Debate me

Don't pussy out you unintelligent hicks.

On what specifically?

Pick a political issue that you feel strongly about.

Should women be able to drive?

how oil prices are being manipulated by OPEC and if it is a good or bad thing for the economy

we shouldn't allow mass immigration

Jews did 9/11

I agree about stopping mass immigration. But I do not support ending all immigration.

How do you feel about khazar milkies?

Why are you a nigger?

well that's not much of a debate then.
How much immigration do you think we should have and for what purpose?

multi culturalism sucks
I'm not Saudi I just live there and I admit that my economic knowledge is trash. Its good for the Saudi economy that's for sure.

You picked the topic.

I support a merit-based immigration system that requires migrants to integrate into / learn about the culture.

ill post a couple things on this comment

do you really think america wouldnt have developed the nuke and contained nazi germany after they defeated the soviets

And I thought you were going to try to debate it.

What merits would make them eligible for immigration for you?

>multiculturalism sucks
It depends on specifically what you mean and where it is being tried. In the US I believe that we are a multicultural experiment with an overlying civic structure. But if we are talking about somewhere like France or Japan, I support keeping a somewhat culturally homogeneous nation.

we shouldve just leave them to ooga booga (blacks)

the british empire fell because they kiked their colonies not because of war with actual out-groups. prove me wrong

italy was in a perfect position to be a major player in ww2 yet they werent.

first tell your approximate ideology

I'm not just going to debate anything you say. If I agree with something that you bring up then I will tell you.

The merits would involve things like learning the national language, learning the countrys history as well as it's laws and constitution. And also assuring that the individual immigrating to the country is ready to find work and contribute to society in some way.

I don't know enough about that so I will concede it to you.

Cool, and that experiment is failing, as a multicultural society has no set moral values and will regress into a materialistic brave new world type society, which the US is/has become.

also most italians arent the same genetically as romans

so as long as they learn that stuff you're willing to let anyone in?
Why? Why do you think your country needs immigrants?

I don't have a specific ideology that I follow. I voted for Bernie if that helps.

Also I don't know enough about history to argue these with you. I mostly focus on current events.

reminder that materialism isnt cucked and christcucks have been since the 1900s every since they saw blacks. capitalism was strongest in britain and they spread their race further than everyone else as a result (usa,canada,south africa, zimbabwe/rhodesia, new zealand, austrialia)

forgot pic to go with it

OP most people here would agree with most of your positions except for the importance of racial purity.
The race pill is the hardest one to swallow. I know I haven't accepted it yet. Im not sure whether its because the arguments for it suck or because of my selfishness and bias. I feel like I agree more with white people, but at the same time I don't like all the Pakis and Indians in this country and would rather only people from the middle east be here.

Well again, it depends on the type of multiculturalism. The US is multicultural in the sense that someone from LA is going to be way different from someone in small-town Alabama.

>Why do you think your country needs immigrants?
Because we live in a globalized world and I want to alleviate nation tensions as much as possible. Our country also benefits from immigration as an import of labor just like any other import.

is trump or schumer responsible for the shutdown? libs or cuckservatives?

significant student debt? if yes i post my policy regarding education

Both. The whole situation if fucked.

That is a pill that I will never take because it fundamentally goes against everything that I morally believe in.

>I want to alleviate nation tensions as much as possible
how do you think immigration does this?
>Our country also benefits from immigration as an import of labor just like any other import

What do you mean exactly?

the rules of supply and demand go the other way around if its free (in a way). people would take the most expensive stuff first

immigration should be limited to: the highest scorers on a comprehensive immigration scoring system, based on: BASIC English comprehension, love for America, IQ and projected income level, and ideological agreement with America's founding principles (tested in a number of ways, including deep investigation by CIA into phone records, etc). This group should ONLY entail 2-4% of the United States' population, so as to ensure that they truly integrate into the culture, and do not try to form ethnic bonds with other immigrants--for this reason it is also beneficial to select immigrants from a diverse ethnic group--although, given the cultural force of blacks in the US, it may be preferable not to import Africans, as their children may fall prey to joining up with the ghetto degenerate culture of US blacks.

