Kristallnacht: Jews Destroyed Their Shit

Jews destroyed their own shit in a false flag attempt and Himmler fined them for it

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damn, now that's an unbiased source that i can trust


Sourced - Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938 by Ingrid Weckert

well this is gonna get shut down

yes they also suicided on the occassion, those evil jerks, just so people would blame hitler he a good boy dindu muffin

Wouldn't even surprise me if this turns out to be true.

Mirror? Site is down

and after all that he had the patience to send them to summer camps with free food and healthcare, even swimming pools!, then he would send them to a tropical island. no one in history was kinder to jews than hitler, makes me wonder why those anti-semites love him so much.

Try again in a minute some hook noses from the Bronx are angry

hi, rabbi. it was a nice day at the synagog yesterday.

The Chosen hate this story share and retweet it boys
2 Rich Homo Jews killed another Jew and big attorneys are brought in

The riots were orchestrated by the Jews themselves so the world judenpress could portray them as victims

Except you can go and verify that this information is all factual yourself right now.


Oh fucking wow lmao. Like clockwork. "OY VEY! THE GOYIM ARE FINDING OUT! SHUT IT DOWN!"

I wonder WHO could be behind this flag?

These jews are literally just F5'ing the page lol
Lrn2DDOS Jews

If you can't check sources using a search engine on the internet then congrats, you might actually be mentally retarded.


Sourced - Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938 by Ingrid Wecker

>If you can't source it using (((google)))
Unironically kill yourself

Interestingly all the shills forget that the German ambassador to France was murdered by a jew.

Nah you first m8
>hears the term search engine
>immediately thinks of Google
Projecting. I bet you use Google every single day, queermo. lern2duckduckgo.

It is the biggest search engine, and with that sets the agenda for many other search engines


Not an argument fag. Pipe down and back to guzzling cum.

Says the cucknadian. Go release more actual terrorists you leaf nigger

duckduckgo was founded by a jew, I thought you guys were supposed to be smart

Pick zero

Whatever queer. Suggest a better search engine then instead of pissing and moaning like a literal faggot over what search engine someone else who you'll never meet in person uses.

that's nothing, hitler was gay and sucked off 30 cocks in one night


That is a fake story, I'd warrant. Never heard of that guy before. And the reality is with far-right circles that if you share their ideology and aren't an open faggot or trying to convert others to judaism, then you won't be persecuted. Complete bollucks.

(((oy vey)))

Still waiting to hear which search engine you use.


Why am I not suprised? They frequently vandalize their shit here with swastikas and such and then parade on tv on how they are victimized.


>That is a fake story, I'd warrant.
You contact them and tell them you think this was a fake story. Report back what they say.


Stormfag pls.

Thanks! I'll add it to the article


While we're on the subject of Jew lies, the Jews actually claim there was a deathcamp outside Paris

is this worth a read?

I'm gay as fuck and this shit makes my cashews work.

Gays are drawn to fascism/National Socialism(a certain type of gay that is) and I honestly believe stories like this are to stop the gays whom hate faggots (you know the type) from realising this and realising there are other gays like them.

>talked to a Greek guy here today who on his dating profile had him wearing Golden Dawn shirts
>he lost his shit that I knew the logo/told him I was a National Socialist

Someone needs to go through all the Jew papers from 1930's and 1940's, I bet it was the same as fake news, today!

Fun fact, when Hitler found out about the riots he was furious and ordered a halt to the violence.


oh boy.

So hitler had a nice tour of paris and they all came out and cheered?

funny how there is almost no-one in the photos. funny how he toured Paris at five in the morning, to avoid anyone being on the streets.

And Drancy was not just discovered int eh 1960's - it was well known during the war.

and the train lines have changed since then - look at a a 1940's map or on from the thirties - more than half the trainlines in france have been ripped up since then.

And jews in Non occupied france were safe? tell that to the jews of Gramat.

and there was no resistance movement, and no french people were maltreated (no slave labour, no theft, no massacres, no murders, no tortures no rape, no beatings and and no roadside shootings. - really - you want to came to France and say that?)
this is the greatest collection of lies I have seen in one place in many years.

utter utter trash

how can anyone even joke about this?

>(no slave labour, no theft, no massacres, no murders, no tortures no rape, no beatings and and no roadside shootings. - really - you want to came to France and say that?)
didn't you surrender? then yes you were probably treated well you dummy

I can't believe it's 2018 and there are Jews still left alive. We need to get our shit together.

Did you guys hear about the famous Jew War Hero David Rubitsky - He killed 816 Japs by himself....or did he?

BTW guys if you like the content please consider donating so I can keep exposing
these kikes

Wanna get a stronger server to stop these hooknoses from attacking the site and other donations...I wanna start holding more rallies

>yes you were probably treated well you dummy

Yes, France was overrun by the germans - beat the hell out of the British too. But the french did resist, and the french joined with the Brits, and the yanks when they finally decided to get involved, against their will, because they were cowardly cucks, and we beat them.

wars tend to go like that.

but if you think the French were treated well under the Nazis then you have no knowledge of history and should be ignored until you are educated.

mind you, if you really are an Ancap, you will never be educated as you obviously have no brain.

>BTW guys if you like the content please consider donating so I can keep exposing
>these kikes

you mean the pack of lies you put up about Hitler in Paris?

come on even Sup Forums users know better than to fund that shit.

you are just trying to make money from shit posting - I can respect that, but please, don't mind us while we laugh at you kid.

La Resistance is a Jew fairy tale. Jews are going to blow up French restaurants with French citizens in them and some nazis?

Go make some interracial porn rabbi

Don't worry, the birth rates of secular Jews are declining, and their women are more often choosing non-Jewish partners. They'll all be so mixed in 100 years, you won't even know who's Jewish. It's just inevitable.

