Why is transgenderism so common now?

Why is transgenderism so common now?

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Trap memes on Sup Forums.

I'm convinced that for probably 80% of mtf trans people it's some kind of weird sissy/cuckold/submissive fetish thing.
20 years ago they would have kept it under wraps and just crossdressed at home but now they get all kinds of social rewards for doing it publicly

When is code Geass 3 out

Tumblr making it "trendy" and shoving their 34th made up gender down everybody's throats, only making actual, relatively normal transgender people harder to be taken seriously.

Oh, and I guess less fear of persecution for coming out, so you have 40+ year olds who have repressed it that long finally snapping and trying in futility to pass as female.

It has risen in direct correlation with the social capital of being a woman.
Bitter anime incel -> become a "woman" -> suddenly stunning, brave, above all criticism.
It's a reset button for life.

To nobody's surprise, actual women hate trannies.

Didn't some scientists got together and literally proved that most of the cases people do it just because it is fashionable?

>Obama becomes president
>Rumors begin to circulate that Michelle is a tranny and that Barack was a gay prostitute in college
>Immediate and sudden push to not only normalize transgenderism but to convert entire generations to it
>Unlimited monies appear to fund this
>Obama and Michelle order $65,000 of "Hot dogs" and "pizza" to the white house, paid for by you and I
>LGBTQPEIEIO people get extremely audacious in the last 9 years


Lack of natural selection + jews

24/7 jew media propaganda from birth.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Because everyone wants to be special.
Some years ago you could become a buddhist, or a vegan to show the others that you were not your average human out of 7 billion.

Now you have to up the ante in speciality poker to make any gains.

This thing is actually a female to male but for some reason is dressed up like a girl again

thanks mrs skeltal

Oy vey that bigot.

I could literally post this image for every question poised on Sup Forums.

Every. Single. One.

Gives shitloads of attention and sympathy from the environment. Some people are so desperate for that shit that they will make incredibly short sighted decisions to get it including mutilating their genitals, ruining their social status and faking suicides. Women also like to abuse their children to get it (Munchausen syndrome by proxy), which now gives them the option to declare their child the wrong gender.



that guy is anorexic


Late stages of a civilization before collapse

Because americans arent making america great again and continue to put out weimar levels of degeneracy via their media and education system destroying the minds of young white people

In ten years people will defend pedophiles and fuck animals


This. It's always been present just not open. Social media and tolerance by the left have given them the freedom to come out.

Never seen a tranny in my life. Maybe it's common in the USA?

This. It's now an alternative to suicide or committing yourself to a monastery/cause.

Because you most likely live in a city and cities are where all of the big "news" happens

In reality, if you don't live in a city you never fucking see this shit ever at all.

Go up to any town in Vermont and tell me if you see any trannies whatsoever. You'd actually be begging for them after a while with how generally unattractive women are in general up there

Hans, get the zyklon b

Because degeneracy and idiocy are not just accepted but encouraged in white society.

Me neither in normal circumstances
The only times I see them is after I'm done with my soccer training on my way home at 9pm

It's not. They're just really loud and the MSM has its back.

Stop making this trend faggots Check the archives. Saged.

It's easier to be a woman in western society so everyone wants to be one

Not to mention getting raised on modern school education where the teachers are all female.

Then you have average hoes being put on the pedestal just for existing.

It's man's nature to better himself but when he sees that females have it better he subconsciously assumes that he should try to be like them

Then you've got xenoestrogen and T suppressants in the water and food producing soyboys who try to cling to their masculinity but fail.

I guess it's semi-artificial evolution.

Though not sure how anyone would benefit.


Nah that can't be it... or could it?

*looks at Sup Forums and shudders*



I did not see such study but I would believe it completely. These things come and go exactly like fashions. It was cool to be lesbian in the 90s so there was a fuckload of lesbians claiming this was their identity. Nowadays it's more fashionable to be bisexual, so there is a fuckload of bisexuals, similarly claiming that this is their identity. If you start rewarding people for certain behavior, they will do anything.