
At what point did you become jaded and give up on being a libertarian? I used to be one but now I’ve honestly reached the point where I have so much dislike for (other) humans that I don’t feel like defending their rights. These creatures have made their bed and I’m glad to see them lay in it. For me, it was liberals that continued to push me away, with constant leftist dogma. I unironically support Pinochet in what he did, no meme. I’ve gone past the point of “communists aren’t human so they don’t deserve human rights” to “communists are human but I don’t care duck everybody no one deserves anything everyone is a rotten fuck”
What about anyone else? How has it affected your voting preference and what country do you hail frim? I imagine more liberal countries might have this problem worse, or maybe you were driven to radicalization by having to put up with obnoxious right wingers. Either way, post ITT
>nice blog

Other urls found in this thread:


pretty soon. I went full retard "dont step on snek" ancap mode. just leave me the fuck alone. I don't care about your personal liberties. I fight for liberty just for me so all you idiots fuck off and leave me alone. the byproduct of course is that you all also get to be free. but that's not something I care about.

I realized that political preference is largely genetic.

Under the new assumption, I realized that the rest of these fucks will never, ever, let people like me do our own thing. We'll never convince them otherwise.

So I've decided to push for a system that can function in the presence of real humans. There will never be a system without someone having their preferences thwarted, or their interests suppressed. So now I just care that my group is in power. Humanity is a prisoner's dilemma.

>At what point did you become jaded and give up on being a libertarian?
When I discovered that the white race is slowly going extinct. And that communists are basically accelerating the process by giving niggers more money to reproduce.

Once I entered the real world and stopped being a teenager. With a lack of real world experience, being a libertarian seemed to make the most sense and was politically correct. It was a coward's ideology for me. It leans too much on the implication that humans are essentially good. Also, this was during an economically illiterate time for me before I read critiques of capitalism like the work of Marx.

Libertarian theory has no answer to incredibly powerful corporations.

Big government is the only problem we are facing. Corporations taking control of the groups that are supposed to regulate them is an enormous problem for our current system. Libertarians want to make that even easier. Libertarianism only leads to monopolies.

So now I just want privacy, government made infrastructure/defense, and protection from corporate interests. Too bad there isnt a political party aimed at that.

When I realized that race is more than skin deep, that it's what makes a culture and a people. The JQ was also a big part of it.

Hi Tarl Warwick, sad because someone said mean things on Twitter?

As I learned a little more about reoccurring political theory and history, I realized what a flimsy shield is “the market” and relying on the highest and most organized levels of society behaving like mindless consumerists.

It goes back to that platitude of “individualism for the goyim, but collectivism for the Chosen”.

Now, do I believe that the USA can be National Socialist? That we can replicate the “all hands on deck” Siege mentality of Germany? No, but that doesn’t mean we ought to tow a line of “decentralization at all costs”, this is to open ourselves up to manipulation.


> I have so much dislike for (other) humans that I don’t feel like defending their rights. These creatures have made their bed and I’m glad to see them lay in it.
lol the whole point of libertarianism is that you wont have to be dragged down togheter with "these creatures" through the means of an oppressive gov:t.

You're stupid.

Once you realize that behavior itself is subject to genetic tendencies and that different groups have different evolved group tendencies, then the entire foundation of libertarianism (freedom and individual rights) makes little sense, because you are never really dealing with "the individual" - any social policy will have to deal with specific groups with specific proclivities. Libertarianism is something that can only come AFTER more fundamental questions about society have already been established.

By my late 16s I had realized that libertarianism is the most ridiculous thing ever.

All the corporate buttfucking every recieved by anyone has only been possible because of government legeslation/policy.

So many people never realize that the gov:t isnt there to save you from corps, its there as a tool for the corps to buttfuck you.
>incredibly powerful corporations lobby for buttfucking of induvidual
>individual gets buttfucked because they gave all their power to the government


This is why "muh individualism" always fails. It brings out the selfish tendencies of human nature to an extreme and creates havoc and divides.

I don’t know who that is. Although if you are really curious about why I made this thread, it’s because I couldn’t fall asleep and was mad that people were unironically defending the court’s decision to fine the bakers who wouldn’t make a gay wedding cake.

They will benefit from not having an oppressive government, which is something they don’t deserve. That was my point Swedenigger

Its not that there's much wrong with libertarianism in theory. Its just that most open libertarians happen to be wonky male nerds with their heads too far up academic theory and no idea to appeal to the masses or move beyond being a running joke.

