Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection

>Accommodating the large influx of migrants not only challenges the humanitarian capacities of European countries but also requires their native populations to adjust to rapid growths in ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, and cultural differentiation
>Resistance to this transition often goes along with xenophobic sentiment, and as a consequence, recent elections in Europe have favored populist candidates who have openly expressed xenophobic attitudes toward refugees.
>Our results imply that an OXT-enforced social norm adherence could be instrumental in motivating a more generalized acceptance toward ethnic diversity, religious plurality, and cultural differentiation resulting from migration by proposing that interventions to increase altruism are most effective when charitable social cues instill the notion that one’s ingroup shows strong affection for an outgroup.
>Furthermore, UNESCO has emphasized the importance of developing neurobiologically informed strategies for reducing xenophobic, hostile, and discriminatory attitudes (47). Thus, considering OXT-enforced normative incentives in developing future interventions and policy programs intended to reduce outgroup rejection may be an important step toward making the principle of social inclusion a daily reality in our societies.

Study: pnas.org/content/114/35/9314.full.pdf

this is bad, leaf.


psychology is such a joke. all psuedoscience. nothing tangible to it.

>tfw they put chemicals in the water to passify you towards your ethnogenocide.

>Populist being used as a bad word again
Those damn politicians, listening to everyone else instead of me


>female hormones make you more accepting of immigrants

Huh, guess that explains biologically why so many roasties love refugees


UN must be disbanded.

I would probably end up like the reavers from serenity if they tried to put me on it.

JFC look at those (((names)))

It’s the Jews that control Germany. They’re coming for all of us

holy fuck what

I read the first paragraph and I think the scientists reached the following conclusion:
You need both peer pressure and drugs working at the same time together in order to change the behavior of the subjects.

We are now pathologizing political dissent. Buckle up.

I mean

Every. Single. Time.

i tried to get a script for that stuff. its called the love drug

So... Soma, basically?

Oxycontin isnt a female hormone dumb ass, men have it too.

This is legitimately unnerving. Because they've been working on shit like this for decades, but I never knew of any real successes regarding the research. Then again, I never really looked. This is bad. This is very bad. Spread the word on this. Don't tack on Sup Forumsspeech or right wing shit. Just spread this. Spread the link. Spread the PDF. Get the word out.

I was diagnosed with “ADHD” as a kid for being too “hyperactive” in the classroom and was put on Ritalin for 5 or 6 years so I would “pay attention”. I always found it suspicious as I could tell there wasn’t anything wrong with me at the time. In fact, if anything I was somewhat precocious with a strong intellectual curiosity. After spending several years on Sup Forums I eventually came across Sup Forums and from there the journey down the rabbit hole took me places I never wanted to go. Big pharma are drugging (especially white) kids to stifle any independent or nationalist tendencies in the realm of education, to essentially feminist young white males (hence the soyboy phenomenon). This in conjunction with mass immigration puts the final nail in the coffin for any attempt at rebuilding white identity. The plan is to completely cleanse the white race since we pose the only real threat to our Jewish slavemasters. Like that scene from Independence Day where the Agent asks the alien “What do you want us to do?” To which the alien responds “Die”.

We’re being marched to the graveyard and the Jews aren’t going to stop. The white genocide will continue unabated until there’s none of us left.

Oxycontin is an opioid and something completely different

And men have estrogen as well, but would you not consider it a female hormone?

why does this buckle look like a rope?

big oxytocin redpill here. read it

this is why when people automatically defualt to "SOURCE WHATS YOUR SOURCE MAAAANNN" its retarded, because this is the kind of shit science is used for. How to fucking control people, global warming, dont exercise white man youll die keep eating soy, and this shit. fuck everything

How about just keep the muds back in their homelands? This is where they have lived for the last 10,000 years and there is no real reason to have them move to our ancestral homelands where our people have lived for 30,000 years.

Sane people need to be drugged out of their mind in a hostile lynchmob to even consider not removing kebab

theyre not putting chemicals in the water

they use social engineering and psychological tricks in media and advertising to achieve oxytoxin release right as they're inserting their desired ideological opinion into the work.

this will make the "average" person take on the standpoint as their own.

Important adages relating to jewish populations:
1)ASPD reflects low response to Oxtc.

2)Cortisol (the stress hormone) inhibits Oxtc (more complicated than that, includes Vasopressin, but let's keep it simple). Thus, when you are stressed, you behave similarly to a psychopath

sidenote: Cortisol also wakes you up - that's why people are jerks when they just woke up early in the morning

2)Jews, -on average-, have higher Oxtc, thus higher in-group preference

3)Jews also have two other specifics to the group: they are high on trait neuroticism, basically have a cortisol hair-trigger
4) higher in prevalence of ASPD - 10% rather than 5% in the average european population

So what do you get if you mix the following:

a) a sub-group that has great positive bonding but also great in-group prefrence
b) the same subgroup has high neuroticism, and at a point of friction with the larger group
c) the subgroup has a subgroup of its own of full-blown ASPD types

Think about this, Sup Forums. this redpill might change your life.


>considering OXT-enforced
>original reads enhanced

You gonna hook a few with that b8 budday