Treated better than the Germans were under Versailles you holohoax shill snail eater.


Who won the 1940 Tour de France?
Erwin Rommel.

Patton Finds Out About Jews - Another New Article!

>La Resistance is a Jew fairy tale

says someone who is writing fairy tales about the lovely holiday camps that they had a Auschwitz.

Yeah, from my town they only took a thousand people to work as slaves. (Funny i have never heard of the Versailles treaty requiring german slaves to come to France...)

Video proof of plays and concerts in Auschwitz
Try harder cuck

bump to enlighten the goyim.

Hah i like this meme

It's true - that famous burning synagogue picture from berlin?....jews set this on fire to create pictures, sympathy and atrocity propaganda they can use to further their agenda.

>But the french did resist,
Only the partition jews and the goyim stupid enough to join. Your grandma sure loved the BGC.

where was the library in auschwitz that the prisoners could borrow books from?

Would it have been in the research centre at Rajsko? Were all the hundreds of thousands of people at the concentration and labour camps several miles away allowed to visit it and read and borrow books?

did they all have pet rabbits and horses? did all 100,000 get a swim every day and laze by the pool?

you show things that are at one camp, perhaps a labour camp, or a privileged research institute, and suggest they are available to all, and that for some reason they were available to the people who were gassed on arrival.

did they give the children pony rides to the showers?

fuck off you lying scum bag.

How lovely. You think that fighting nazism and foreign invaders who steal and rape is "stupid"

I do hope you live a long and healthy life and when you grow up you hang your head in shame for decades when you think of what a stupid little cunt you once were

so you're saying kistallnacht was a failed insurance scam and the jews raised a fuss over not getting a payout?

actually that sounds just about right

fuck of redit

I think you will find that the correct word is "off" not "of"

And you will also find that only newfags subscribe to the "reddit spacing" meme.

Oldfags have used good spacing and layout for clarity since before this was Sup Forums

god I miss /new/. We didn't even have people who knew what reddit was then.

go back, nobody wants you here

Listen Mohammed, I know you ar enew here, so I will go lightly.

Go suck a goat. You are not the boss of me and you know nothing.

lurk more, and grow up, and get educated

>no u
wow, what rhetoric, I am bested
I guess redit cancer was great all along what a fool I have been

low quality bait, my friend.

But just for the fun, Achmed, this "reddit" of which you write. You are obviously familiar with it. Perchance you would find yourself better suited to its environs. Or possibly it would be better if you were to expire.

this frenchfag is in this thread too
he's probably getting unironically paid and has been at it for hours like it's a fulltime job lmao

what is it with jews and mental problems?

>Poland tricked 70000 polish jews into becoming german jews
Goddamnit poland.

Jews were responsible for the holocaust

this, blaming the victim is just poor form

My favorite part of Kristallnacht is the outright omission of the fact it was triggered by a Jew killing a German ambassador.

We're just supposed to believe Germans started bashing Jews for no reason, apparently. Just like we're supposed to believe Hitler hated the Jews because he "needed a scapegoat" rather than Jews being behind the Russian Revolution and the summary killing of 10 million Ukrainians, as well as the Red Terror in Spain, as well as the Spartacist Revolt in Germany.

Jews were fucking evil in pre-WW2 Europe, and as far as I can tell, they still are.

>I do hope you live a long and healthy life and when you grow up you hang your head in shame for decades when you think of what a stupid little cunt you once were
French insults

Lol this is so fucking stupid


Yup its clear

"Shriek, Wail, Moan, don't youse GOYIM know that Juden are the eternal victim. Nothing else matches our suffering, so pay up GOY, or else we'll do another 9/11 on your asses!?!!!!

still not jewish.

I am just having fun here - deniers are such easy targets and talk such rubbish, I enjoy showing them up for the lying fools they are.

organised nazi gangs

Hitler's antisemitism probably came from his childhood. he was at the same school as Wittgenstein - who was so much smarter than him and everyone else he got an inferiority complex (which obviously with his narcissism did not go down well)

>Posts under that flag
>Makes a post about stupidity

You sure do talk a lot of rubbish
BTW, can you please show me the fuel bill for the ovens?
I'm having trouble finding out the source of the energy to do all that work and gosh darnit it must be around, right?
Please be a good nigger and find me that source

serious question, given Hitler's mass murder of soviet prisoners of war and non jewish russians, poles and ukrainians, do you really think he gave a flying fuck about the millions killed in the USSR?

and do you really think that in any way justifies the murder of jewish peasants in Poland, old women and men, babies and children, hard working men and women who had no political connections and no guilt for any of that shit?

you might as well say that all americans should be happy to accept they are guilty of all american over seas policy adn to be killed by any korean, vietnamese, iraqi iranian, somalian, basically anybody, given the actions of yanks in the last fifty years.

please report with your entire family for termination, liquidation or elimination, whatever you want to call it.

>said Canada
I audibly lol'd

call me a nigger and ask me to spoonfeed you? how about I tell you go fuck yourself with a moose?

this might help you

and since I have helped, could you please show me all the bills for the food that the people ate at the camp? I am having trouble finding out how they did not all die of hunger within a few days, and how they got the energy to do all that slave labour work. Gosh darn it, they must be around, right?

>idiot thinks that all documents for everything exist and nothing was lost when they destroyed the files at Auschwitz...

So how many was it again? 6 million? 500k? 100k? It's hard to keep track since the number we're supposed to feel guilty about changes so often.

FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! FIX THE IMAGES!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!

Where gonna run out of threads to post in soon.

no I have not changed the numbers at all. I have consistently said 5.1 to 6.3 million according to all good historical research.

Do you have any reason to dispute that figure?