they are. Political views dont = race

Stop joking around

Well, at least she's not being a cunt like the rest of the niggers.

Unscientific and once again the reason why africans and descendants of Africans have noses like that is beacuse of hot climate adaptation in africa that widens the nose for more air. Again genetic differences and traits amoung individuals, populations. Are nor race

Yes it is. That is quite literally what people have meant when they use the term race/subspecies for centuries.

One race. Two species.


OMG I want an asian wife so bad XD fuck those stupid white roasties. LMAO

>one race, the human race
>white people are evil
what did liberals mean by this?

>Anonymous (ID: HrlSXGlu) 01/22/18(Mon)02:39:49 No.15
Hitler wrote book. Books are evil. Fuck you

Once again wrong sub species is debatable but "race" is not "race" of people? Essentially, the idea was that humans exist as a variety of fixed types that all share the same suite of physical traits and are different from the other types. The classification of human variation into different types has been around for quite a long time. Most discussions of this topic start with Carolus Linneaus, but the idea predates him. Linneaus, as most of you know, is the father of modern taxonomy and is responsible for the adoption of binomial nomenclature. In addition to classifying plants and animals, Linneaus came up with classifications for humans. In Systema Naturae Linneaus identified five varieties of humans: Americanus, Europeanus, Asiaticus, Africanus, and Monstrosus. These varieties were based not only on perceived morphological differences, but also on behavior and culture. Africans were unsurprisingly described as " black, phlegmatic, relaxed; black, frizzled hair; silky skin, flat nose, tumid lips; females without shame; mammary glands give milk abundantly; crafty, sly, careless; anoints himself with grease; & regulated by will." While no explicit hierarchy was described for these types, the descriptions made it quite clear that Europeans were supposed to be the best. So that is where is came from and what it means, many forensics of skull shape and skelleton etc are not to identify "race" but are used to identify geographical ancestry and locations as well as genetic traits and differences carried from those populations. Again are genes change from population skin color, eye size, etc

They don't even believe that themselves.

And how many species?

Not in Manhattan.


HOMO Sapien (That's me)
Eternal Anglo

Is the women’s march just one big “clever” sign contest? It’s basically a popularity contest for them to put on social media, they don’t really care about protesting.

It is amazing how you can type so much, but say so little. Go back to Mexico you half breed Spanish rape baby. You're over thinking a simple reality.

Oh cool that means they can’t use white guilt to get free shit anymore, right?

>being a fag


No no you dont get it. I was explaining the breif history of how race was being used in the history of biology. You know what never mind. What do you think about those skulls?

>You're over thinking a simple reality.

The reality is much more complicated than you think


Why'd you buy a pass?

I actually agree, but discriminating against non-Christians is fine with me and should be done more.

No it isn't. You're acting like a typical anthropology undergrad and deconstructing/nitpicking every aspect of the historical view on races. Populations have been isolated for 10's of thousands of years, and have undergone divergent evolution in obvious and less obvious ways. These categories of what people perceive you as, fit perfectly with genetic profiles.

And about political views. No one is saying that what race you are perfectly predicts your political views. But there is research that shows that political views are heritable, and are expressed deferentially without the races. If you change a population from European to African to Asian, that alone will change the way the society manifests and the politics with it.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the white people on this board don't really like to be associated with the human race, for whatever reason. I wonder why...

>There's one race, the human race



aaaah nice joke

Daily reminder that commies aren't human.


>but the white people

I'm half hispanic and I thinks you guys are a joke

>No it isn't
Yes it is you cant just look at a skull or someone's DNA and say you are part of this race. It dosen't work like that.

The niggers wont be satisfied until White People are treated like garbage

Then how is nigger hate racist

Says the nigger. Stop trying to ride the coat tails of actual humans.

Bad bait m8.

Damn right.

I'm confused, does she want to be raped?

Of course the least among would want equality.
That would be giving them a massive boost.

Let me give you an example see these skulls? They are used in college classrooms. These are skull casts from companies that provide casts for classroom usage. They are not races - they are showing population genetic variations and how we can use that to potentially identify some aspects of regional heritage. And yes, they are somewhat idealized examples because students of forensics are expected to use them in class. Here is a similar exercise using images Experiences in the field are often much harder with less obvious or more mixed features.

