What is the meaning of this? Why the fuck does Croatia get to suck up so much coastline?

What is the meaning of this? Why the fuck does Croatia get to suck up so much coastline?

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Because we lost bosnia long time ago. Fuck off now

Shut the fuck up or someone will realize

Because when God was handing out land to the people of the world the Croatians were too busy helping other people that they came last in line so God rewarded them with a place he was keeping for himself

Why do they only get to have less than 10 miles of coastline though?


Are you stupid or just acting? Croats lived on the coast forever, thats the part that they kept, thats why its part of todays croatia. They will get the coast when they get rid of croats from it.

Croatia belongs to Zimbabwe

Croatia has mudslimes right?
Was Bosnia right to purge?

Because we saved the white race. Now fuck off.

No Muslims.

lol, 7468 km is a lot of coastline now?
fucking coastlets

daily reminder croatia is rightful hungarian clay

Croats and Bosnians are the same
Same language same everything

Prove me wrong
(pro tip: you can't)

>3rd most common surname in Hungary is Horvath (Hrvat; Croat)

yeh my dude it's not the other way around at all hmmm

Superhuman genes
The weak fear the strong
etc etc

because fuck you, it's ours

Hmm, maybe because it is inhabited by Croats. Thats just a theory though, couldnt possibly be the case, could it?

>t. butthurt sl*venian/b*snian

Serbs and Monteniggers too.

Bosnia should be landlocked, it was a bitch traveling from Dubrovnik to Split due to the border crossing.

balkans share the same fate with middle eastern countries. they were both (((liberated))) by western powers from us, turks. make no mistake, those borders were drawn by western bureaucrats to ensure chaos and instability

there will be another balkan war and these idiots will try to genocide each other again

I think OP's question should have been "How were the Croats able to keep such a thin piece of land?" I mean, it must be hard to defend in case of war.

>implying that Bosnia ever was Croatian


Bosnians don’t wash.

Do they drink Cockta in Bosnia?

Why does Croatia allow that narrow passage to coast for Muslimia-Niggerovinia ? Unacceptable!

Culture makes difference, religion makes difference and in the end there are even slight dna differences like with all nations in europe even tho we are all fairly close as europeans. Even croats have super distinct cultures between each regions.

It's haram.

S*rb coming in with the damage control, the only reason that Bosnia is partly serbian today is due to your migration when the turks conquered you.

Hearty chuckle

>implying that Bosnians never were Serbs

Kek. Motherfuckers started LARP-ing in 14th century. It's the longest role-play in history.

"We wuz Boshnjani n shieeet". Sure thing sweetie.

Im sure that some of them were, was referring to the percentage of people that identify as serbs there even now

Somr actually dont use toilet paper but wash their asses by hand after shitting.
Dont know which islamic rule is that desu.

Truly the indians of europe.

Even there youre wrong. Herzegovina was always Serb, as well north east point.

Also, bunch of muslims were settled in Bosnia as well after the loss of Hungary. Muslim war leader, Alija Izetbegovic, is descended from a Belgrade muslim who came to Bosnia in 19th century.



The only reason bosnia and albania exist is because ottomans raped serbs and croats

Implying bulgarians werent raped by the ottomans the hardest

>10% of Bulgaria's citizens are Turks
>talking about Turks raping anybody else


Original Bosnian kings were Roman Catholic though, and the Bosnian Bans were too Croats. The word Ban itself was first mentioned in a written source in De Administrando imperio, as the title of the highest Croatia leader, equal to a king.

try %100

they're turk-slav mutts. bulgar means "mixed" in old turkic

Fucking disgusting
Old Slobodan should’ve been King Leopolding them

didnt hungary get completely eaten up by ottomans?

Because it was occupied by venice who had great navy and ottomans couldnt take it and converted them to catholics.
Croatia serbia and bosnia is 1 nation with different religion

That's what turks actually believe.

i think converts avoided rape, those who were mixed (small minority), did it of their accord.

Alphas keep the best land.

ma sve je to Srbija bre : ^)

That is kind of bogus.


Croatia is the white one, Serbia has the Mussies.

The republic of dubrovnik(nowadays this southern semi-enclave od croatia) sold this part to the turks, so dubrovnik wouldn't share border with republic of venice, which at the time occupied much of croatian coast

have they cleared all the minefields yet?