>how do you think immigration does this?
A lot of ways. Remittances is a pretty big one.

By increasing the labor-force and by immigrants opening businesses and creating new jobs.

i mean obviously you'd want less debt. its like when you play when you play stellaris and the slave faction alway has 100% attraction to certain groups (ive never had slaves though)

Wouldn't it just be better to help those poor countries set up their own industry rather than have them come into your country and suppress wages?

>Remittances is a pretty big one.
wtf do you mean? If anything it shows the economy that they're less beneficial to pay than anyone else, even blacks. Oh, you mean in terms of international relationships!?!?? who gives a fuck what they think of us, they're nothing in terms of military might. They're already screwing us on trade with their 20-25% tariffs while we have none on them!

>increasing the labor-force
Which decreases wages and puts pressure on infrastructure.
>opening businesses and creating new jobs
I don't think you need immigrants for this to occur though

mfw no debate

That would help as well.

For example, the Philippines economy is heavily reliant on the export of skilled and unskilled labor to the rest of the world. I think that is a beautiful thing.

>I think that is a beautiful thing.
No it's not, that just seems like they are a parasite

>I think that is a beautiful thing.
I seriously don't understand this, why do you think it's beautiful?
Don't mean to double post but this is something else

The market always finds new industries to capitalize on. We have so much land in the US and with the import of skilled and unskilled labor, we can expand our economy and create a lot of new opportunities.

You aren't being very clear with your question.

Hitler did nothing wrong

i believe that each person (singular) should be able to open one business with a zero to 5% tax rate for 1-2 years then they pay regular taxes. just to help them start out. also people who abuse this should be jailed (i did say 1 per person after all)

i think i just want to debate my opinions also i have multiple things/opinions posted

Because it is bringing the world together and moving humans in a more peaceful and diplomatic direction. Rather than closing all borders and every nation kills each other for resources, we are all sharing and trading with each other which is lowering hostility around the globe.

Get on Skype and go pose for pose with me, pussy. Once you see the striations on my back you will bow down like the peon you are.

No homo.

>We have so much land in the US and with the import of skilled and unskilled labor, we can expand our economy and create a lot of new opportunities.
but you don't need immigration for that. The population is going to continue to grow without immigration and that can fill the needs of an expanding economy without straining resources.
Additionally, with the coming revolution of automation and AI unskilled labor jobs are going to dry up meaning all the people you are importing for those will be a drain on the country

do you believe that every link added to the chain lets you reach further.

That sounds very hard to implement without pissing off a lot of people and distorting the market. Are you legitimately NazBol or is it just a meme flag?

we can share and trade with each other without the need for immigrants. And I have seen nothing to suggest that immigration helps with that

What's the most controversial thing you believe that you wouldn't want your friends or family knowing? Or do you think you were just lucky enough to be born and raised with all the "correct" opinions?

>debate a communist

I think we should implement judicial corporal punishment for less serious offenses. What do you think?

memeflag since im a rarefag that doesnt want his location known. probably only person who posts on Sup Forums in my country

norfolk islands?

>with the coming revolution of automation and AI unskilled labor jobs are going to dry up
I don't disagree with this, but I think that we are not quite there yet. If automation is inevitably going to take over, then there is no point in cutting off immigration because that would just be a march against time.

Fuck off Destiny. I told you already cock and timestamp or gtfo

Or we could just tax the Jews more.

no but i wont say more


You have to have people intelligent enough to be engineers and you don't get that from DACAzens

Hicks aren't the ones to lower their eyes when a nigger nigs. It is the pseudo intellectual vidja addict whose fear smells worse than the unwashed coon

Isolated groups tending to become more tribalistic and hostile towards eachother. That is just a historical trait that humans exhibit.

I share all of my beliefs with everybody that wants to know them. But I guess I would support banning the consumption of meat if I could.

DPRK boi?

