Women are like children and shouldn't vote. Do you agree with that?

Women are like children and shouldn't vote. Do you agree with that?

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Only male landowners should be allowed to vote. Female caretakers of land in cases of no male heir are completely acceptable however. They should abstain from voting out of respect.

1 vote per family, if he/she is single 1 vote per bachelor/maid

They should be allowed to vote if they sign up for Selective Service.

Make those lazy fuckers work fulltime and pay taxes too goy.

Every woman that doesn't have a body like that should be sterilized, that's for sure.

Women's brains is only done developing when they get to around 40 or so. They shouldn't be allowed to vote until then. But by then they also should be put down because they've become useless.




They are too emotional and most of them do not try to understand politics

I don't think anybody should have the right to vote until they are married. 1 family = 1 vote. This should help with birth rates, divorce rates, and hopefully a bunch of other shit.

Giving women the vote wasn't the problem; Giving everybody the vote was.

They are not able to evaluate present events to forecast future outcomes.

If woman has children she should have 1 vote.

but it is worth half of 1 man vote.

> tie rights to responsibility
> tie risk to reward

Detatch the equality meme off the vote, people who participate/contribute/ risk more get more say.

> military service
> net tax paying
> being off welfare
> having children
> working a high risk job.
> employing people, running a business.

These, and the extend to which they apply to an individual should determine their vote. In this model women will naturally have less say.

Let it be optional for them.


My father is a rich democrat who essentially has the mindset of a plantation owner wherein he looks down on poor rednecks, and Welcomes an underclass of brown consumers. Whereas my mother is basically natsoc. And has told me she feels superior to non whites.
So I get it that young women are really stupid, and women vote democrat more than men. But saying women are too stupid to vote is Incorrect. Women don’t stay young forever, and furthermore the cats out of the bag so restricting female rights isn’t exactly going to endear them to our movement.



This sketch makes no sense, it wouldn't hurt them much if you kick them in the vagen. Try hitting bob.

Unironically yes. They are too emotional for the vote. The fall for Santa Claus tier beliefs. Beliefs such as Utopianism should be limited to children and Jews yet for some reason women fall for it and vote for the socialist equitable utopia almost every time

*They fall

>Women are like children and shouldn't vote. Do you agree with that?
This is true of a majority of women and a minority of men. All who would vote must earn the right to vote by making some kind of sacrifice, possibly passing a test. All people should be free to make this sacrifice and earn voting privileges.

>when not getting married becomes a political strength
maybe not user

No because nobody should vote you dumb fake fascist fag.

Nobody should vote; democracy is a meme because relativism, which is itself a relative viewpoint, is asserted absolutely when it is no more valid than any other standard by which society might be judged.

Yes. Obviously.

twenty six million four hundred fifty one thousand six hundred sixty seven. that is roughly the number of women that voted for trump. I will agree that women can be childish and idiotic, I will even agree that the majority is. but there is a good number of ones that aren't. Sup Forums and /r9k/ are blasted 24/7 with all sorts of horrific shit that women do. While forgetting that men do equally monstrous things, and instead of understanding that a large portion of humans are trash, make it a gender issue when it is. there are shitty people. shitty people are probably even the majority. but there are good people too.

Most white women voted for Trump.

So no.

non-white people on the other hand...

Yes. The individualism that is solely rewarded for a night of carnal pleasure then leading to a life of being rewarded for a biological function and fulfillment of desire and emotional selfishness without holding with reverence the ancestral hardship that spawned them like a true queen would be conscious of. The exceptions do not represent the greater whole. Double standards are the only norm that exists, equality is a lie if it is based only on gender. Blaming others merely creates losers. They have proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are their own worst enemies.

Restricting voting to landowning white men was a feature, not a bug. Letting women vote was the second biggest mistake in American history. Letting the blacks stay after the Civil War was the second biggest mistake.

