How will the EU react if Turkey wants to take back its land back?

How will the EU react if Turkey wants to take back its land back?
The Bulgarian Turks suffer in Bulgaria and don't want to be a part of Bulgaria anymore.

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The EU would thank their sultan master for shitting in their mouth.

They gatta go back

Edicate yourself fag.
We best buddies with the turks now.
I personaly do not aproove,but considering that ocasional reskinned meme will be all the help we will get if the shit hit the fan, our polititions may be right for once.

Plus turks are keeping their word and are douing fine job stoping rapefugees from gouing in to our country.

>our polititions may be right for once.
Wat? What is going on?

unironically turkgaria sounds better than eu

at least the turks will allow us to keep the gypsies in line.

gonna suck without the euro monies though. oh well

Can anyone fill me in on what the fuck is going on?

Turkey would get fucked beyond belief

Yeah and then rape you some more and probably flood you with kurds instead. Genius. Never trust a roach.

Nothing serious.
We don't meddle in Turkey buisness,no calling Erdo dictator and shit,turks don't flood us with illegals.

you shouldn't really trust any great powers. under the turks we survived for five centuries. with the eu we're scheduled to become a minority by 2050 or 2060.

>count to 10

Kill all turks

Wouldn't really have a problem with Turkey if it wasn't for the muslim turn they just did. Wouldn't mind a friendly alliance with an oriental country with belly dancing and shit. Would be fun if we got into possitions of power in the Ottoman country and slowly corrupt them from withing. Then a virus that will leave on the white turks and we rename Turkey to Bulgaria, nuke Syria, and drive all the refugees into Israel because Western Europe is shit now. This plan will work.

>How will the EU react if Turkey wants to take back its land back?
EU should mind its own business while we create 2nd Balkan League, burn all m*sques and purge the t*rks and other m*slim converts from Balkan once and for all.

I'd like to see them try

i just want these global powers to get nuked so we can finally start killing each other again
why is this so hard

ITT: Untermenschen

shoo shoo g*rm or we will break your shitty bitch ass country again and genocide you like we did in vojvodina

No komshu, you see Islam is the virus. “Neo-Ottomans” may have gained power over th nation but they have no endgame, they are the engineers of their own demise. Us? We will remain , they will have to follow Erdogan to his end or get persecuted by us as traitors in the end. They picked their poison , lets make sure they choke on it.

>if Turkey wants to take back its land back

None of the land they occupy is theirs

Please give us a reason

i would like to see them try desu

Watch out for all the shitskins in my country if you are coming for me.

There might be some Bulgarian enclave in Sinkiang for all you know

send the turks back to their "homeland" problem solved?

Also I'll volunteer to """oversee""" the """resettlement process""" just like in 1877

there was actually a resettlement process in the 1980s. 300 000 turks left, but half of them ended up returning

>a chance to fight some roaches
Nice. I can be like Byron.



>Turks invade Bulgaria
>Turkey instantly booted from NATO
>Greece and Romania instantly join to help Bulgaria
>Turkey gets its shit utterly kicked in before the bulk of NATO even arrives
>Turkey gets divided into Kurdistan, Greece, and Armenia
>Constantinople is reclaimed
Do it fag, I wanna be there when they tear down the Sofia's Mineret

>The Bulgarian Turks suffer in Bulgaria and don't want to be a part of Bulgaria anymore.

they are free to do so whenever they feel like it

yeah you gotta lock the door after an unwanted guest leaves, sometimes they do come back.

>How will the EU react if Turkey wants to take back its land back?
Considering the performance of the turkish army in Syria, i'm not worried one bit.

EU wouldn't care like central/western Europe didn't care the last time Turks came here. It would be up to us, Balkanites, to unite and defend ourselves. But it will never happen, and even if it somehow does, we will blew it up like we did in 1371 for some idiotic reason.

when you work together you win, like in 1912.

like in 1912 I'm sure Russia would help again.

they can gtfo from here nobody wants them either

>work together

But we don't.
Immediately after the First, there was a Second Balkan War in 1913, where previous allies beat the shit out of each other.

There are no T*rks in Bulgaria. Our muslims are genetically and ethnically Bulgars who were forcefully converted during the slavery.

Roaches better mind their own business, because this time the Balkan League will kill them all.


yes I know. try not to do that again.

We try out an empirical test how many roaches survive a nuke blast.

>There are no T*rks in Bulgaria. Our muslims are genetically and ethnically Bulgars who were forcefully converted during the slavery.

There was no forced conversion, retarded rapebaby. If there was you'd not be christian.

>Roaches better mind their own business, because this time the Balkan League will kill them all.

LOL we conquered your shithole with 5000 men. Who the fuck do you think you are subhuman rapebaby? I can easily beat the shit out of you and stick your keyboard up your ass. Know your place rapebaby.

Google battle of maritsa, rapebaby. don't act tough. We castrated you.

>Turkey gets divided into Kurdistan, Greece, and Armenia
>Constantinople is reclaimed

Can modern Turkey even get 5000 men into one space and keep them from fucking each other?

You may have noticed Turkey is awfully cucked these days too. Like the US they're fine bombing tribal inbreds from the air but once they face real resistance on the ground the military is kind of useless, also like the US.

>The Bulgarian Turks suffer in Bulgaria and don't want to be a part of Bulgaria anymore.

Not really, even though the Bulgarian Turks are indeed poor compared to the rest of the country they have their own political party and are actually well represented in the parliament.

The situation is a bit difficult. Bulgarians Turks vote almost entirely for CHP and hate Erdogan. At the moment, the main Turkish party is actually closer to Russia than it is to Turkey.

>under the turks we survived for five centuries. with the eu we're scheduled to become a minority by 2050 or 2060.
Wtf, this.

t. similar situation

Turkish ancestral lands are to the east and north. If they want to take those lands back they’re free to return traditional Greek lands back to the Greeks.

>2nd Balkan League, burn all m*sques and purge the t*rks and other m*slim converts from Balkan once and for all.




You can't even make Detroit white again.


Kemal was gay.

personally i live in a small town so idk much about big cities but when i go to stara zagora i aways see fucking obese arab niggers

>their land