>Less Uncle Toms
>More Uncle Bens

Fuck off soyboy. We are colonizing space and your not coming with us. You can stay with the niggers and spics

Sure, I would support prioritizing high skilled immigrants over low skilled.

we will see a massive change in this in the next 5 years. If we don't start doing something now it will have disastrous effects. By saying "oh we're not there yet" you make yourself unprepared. You don't need to cut off immigration but reducing it over time is required

if everything actually gets automated then the gives will inevitably flow. the only true currencies are labor and thoughts, which are used to create food which is the basis of civilization. the moment labor is no longer traded by humans people will start thinking that they dont want to die lol. plus the people receiving gibs wont judge other people for receiving gibs because they will feel equally pathetic (just human nature).

But like it said, this is really just a march against time. I am all for looking into what we can do about this coming issue, whether it be UBI or switching to a new economic model completely.

wrong the nogs/"libs" will force us to send them into space so they can receive new forms of gibs

>Isolated groups tending to become more tribalistic
but the groups wouldn't be isolated. The internet has ensured that. Also I'm not saying don't allow tourism or exhanges or such things we can be connected without immigration.

It will be a very strange turning point in human history if this happens.

>I share all of my beliefs with everybody that wants to know them. But I guess I would support banning the consumption of meat if I could.
That's a bullshit answer. You're a dishonest person.

>really just a march against time.
what do you mean by this because I don't think you're using that idiom correctly, I'm not even sure it is an idiom

i literally have a massive Sup Forums txt file full of my previous comments and other peoples comments i liked and/or wanted to debate later. im only posting my comments right now though

>we can be connected without immigration
I suppose. But national chauvinism is still a big concern even in a globalized world, it comes out a lot in things like sports and with cultures that are more racist. I just see immigration as another thing we can do to help.

Why won't you debate me OP

How many women have you fucked?

The only solution is war. Genocide. Ethnic cleansing. Its been this way since the dawn of time. You ever history? You don't give welfare to your invaders. You kill them

debate or i will sage thread will still posting.

You lost already. I don't "feel" about anything. I only think - facts, logic, reason. The fact that you used the word "feel" makes you an unworthy opponent.

>the Saudi of all people are saying multiculturalism has failed

Isn't your country full of darkies?

You say that cutting off immigration is good because jobs are disappearing due to automation. If all jobs will be automated at some point, what is the purpose in slowing the amount of labor that is being imported? We are going to hit this brick wall regardless of how many people are in the work force.

Oh yeah? How why do you think that?

I absolutely disagree. Also I'm debating a lot of people at once.


I responded to you didn't I?

OK. Why Bernie? Let's debate that one. This will be fun.

>I just see immigration as another thing we can do to help.
I don't see how immigration would help with that. Unless you are wanting to degrade national identities.
>national chauvinism is still a big concern even in a globalized world
I really don't think this is as big a problem as you seem to think. National pride doesn't stop trade and with the way things currently are I can't see national pride leading to conflict. So why is this a problem?

not turning our country into a breeding ground for minorities is racist when they have plenty of their own space. breeding ground with benefits literally describes our countries yet whites arent the ones breeding

>If all jobs will be automated at some point, what is the purpose in slowing the amount of labor that is being imported?
Because if you don't decrease then number of imports you increase the amount of people who will then become dependent on the state when their job is replaced by a robot. Which is a bad thing.

i tip my fedora to your endlessly logical mind good sir

Okay, so let's examine why you disagree. In my opinion, this would be not only beneficial to society but to the punished individual as well. By phasing out prison sentences and financial penalties in favor of a simple caning or strapping, you no longer risk damaging that person's ability to function in society when the aim of criminal justice should be to reform. What's your take on that?

Or, more likely, that is why the Philippines remains one of the poorest countries in the world - the constant brain drain.

i believe this due to feminism and probably something to do with natural selection. many nogs have children for gibs.

Ah I think I see the disconnect. I never said that all jobs are being lost to automation. I was talking specifically about unskilled labor jobs. Those will be lost in our life time, they will be lost soon so if we're not proactive it will crush us

The two biggest issues for me were campaign finance reform and healthcare. I didn't agree with on everything though. (for example, I don't support his $15 minimum wage idea)

What is the difference between 300 million people who can't work and 330 million people who can't work? This will be a big problem regardless.

Because I personally think that rehabilitative justice has been proven to work a lot better than methods like corporal punishment.

I seriously doubt that.