>Trying to use logic in a place like this
You are wasted here user. This place is for disenfranchised MGTOWers who LARP as trads.

>just dumping absolute numbers without context
And massively decreased his percentage share of total votes, since they voted for him less than men. Since they vote more towards the left. Every year, every country, women vote left. Their enfranchisement always, without exception, pulls the equilibrium towards the left.

Produce porn with Jew ownership and not even ones one ingroup with a 100% realization that children underage will see it and want to vote for the future of Children. NO

Women are sex objects or mothers. There is no in between.

A career woman is a cunt and should be treated like a whore with a second job.

You or I may use logic and reason to vote in either our or our country's best interests but the normalfags and numales are the same as women. Thinking all men are like us are wrong. Some women are redpilled, some are not and the same goes to men.

I agree yes. Women are more concerned with virtue signaling because they are insecure weak herd minded sheep.

You're retarded

Yeah I know. I used to be like that for awhile too, until I decided to just flat out run the numbers. It's easy to hate something when proof after proof of how monstrous it is, is thrown in your face endlessly. You have to look past it and understand that people are shitty in general it's not that women specifically are.
And who cares if they pay taxes? You can't say that women should be at home raising children, and then demonize them for not paying taxes. Hell, the women on welfare siphoning money from the taxpayer probably spend more time with their children than career women that are never home. At the end of the day if you let shitty people be shitty they will be shitty, it's literally the reason why communism never works.

Don't be a complete fag, please. The children have been bearing the burden of both parents failures. A woman chooses the carrier and not to become a mother than at least she is really committed.

I found out this system and I believe it'd work
Three votes for males with a degree
Two votes for the rest of the men.
One vote for women.

Best democracy right there.

It still hurts a lot. Even though there are no balls to be hit, there are still a lots of nerves down there.

>...the cats out of the bag so restricting female rights isn’t exactly going to endear them to our movement.

Maybe not, but maybe it will show them how they're currently seen because of their retarded reasoning for how they vote. What does it matter if we're endearing when these retards vote as virtue signaling sheep for the left far more often than not?

That number is primarily white boomer women who saw how their sons couldn't get a start because of the b.s. Obama et. al. pulled.

Boomer women may be justified in their hate for Boomer men, but they realized the miserable cunts they created in Millennial women was a terrible fucking mistake.

Regardless, the damage is done and there is no correcting what is about to go down by 2030. Millennial women want absolute power and control, which puts countries ran by men at a serious advantage to us.

If Trump doesn't win in 2020 and Bannon doesn't take over for eight years, we are absolutely fucked. I just hope we are forced to learn Russian instead of Chinese or fucking Arabic.


I think most people shouldn't be allowed to vote, unless they are physically invested in the country (landowner/military) or can prove they actually know what's going on, and the systems in play.

>And who cares if they pay taxes?
Women do. Which is why they as a group vote for higher taxes and more handouts without exceptions. Which is why their enfranchisement always leads to higher taxes and more handouts. Because women don't pay taxes, because more handouts is a net gain to them. It's simple self-interest.

There is no getting around the fact that women voting is a disaster. Like fucking clockwork, every 4 years since their enfranchisement, every country they've got the right you get another catastrophe.

There are dumb females but there are also dumb males - it would be unfair to ban females while allowing the absolute retards who're actively trying to ruin our society (90% of whom are male) vote as well
Instead, everyone should vote but votes should be weighted based on a pre-vote test that includes topics like history of the nation, basic politics, economy and maybe a tiny bit of science/math. That way it's fair for both sexes and females who're passionate about this subject and aren't retarded will get to vote with a higher weight.



90% given the random percentage even if that is the case what does that tell you. Centuries of what you might say 90% get the picture?

The percentage of single women has reached a peak of nearly 50% in this country, which is the problem. These are the career whores who want abortion rights so they can make their own money and fuck niggers on the side while pretending to be men.

Can't wait when they have no choice when black Invaders are invited in like Germany and Swedistan.