You will benefit more, since you won't have to pay for their retardation.

when it became clear that brown people can't capitalism

this one too.

i don't hate Libertarianism, nor have i abandoned it completely, there is a lot of good there, i detest the "libertarian party" though, having nay inklings towards Libertarianism in Sweden is more edgy than coming out as a racist, so strong is the socialist grasp at least in my family.

i don't think so, I don't believe the core of Libertarianism ends in atomized individuals, not anymore than captalism itself does, everything being a private property combined with a "fascist" bulwark against someone wanting to place a bomb in their privately owned volcanoe would be the best.

maybe what i actually want is a Monarchy.

Horseshit, corporations are propped up by the government, stifling the free market. Their lobbyists get in, grease palms, and the govt kicks it back to them in subsidies and tax cuts.
I'm not even a libertarian, but fuck outta here with that shit.

Libertarianism would only work with civilized peoples.

>Libertarian theory has no answer to incredibly powerful corporations.

ah so a logical way to battle this is create the largest most power corporation which you have to pay them or you go to jail.

I realized that charity was nonsense and that human rights are only guaranteed by institutions strong enough to protect them.

Being any kind of liberal or libertarian in 2018 is like digging your own fucking grave desu.

Become jaded about what precisely? I'm a libertarian for moral reasons, It's not OK to initiate force. I would give up to good arguments against it, I wouldn't give up due to being jaded, I don't really know what that means, sounds like an emotional reaction to me, that typically never helps anyone.


>late 16s
And you're what? 17 now?

If you read some Nock and some Henry George you'll realize that Rothbard and the right win of the LP fucked the entire shit up

when I realized that its not enough to just take full responsibility for myself, but for my wife, my future children and everyone else of my choosing if I can. Be "atlas" for your own sake.

these modern day libertarians dont understand that freedom is a different road to responsibility, not a denial of it

This is what did it for me. Even whites have trouble with accepting individual freedoms, but Peoples who aren't white, don't care about liberty. So the collective whole must be considered. Not just some damn tax cut.
That and as I get older, I care less about my own sheer ultra-individualist freedom, and more for the well being of people I consider my own group. I consider it a part of becoming mature.

I mean, I still believe in a decent amount of personal and financial freedom. I just consider civic duty and social standards, and Maintaining a society, more important things than somebody's weeniebitch over whether they pay 30% in taxes or nothing or whatever. That shit's empty in comparison

"The Truth" is frequently just a favorable paraphrasing of one of the others

Never was one because i realized it was functionally the same as communism in that it entrusted the success or failure of its core functions on the common man.

In the commies case, it can't work because people will horde shit for themselves at the expense of others / the system as a whole. In Libertarians case, it can't work because your average person is not a rational actor and massive monopolic corporations will not disappear overnight because 'muh competition' / invisible hand demands it, same with Crony capitalism those who gain power will entrench themselves and Libertarianism is extremely easy to subvert.

Doesn't help my first taste of any redpilling in general was finding out that the American sense of (((individualism))) was corrupted by kikes from the 1940s.


Libertarian-ism, after a few generations, leads to ogliarchies.

>People are not equal
>Wealth inheritance is allowed under Libertarian-ism

The elites will succeed and keep passing down their wealth.

The bigger problem is the open borders lolbertarians go in for. They think 500 million muslims won't come here because "there are no good jobs for them here".

Also whats to stop the muslims coming in and forming militias etc?

> People who want to be left alone to live their lives
> People who won't leave others alone
That's truly the only two types of people in the world.
Problem is, the second group with never stop trying to gain control.
They need to be physically stopped.
When that fact is realized, and that the first group goals are a pipedream, you quickly become what you hate because it's the only path to freedom.

When I realized that being a libertarian entailed a sense of responsibility upon me, but I realized I'm not and that I should externalize all of my problems on a single group of people instead of myself. Also when I shit my diaper and started to believe in welfare. Sieg heil amirite?

Tribalism is far more divisive than individualism.

austrian economics debunked (redpill overdose)

>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>dumb ideology funded by koch brothers think tanks to convince ignorant armchair economists
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they business cycle theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by ron paul to rile up his gadsen-flag hillbilly voterbase
>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades
>mainstream economics agrees with less than half of their policy
>literally no respects austrian economists today, abandoned as early as 1950's
>only good thing to come out of it was Hayek, who wasn't even Austrian since he rejects praxeology. He contributed to price theory, and added to the socialist calculation problem. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to mises/rothbard.




want to learn REAL economics? no problem, open source PDF book

Wow so many non arguments

I’m still libertarian but with the caveat that a country needs to maintain a high percentage of native ethnicity for society to work. I don’t think anything could dissuade me from believing that the us constitution/bill of rights is the greatest political/economic idea in history.