They stole it. They are still doing it.
Check old maps. Croat is a thief,a true parasite.

turkish education lmao.

>that little split before Ston so Bosnia can have sea coast


if bosnia still exists for another fucking decade i swear to god i'll go bomb our us embassy
these inbred mutts have fucked with the balkan long enough

And? It's our drink.

cockta is pretty ugly desu

d-does a-anybody even l-like it?
are we jews the only ones drinking it?


Lol shut up Yugo. You’re literally Bosnian except catholic.

this is why you're shit at handball you retarded mountain serbs
the real man's drink is orange juice


Exactly this. Except Croats genetically suffer from phimosis in great numbers. It’s what separates them from the rest.

Lmao, I always get Cockta and Sinalco fucking confused, I didn't know it was a Slovenian product. I never had a taste for that, but desu I always hated soft drinks in general, don't drink them at all. But I'll get a bottle now just because of this thread. Try it again.

You do make great Pashteta I'll give you that, I'm curios are there any Macedonian brands Slovenians are aware of? I know we have very low export so most probably wouldn't!

Thanks user for starting another Balkan war.

mi se prijade edna carnex sega

Kakov plebeec, argeta or bust.

treba 18 godini da imas za da postiras tuka stojan

>Original Bosnian kings were Roman Catholic though

and now they're sunni salafist mooslems
also i really never ever heard of that (((Bosnian))) language, ethnicity, nationality, identity, culture, art, basically pretty much anything during history etc...i've heard some croats and serbs lived there, but Bosnians??? Nope
it's as if (((someone))) artificially invented them

i really makes you wonder?

converts mixed the most
you fucking mongoloid retard

'''yes,giaour, those western powers want to hurt you we're your greatest ally'''

and they're so glad that some christian women got raped by muslims they can't shut up about it

because of holes in the ground

rightful clay of Italy


not fair

12.5 miles

Damn boi idk if you are shilling but if you know our history you are damn right.

Because that's basically the border between Ottoman and Habsburg empires. It was used as an administrative border between federal republics in Communist Yugoslavia in order to make superficial country called Bosna&Herzegovina. Historical border between Serbs and Croats goes through Bosnia, somewhere along the river Vrbas. But due to ottoman conquest and refugee of the Serbs to Military Frontier and Austrian empire conversion of population to Catholicism, the ethnic map is clusterfuck.
In short, southern Dalmatia is historically Serbian, while Bosnian krajna is historically Croatian. Due to historical events population mixed and you get this borders.
Bosnia still has to be split among ethnic lines tho.

...and to all Croatians who say that border is on Drina river, that makes as much sense as saying that Serbia should stretch up to Peloponnese.

Why does USA?

Pipi is huwhite man's drink

>Dalmatia is historically Serbian
dalmatia used to stretch all to the Morava river long time ago so you're right. But byzantine theme of Dalmatia was only croatian and venetian

because it's a meme country spliced up of croatia, dalmatia (coast) and slavonia

that would mean california is now mexico genius

>stone and salt

You're just jealous of the BCC (Big Croatian Coast)

don't forget couple of olives and shrubs

buttmad serv jealous about the country that actually wasn't raped by the Turks

They suck up coastline OP sucks op Penisis

fucking Pipi lmao i'm dead

>jealous about the country that actually wasn't raped by the Turks
but they did get conquered for the most part. same like you, bozgor

we did get fair share of turks, just look at shape of country. You did also get your share of rape, but atleast not all of Croatia and Hungary were under Turks

Why are all the serb areas in Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro not part of Serbia ?

what's wrong with Pipi? It's 10x better than Fanta

for Croatia not because serb parts are low density in population, there are no big serb cities in croatia and serbian part of Croatia is important for us because it split's croatia in 2 parts. In bosnia they have their part as semi indepedent but not allowed to join serbia because bosnia is mess. Montenegro to serbia is what Austria is to Germany

Going to Dubrovnik and Havr soon what should i expect Croatiabro's?

Because historically it was never Serbia. That big landmass with Serbs and some Bosniaks in western Bosnia was ENTIRELY Croatian until the Ottomans conquered Bosnia.

So Germans can take vacations there.