Why give dogs money while I'm at it?

what's your effect on the economy? net gain or net drain? do you need government assistance to get by? if so, is it temporary or on an ongoing basis?

voting rights requires:
>n/a or yes

yes. women are literally retarded. they need to be enslaved.

yes temporary*

here is a (You)

>but there are also dumb males
Their worth is entering into service for their country. While I stop short of conscription, the fact that all men must sign up for selective service in the US is enough at this point.

Committed to the downfall of America? Is that what you are implying because women cannot replace men. They will find out the hard way when everything they run goes to shit.

women arent people.

Just scrolled past this little gem and I figured I should let you know that you re a dumbass little faggot who should jump off a bridge.

Found 1 smart women therefore all the others dont count. Ffs were dealing with demographics not induviduals.

The only purpose of a woman is to give birth. They are as dumb as a lifeless object.

What happened to no taxation without representation?

How do you tax a housewife?

>started off so strong but failed miserably
1 vote per land owning married couple with at least 1 kid. Fuck the rest

The downfall is guaranteed of every and all nations. The God of chaos and entropy is cruel absolute and is embodied in all of nature. Being a male sucks huge fucking donkey balls it really really does.

Did I hurt your feelings? It appears you couldn't come up with a rational argument against my point.

She’ll still blow out once she drops a kid.. they all do.

I don’t even care as long as it was property owners

Niggers, always gotta be racist

Death of absolutely everything is guaranteed.

Doesn't mean I'm going quietly into the night.


So some piece of shit NEET who inherited land can vote but not a hard working manual labourer?

Minority of women are housewives.

No you ridiculous faggot.

No, women are perfectly capable of making rational decisions... there are however idiots of either gender. unfortunately that's democracy for you

That is the fundamental reason for democracy to slow the entropy for community self-preservation. The greatest weapon against it. What is more believable millennia after millennia of leadership embodied closer to that of the majority of nature or an ideology that specifically targeted women to divide and conquer a nation?

Women should take tests to determine eligibility to be realistic enough to vote and not be so driven by utopian dreams.
Everybody should take this test to be eligible to vote.

And that's the problem

the problem is not too many people voting, its too few.

furthermore, who sets the test?
I assume you don't think that government should decide whose opinions qualify them to vote

Yes, we didn't have welfare till they started voting.
We didn't have no fault divorce, publicly funded abortions, prohibition, or mass illegal immigration till they got pimped out by the state.

I am bachelor and females do not want me because I am not top 20%
I like my votes and while righteous and all it is in my best interest to keep my unmarried vote

Yeah, the manual laborer doesn't have as much at stake versus the land owning neet. Get over it commie.


Women belong on their knees or over men's laps

Some "men" too tbf

well yeah, as far as i see it, the international jew had started crying to give women rights so they can vote, because jews know goyim women are easily deceivable and manipulatable, so no wonder many of them vote for left wing political parties and are some short haired lesbian overweight tri gender cunts.

>be me
>be poor
>can't buy land because of kikes

Yes, I'm a good goy because I won't just shut up and die.

Actuallt the 1st state to pass women's rights to vote was Wyoming, because thirsty virtue signaling white knights.
>Thirsty virtue signaling white knights ruined it for everyone.

You should only be able to vote if you work and pay taxes.
That already filters out most of society's dregs and naive citizens.

Fuck democracy.

Landowners. Fuck high IQ city people. Subrural retards are actually invested in this country.

>le women all vote liberal meme!!!

you got a point there, but im questioning, how long till whites in USA cant take this white guilt and feminism and other shit anymore? how long till there's a revolution that'll turn america into actual patriarchy and where feminists are shot on sight?

Monarchy isn't looking too great from the history of the UK as of late. Wish Queen Elizabeth the first was still around.

I know how to fix this...

Good question, one which I can only answer through interpretive dance.

Want to watch the movie Gattaca after.