It keeps your kike drugs from leaving Mexico and their Mexishits
Piss you off paco
>implying anything in politics has a goal and isn't "just political"
Keep your family out.
you have to go back
not going to happen
>be hungary
>migrants come in, because germany is cucked
>build a fence (not even a wall)
>illegal immigration stopped
any more question?
Black Panther will explain.
jesus christ
someone should post this to the president with @potus.
I'm sure he'd use it
I dunno - what did that wall do for China ? Nuthin I guess . Stupid slants
The Ming dynasty built the Great Wall in China.
It was a tyrannical dynasty. Ming people got angry and occured riots. The dynasty collapsed with the riots from the inside of wall.
The people opened the gate of the wall. Their enemy Qing could enter easily and the Qing occupied and became the next dynasty of China.
Walls work, ask Israel. This line by trump shuts them up every time.
This. I am worried one day the wall will be used to keep us in. Also, all this bs over the wall seems pointless especially once a Democrat gets back in and decides to tear it down
hurrrr it will look nice
>some retard
According to democrats its going to break up families illegally entering our country. So I guess they too think it will work
Because sentry guns and minefields are sort of frowned upon more than a wall
Keeps out the rest of your family Pablo, worth every penny
It keeps Hispanics from illegally entering the country. sage this fucking dumbass thread.
>1 post by this ID
>retarded thread
And yet all you morons still fall for it. You're all a bunch of morons.
go back
Illegal spic detected
we're sending your abuela back faggot
Makes it harder for drug and human trafficking that utilizes the Us/Mexican border
Will White liberals disavow?
Whoever was president we would've been cucked to jews anyway.
America is anti-white
America has always been anti-white
If you haven't joined a fascist/ pro white movement yet you are part of the psyop
>wow so much wall to make, thats too much money, guess its impossible
why would you ever want to go to any nation south of the border?
It keeps trucks from passing over and the drug trade will take a big hit.
Mexicans instead of having the choice to fix their own government or go to America will have only one choice.
It hard fucks over the people ruining mexico and the only reason the Mexican government hates it is the huge fucking amount of crime influence in their government.
Definitely not a big waste of money. 15 billion dollars is peanuts for government spending. We waste hundreds of billions a year on supporting illegal immigrants. (Probably like yourself, op.)
It's going to force more people to apply for citizenship instead of just strolling through the fucking desert and stealing an Americans job.
If you're here illegally you have to go the fuck back you are hurting the American economy and stealing American jobs. I don't give a shit if liberals in cali think that Americans aren't willing to do the farming jobs for peanuts, that's the fucking point, you aren't going to get away with paying slave labor using illegals, you're gonna have to pay a fair fucking wage to Americans. illegals are only hurting themselves by not becoming citizens
>democrats were pro slavery then and are pro slavery now
Never change
That's just plain evil. A few billion dollars to help keep them out is money well spent.
>Keeping drugs out with a wall
Sure, that will stop the cartel
Just a few thoughts:
pack in football and throw
hot air balloon
plane or chopper
and if all else fails:
blow up wall, shoot the guards
It stops people from just walking over, which is what is currently happening. You can also upgrade a border wall to something a little more lethal later on.
They traded the chains for figurative chains and put them on the entire population. So many things in history that I'm convinced people of the same ideology as current day democrats let happen.
America was going to fail from its founding because people just can't stand they aren't able to rule over the entire world.
And that's the truth, this is about world domination and nothing more, we are kept pacified with television and computer games so that we don't get out and revolt like we should be.
Not only that but the blows the online hacking community has taken make it very hard to make a stand. Everyone is afraid to carry out an operation for fear the guy they are working with is a fucking fed thanks to sabu and that whole thing.
All that's left of the Anonymous hacking movement is the social justice arm, it's pathetic
You have to go back, taco bender.
>walls don't work
they do in Israel.
Border wall is a fucking meme. Burn every illegal you catch alive, and 99% will leave the next week.
If the democrats are against it - it must be the right thing to do.
A country requires three things to be a country. A border, a language, and a culture.
t. assblasted beaner
And based on that exact same argument, you should leave all the doors in your home unlocked, because someone could just take a crowbar to them or break a window.
It's not meant to stop 100% of them, it's just meant to make it harder.
ANTIFA wishes they had the strength of the online Anonymous community, I just wish the community would rise up and bitch slap them a little online as well as IRL
Fuck off, Michael Savage. You're a LARPer and a faggot.
Just get cheap fence and a modern surveillance system with motion detection and infrared
Auto send guards with dogs to flagged locations
Much cheaper and efficient than a wall
Nigger have you ever seen a spic throw a football?
WTF I hate the wall now
It's honestly a waste of fucking money. Would be much cheaper to just start shooting border crossers. They will stop coming real fast.
you niggas have a whole moat between you and the rest of Africa yet you import them by the bus loads through an underground tunnel. uncuck yourself before talking about American laws.