Hey now, if they violate the NAP I can privately throw them out of helicopters and preserve my Libertarianism.

You don't need to believe that communists are not human, or that they're humans who don't deserve rights. Once they started attacking you and trying to infringe on your rights, their rights became forfeit.

If you were a real Libertarian you would understand this fundamental idea. You are not a real Libertarian. You're a kike shill trying to discredit the only political system that is both fully effective AND fully moral. You're failing because you're innate Jewish evil makes you incapable of understanding morality, and therefore incapable of creating effecting moral strawmen.

I am still libertarian, as that system is proven to produce the best results, in general.

That said, I understand the concept of entropy and that growth is not unlimited, like libertarian economic models make the assumption of.

I still love Ayn Rand for her ideas opposing leftist ideology, but I don't believe her ideology is remotely feasible in the real world. I believe most people on earth need to die in order for society to progress, that resources are finite and that society will collapse once those resources become sufficiently scarce.

No libertarian acknowledges this, other than a hand-wave of maybe 'the free market will solve it' while that is mostly true, there are certain physical limitations that I don't believe technology or ambition will ever solve.

>At what point did you become jaded and give up on being a libertarian?
While studying feudalism.
The rights that libertarians take for granted are only gained by the creation of order by force.

I sort of became one over time (not calling myself as such though) as I matured through ideologies and mindsets. I outgrew the authoritarian edgy a while ago, but still held on to some tentets of certain ideologies. Been here long enough, started changing only after interacting with my supposed co-ideologues.
Libertarianism is the most sensible ideology there is (from my point of view) as long as you don't go full retard (NAP, unironic snekism, and Pinochet worship)

For me it was the Facebook group being libertarian and, specifically, Greg curtner.
I was taught, when I was younger, that a libertarian will take the best policy from either side of the political spectrum. That group showed me it is an extremist group that exclusively uses logical fallacies to defend their arguments. Angry, insecure frat boys. Fuck that

When I watched the 'Libertarian party cringe compilation.'

I was a libertarian for a shot while until I realized its just as much a pipe dream as communism and will never work. I also realized the need for State protection of race and blood. Libertardians are just leftists who hate taxes, the whole idiotic philosophy DO ANYTHING YOU WANT AS LONG AS YOU DONT ANYONE BROOOO is what got us in this mess in the first place.

I'm still fundamentally a libertarian, I just think you have to make corrections for the fact that not everybody is human.



2013. That's when the alt-right emerged to pick up all those disaffected Ron Paul supporters.

I realized it was a joke ideology and would never work in real life, so I switched to NatSoc and never looked back.

When I realized that my fellow white men want to legally plunder me, I gave up on respecting their property rights and joined the Jooz in oppressing them for my personal gain.

Why not just form a death-squad and hunt welfare pigs?

>I fight for liberty just for me so all you idiots fuck off and leave me alone.

I realized that people are too stupid to keep big business in check and they'll pretty much get away with anything, so government regulations are an unfortunate necessity.

I legitimately want to oppress the other half of the population by leaving them alone.

The moment I realized libertarian means open borders. Fuck brown people. I want an ethno-republic, with very limited powers given to the government. Primarily military for defense, and enforcing strong borders.

I have always been a race realist and the more I delved into libertarian philosophy the more I realized it had its flaws(especially Rothbard) in that it viewed men as cogs no different than Marxism. In fact I believe there’s a talk from Rothbard where he even says he and Marx had similar end goals just differences on how to get there. Big red flag to me. Only whites could ever attempt , with any measure of success, to pull off an AnCap type society and even then it probably wouldn’t be as ideal as is preached.

read the story of Rhodesia about a decade ago on wikipedia and i was never the same

>to “communists are human but I don’t care duck everybody no one deserves anything everyone is a rotten fuck”

So because you're a misanthrope and a cynic, we should all become a third world socialist country? All because you, a complete stranger, don't think I deserve to live in a prosperous country surrounded by other civically engaged, educated countrymen? Your logic doesn't follow at all, and if you think the world sucks so bad then just kill yourself.