Forensic anthropologists use multiple markers on a skull to try and determine likely ancestry, which can help with identifying the body. If you know how people from that region are typically classified using race or related labels in a society, you can make a good guess as to what their friends and family considered them.

Here are a few articles that might be helpful:

Sauer, Norman J. "Forensic anthropology and the concept of race: If races don't exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them?." Social Science & Medicine 34.2 (1992): 107-111.

Smay, Diana, and George Armelagos. "Galileo wept: a critical assessment of the use of race in forensic anthropology." Transforming Anthropology 9.2 (2000): 19-29.

Brace, C. Loring. "Region does not mean “race”—reality versus convention in forensic anthropology." Journal of Forensic Science 40.2 (1995): 171-175.

Ousley, Stephen, Richard Jantz, and Donna Freid. "Understanding race and human variation: why forensic anthropologists are good at identifying race." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139.1 (2009): 68-76

Papers show this as well as i showed you

I sure hope so

That's actually very racist. You are basically saying that a dog is can't be a cat.

and checked (sorry)

Now you still may ask why are forensic anthropology so good at identifying through just looking at a skull? Well how do forensic anthropologists determine the ancestry of skeletal remains and how does this translate into race? The first question is the easiest to answer. If you watch Bones, it appears as if you just glance at a skull and know immediately. Thankfully there's more science behind it than that. The primary method is what's called craniometric analysis. Using a set of calipers the linear distance between anatomical landmarks is collected and compared to other skulls. We know that cranial traits, especially of the face, are highly heritable (so less effected by the environment) and are somewhat discontinuous across global populations. That is, there is some amount of overlap, but also a statistically significant amount of difference. Populations that share a close genetic ancestry will have craniometric traits more similar to each other than to other populations

What are Y-Chromosome Haplogroups.

There is no such thing as a "race", what are colloquially called "Races" are actually sub-species with with a common ancestor somewhere in the past. There is no "Human" species.

We do not know, for certain, where Neanderthal, Denisovan, Homo Heidelbergensis, etc, came from, all we know is that.. from DNA analysis, we share common genes with them, but we also share something like 55% of our genes with a Banana.
This is the scientific lie that has been perpetrated for as long as the Kikes have been in control of acedemia. They TELL you that we're related, because we are, every life form on the face of the planet is related.
Some 2 billion years ago, your great great great great great - ect - Grand-Father, the Y Chromosome that YOU derive from, was a fish swimming around the Cambrian sea.

Neanderthal and Homo-sapian MUST have a common relative somewhere along the taxonomical tree but we are not the same species, we are part of the same family.

>being a monkey
Laughing at both of you.

Having more genetic complexity as a species just means that are more races than previously thought, not that race doesn't exist at all.

Stop thinking like a follower, if the term "Race" is applied to "People who look different" but we're talking about something far more advanced than just "Race is skin deep" then we need to use different terminology to describe that, we have to advance our ideas as the ideas themselves advance.

I am personally not convinced that Neanderthals and Denisovan's even HAD a close common ancestor, they could be separated by millions of years of divergent evolution for all we know. There's really no way of knowing given how politicized the field of genetics and biology are, a scientist wouldn't even be able to get funding to research this, and if they found evidence they'd be exiled from academia if they ever tried to publish the research.

They keep us in the dark to push the narrative, we definitely need new definitions and new words to define these more complicated ideas, race is too simple and it doesn't fit what we can infer from the information available.

Nice you just debunked racism. Thx XDDDD benis etc etc

>does black power symbol

About fucking time. Once whites and blacks realize who their true enemies are, then we can fix this clusterfuck that is the new world order.

I hate seeing kids in stuff like this.

The University of California literally has said that OPs picture is a racist statement.

There's one species maybe
That is debatable though
Homo petrolis exists in Australia


nature is racist

>Homo petrolis exists in Australia
His right you know....

where is that? looks like one of those maori drug deal meetups

In order for there to be equality, there has to be something quantifiable involved to prove it.
You can't solve a math problem without numbers.
So how are the races equal?
IQ? Demonstrably false.
Appearance? Anyone with eyes can tell you that's not true
Obedience of the law? Again, not true in the slightest if you look at crime statistics.
DNA, Bone and Skull structure, economic prosperity, physical prowess, hell, even the chemicals our brains produce are different from one another.
So what quantity is uniform between the races?