I agree, that's why I hate net neutrality
CIA won't allow it, and they control all the internet.
I look forward to reading your white paper Doctor.
>CIA won't allow it
nigger pls, I'm tempted everyday to start working on something horrible to unleash on the government
Right, but the problem would be even worse if we didn't have the English Channel.
>securing the border will take work. Work is hard, so why bother?
I'm not a comicfag, is Black Panther depicted as essentially an African Donald Trump? If so, what is the ((agenda)) behind that movie coming out? Are blacks not supposed to contextualize and instead just revel in WE WUZ feels for 2 hours, or is it subversive pro Trump propaganda?
Why does israel need a wall?
The democrats are widely known to be corrupt, subversive assholes who want to import millions of easy blue votes. Their party is steeped in scandals, yes we should be against everything they say. They're basically a criminal organization at this point.
I can confirm this. We cant into football fotr shyt
If you want to leave so bad that you're worrying about a bullshit fantasy scenario why don't you go now?
I was using the internet before 2105 as well.
This. The democrats are responsible for every lapse that has happened since like for fucking ever, for sure my entire 29 years on this shit spinning orb
It keeps banditos from border hopping. People who live near the border are being terrorized.
That's pretty fucked up.
More than 90% of the Israel "wall" is a fence.
Ending chain migration & terrorist lottery would be better in the long run than the wall.
What exactly does someone's 60 year old illiterate abuelita bring to the country aside from another welfare sponge?
Come on, post it and get arrested for planned terrorism.
If you put mines on the jew side then it's a mine field with a fence, what's your point
TFW Democrats and liberals are SUDDENLY concerned with spending xDDDDDDDD
This guy gets it.
No way user, some plans are just too good to share unless they are actually gonna happen and cause change
You can just kill bandits, you know.
dont like fix news, but suck it cuck
That's why there never will be a movement, we just cannot share our plans online.
it's gonna keep all the americans in when the democrats proclaim the soviet union of north america
This. What incentive does Mexico have to not be a corrupt shithole when their government can just open the floodgates into America anytime revolutionary grumblings erupt?
Then again, Mexico is full of people of mixed Spanish and native American ancestry, and people with that genetic admixture almost seem to be genetically predisposed towards fighting for Marxist ideals that inevitably render them serfs to a corrupt government (leading to a new revolution that inevitably leads to another corrupt shithole government. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum). Imagine how awesomely rich and prosperous Mexico would be if it weren't full of Mexicans
That a fence works as well as a wall at keeping people from just walking in while being far less expensive. That's why the wall as Trump sold it is fucking retarded.
The more secure your border is the fewer illegals are coming in and the better your country will end up be.
You also need to deport 20 to 30 million of your illegals (including all anchor babies who you need to revoke their citizenship).
Think of it like this user, if you're neighbor is known for killing dogs and taking stuff planted in gardens but you want to let your dog chill in your garden and plant stuff in your garden, would you build a fence?
This and why lock cars or houses or have prisons?
>hah walls are so stupid meme
The problem is that majority doesn't support it, the us needs a fascist coup.
It was true before anyone living ever said it.
End DACA. No handouts for illegal behavior. Immigrate and pay your way like everyone else in this country.
So...why a big ass concrete wall? Why not just some barbed wire? Hell, surveillance systems would be more effective. You could have cops waiting at the towns they arrive at. The bonus would be because they never see the real security they don't know how to plan around it. We're talking something way cheaper and a dozen times more effective.
Why have a door on your house/apartment when someone could just kick it in?
>The problem is that majority doesn't support it, the us needs a fascist coup.
I believe Trump and the Republicans can do this unilaterally in the name of national security. Just have to put martial law in place and put all soldiers to work to go through all cities systematically. Just need to implant a subcutaneous chip into every American who actually checks out as legitimate and white, then everyone else can easily be deported to Africa and Mexico.
It’s there to keep the spics out user.
If anyone wanted to leave the USA Mexico would still be the last place on the list.
Just gonna share these little bit of information OK I know matter of fact matter of fact I have Family members or people I know from work who have immigrated to the United States pretending to be in need of refuge and the government eats up that crap yet these people are fucking scum. For example I worked with this old lady whose daughter was an extortionist in El Salvador yet here in the United States gets treated like a poor sweetheart who got caught up and lives off stamps. The only reason why I haven't called immigration services on her is because I don't know where the fuck she lives.
You overestimate them.
Some of those African nations are ex-colonies so thy're are still people that have some sort of connection to the UK which makes it easier for them, USA and Mexico haven't had that sort of connection, if anything the Mexico - USA relationship is hostile so why haven't you guys tried to deal with it?
Ask Isreal or the Vatican.
As butthurt as you lefties are, we know damn well that it will work.
Based Black Brits.