I stopped the libertarian nonsense after I realized that families, not individuals are the foundation. Libertarians, for the most part, will give up the family unit for the sake of the individual.

Wondering why image replies are disabled? It's because of this thread:


It's not that the average right winger supports our current monetary system, nor even the shitlibs, but that the truth isn't known to most of them what a scam it is. Also, Trump has been working on work requirements for Medicaid, which would be brilliant, but Medicare and SS are untouchable because muh Baby Boomer vote of course.

Pretty much this, and when Gary Johnson said ‘what is Aleppo?’ But mainly the non-sense off open borders.

>Humanity is a prisoner's dilemma

When I realized the following:

1. White people are in an all out fight for survival whether we want to acknowledge it or not, and carrying the attitude of "oh well, who cares if John down the street married a nigger and is pumping out half nigger babies, it isn't my problem" is what will lead to the extinction of whites. Libertarianism is the removal of group identity and focus on only the importance of the individual identity. In theory it sounds nice but in practice every other group on the planet is vying to destroy us, and refusing to band together as a group because of individuality or not caring whether or not your race exists in the future is shortsighted.

2. A large number of people in the Libertarian camp are incredibly degenerate. I can say "I don't care what they do, just leave me alone" all day long but as I've gotten older I've lost the live and let live attitude. There IS a right and a wrong. The SHOULD be an order to things. We as humans are built to seek this order and stability in our societies. While it might not affect me directly if someone wants to be a butt fucking faggot, the acceptance or lack of opposition to what I know is an incorrect and degenerate lifestyle is enabling its spread, and the spread of degeneracy enables the collapse of civilization as we know it.

3. All libertarians disagree with what extent of government should exist. For many the government ends where their comfort level with government existing begins. This is all over the map meaning you have libertarians who are bootlickers in the eyes of other libertarians, and you have libertarians who are essentially just anarchists looking to live in a mad max universe.

Funny, you’re not allowed to criticize ((Democrats)) and Liberalism.

I'm libertarian because I know other human beings aren't good. They will take my freedoms at any cost. I want to give other people less control over me and my life because of my experience with them.


>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
I dont like libertarianism but i dont strawman it too. Praxeology is understanding economics through logical deductions a la game theory and has a lot of merits. For example Hans Hermann Hoppe is a libertarian thinker who made great contributions to the intellectual landscape of the 21century right

And statists give up the family for the sake of society or the state. They claim to have family values when they would euthanize their disabled child for the sake of society.

hahaha le lololol (((lolololololol))) XDDDD(((DDDDDD))) so le (((funny))) (((le))) epic (((meme))) hahaha XDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Links reddit. Gas yourself

I gave it up when I realized that humans are a social animal and have always banded together in collective packs, tribes, kingdoms, etc... since the dawn of our existence. the thought that a creature like that can just magically become individualist just because a couple Jews like r*thbard and ayn rand say we are is completely retarded. even ignoring all of our history and nature, a quick look at the absolute depraved state ancap "ethics" shows that these people are not only complete fools in the context of the nature of the human race, but they are completely morally bankrupt, lacking any sense of empathy towards their fellow man, even their own nations children.

What about people who aren't naturally social who get stepped on by the group? Why shouldn't they be libertarian as compared to statist?

I crashed into reality when my Trad professor said in his office to me one day last year. "I could never be libertarian, to much individualism." Like a fucking meme beam of light I realized the degeneracy of Libertarian policy carried out. Even more when he said in class later on, regarding 'human rights' and neoconservatives. "you can give a barbarian freedom, but freedom to do what?" freedom is an enjoyment afforded to those who can place retraints of virtue upon how they act on their freedom

Still a libertarian. And it is most likely the last political ideology I'll ever have.

needs of the many > needs of the few

even past that, I wouldn't want my entire society fall into decadence and degeneracy in the same manner the west has just because a few outliers want to be selfish loners. if you losen the reigns on a people because a few of them want it, then they will keep pushing because people will naturally abuse the freedoms given to them because the average person can't handle it. the general populace simply does not know what is best for them.

I don't understand why Libertarians don't just become AnCap with the way they stand by their principles. If taxation to fund public schooling and social programs (which could eventually be a more cost effective way to protect everyone's property) is theft, why isn't taxation to fund police, courts and a military also theft? Am I missing something?

But if you are the few you only live life as yourself. You will experience misery for the sake of the whole who rejects you. Then when you die your life is pointless because you could never enjoy it.

This video BTFOs libertarians


Yes, and think of Nazi Germany for example. The degenerates and useless people who had long been a plague on German society had a bad time. For real Germans it was a paradise. Order and authority is seen as an evil and oppressive force, and it's not trusted because even if it doesn't begin as evil and oppressive, it can easily be steered in that direction by unscrupulous people. If the people are homogeneous and hold the same values, restraints, etc. as each other, then there is very little need for the state to get involved in day to day matters as the people will keep themselves in line based off their wishes for how life and society should operate. The argument that an authoritarian state can be hijacked or corrupted is meaningless to an extent because practically any established ruling body of government can be hijacked and corrupted, used for nefarious purposes. The only alternative to that would be anarchy which is such a retarded idea I won't even address it seriously.

So then what happens to those who are outside of the group? Those who want to stick out and don't want to follow the conventions of their society at large? I think they should be free to leave the society for whatever they believe are greener pastures. If the refuse and demand to stay in society they should be held to the same standard as everyone else. Either join the group or strike out on your own like the intrepid individual you truly are. In many cases I've observed that they don't really want to leave the group. Sure they'll talk about individuality and laugh at the "collectivists" on the authoritarian right or left, but they really just want to stay with the group of people in their land, but disband everything that bonds them together at the expense of individuality. But what individuality? What do people really mean when they say that. Were all people in Nazi Germany automaton robots, or were they individuals who were able to express themselves to an extent?

ironic because your motivations for taxation is purely selfish, you want things but don't want to pay for them

Went through an edgy teen libertarian phase from about 15-17. Turned 18 and natsoc all the way every since

Natsoc is more edgy than Libertarian. Natsoc is something that will piss off and shock your parents to no end.

so the truth is :
>Medicare : Universal healthcare
>Money : Minimum wage
>Taxation : Low taxes?
>War : can be justified by what 'makes your people a victim', which is determined by the state
4 of this is pretty leftist

I still think I'm libertarian at heart, but I've come to realise that certain groups of people just don't deserve the same rights as other people, or any rights at all. Women, gays, muslims, jews, etc.

I have no idea where you got that impression. Rothbard was a racial realist, opposed women's suffrage, and never supported open borders mixed with a welfare state, and neither would any of the other original libertarians. Reason magazine on the other hand is a complete joke, and has sullied the name of libertarianism.

you keep just throwing out random "b-but what if" boogymen with no actual substance. explain to me these people who "aren't naturally social" and how being forced to participate in society would be such a horrible fate as you seem to believe

I have not strayed from libertarianism, as much as I realized it was simply a framework for a much larger idea. Understand that the NAP simply prescribes a moral/legal system, but there is still the question of legitimacy, allegiance, and culture. Finally, I do not see the need to extend rights to people who don't believe in them. Live by the sword etc. As enlightening as abstract philosophy is, I find the complexity of reality much more interesting. I believe humans are inherently irrational, so tactically I choose to act somewhat amorally. But like I said, I have never really abandoned the logical infallibility of practical reason, i.e. natural law.

tl;dr: libertarianism, now with racist memes

If you're in one of those groups though and the rest of society doesn't want to grant you rights, why should you want to live for that society? What is the purpose?

yeah, exactly. They should all fuck off.

more or less. the philosophy of liberty (self ownership) is still solid. But libertarianism as a political "party" isn't jiving with me.

Also I fucking hate the masses so theres that. I try not to but I live in Ferguson (yes that one) so its hard

Justice for Seth

I'm a tranny. Speak more truth that Blaire white. Left hates me. Right hates me just cause I am.
Civ Nat.

Because they'l get the right to enjoy the prosperity and wealth of said society.
You don't build a great civilization on personal liberty, you build it on years of hardwork and collectivist dogma.

Don't fall for the natsoc meme at least user. You can channel all the anger at the current situation into the same channels, but rather than fighting to further develop the institution you know to be inherently flawed at it's core, fight to dismantle it in it's entirety.
Not sure how far you are in to ancap, but if you're read Democracy: The God that Failed, along with The Ethics of Liberty, then you should already know that there is a very direct way you combat the scourge creeping through the west without giving in to massive Statism. Physical removal. Slay the politicians and the commies. Don't subscribe to some statist utilitarian nonsense in order to channel the desire to cut out the cancer, just cut out the cancer.

I think you're confused with positive and negative rights. If you were a libertarian you'd understand that positive rights are immoral and you'd understand that it costs you nothing to give people negative rights. Otherwise you're just an authoritarian.