I thought we needed to wait for nuclear bombs to fall to see the rise of the NCR

I thought we needed to wait for nuclear bombs to fall to see the rise of the NCR


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I always thought it was a shame that you could only wear such a cool looking helmet for like 2 seconds before the game ended.
I know there is another version in the divide but its not the same :(

helmet and sword both. Oliver can keep his crap though

Meme hard enough and we will prevail

>Kek wills it

Does that mean a Legion will also get formed by mid-westerners? I would think Sup Forums was more of the Legion type.

the legion is not the best choice, the courier taking over the strip is.

Well of course personal power is the best, though I'm not sure it's as sustainable as letting the NCR take over.

What is roaming California is already worse than supermutans

What did he mean by this?

When will we see the rise of Caesar's Legion?

there is no best choice all of them are imperfect it just comes down to the players own personal preference

Interbreeding for tribes so that they no long feel a tie to their culture.

degenerates like you belong on a cross AVE, TRUE TO CAESAR

If you don't support/join House you really are a retard


Most Fucking useless and incompetent faction i ever saw.

>Caesar's Legion

Retards all of them,the second Caesar dies the legion will eat itself out.

>Yes Man

Robots ruling...yeah nah,and considering that both NCR and the Legion will want to take it over "Muh Freedoms" will be over in a few decades considering that you can rebuild new robots,unlike House who has NCR by the balls


whoever designed the layout of this website should be gassed

>free vegas
>not anarchist shithole

Wondering why image replies are disabled? It's because of this thread:


we need to exhumate Howard Hughes corpse and put it in a bathtub full of ice so we can counter the NCR

Yes Man isn't robots ruling, dumbass. It's literally you ruling the whole shitfest by yourself.
Any man who loves and respects himself chooses Yes Man.

>Thinking you're the king of the Mojave
>You're literally stuck in Vegas
>You're ironically the Yes Man to Yes Man
Why Yes Man fags so fucking retarded?

Whenever an American makes any sort of political commentary or analysis I immediately disregard it. Why?

Because the average American "thinker" is the ultimate armchair philosopher. They will proudly give their uneducated opinion on anything. They have no context, no real skin in the game because they haven't had war or conflict even close to their own soil since the 1800s. Their 'culture' is a fabrication made by Hollywood Jews to entice their youth with cowboy and soldier genres to serve their military industrial complex to work and die for Israel. 'Tradition' for them is stuffing themselves to the gullet with high-fat high-sugar foods and securing some shitty office 9-5 office or manual labor job enough to afford healthcare for their heart surgeries and medication.

American 'Alt-Righters' and 'traditionalists' are the worst among these. These half-breed mouth-breathing apes are the loudest advocates for an ethnostate, for the "day of the rope". Their genetic self-confusion is so dire that the word 'cuck' immediately resonates with them in any given discourse. Their understanding of the history of ideas has come from Wikipedia articles and state propaganda. They have no sense of nuance: anything even remotely resembling optimal collective activity is deemed "GOMMUNISM" as their own society institutions continues to become more bureaucratic, overrun by nonwhites, stagnant, and impoverished.

This would be all fine in dandy if these mutants were self contained, but since they outsource all their industry to street shitting cultures like China and India which expel the fetid masses of plastic and waste into our environment, the Amerimonkey's uncontrollable lust for consumption is destroy God's green Earth. We cannot tolerate it any longer.

What is to be done concerning the AQ (American Question)?

Caesar's Legion larp when?

>g-guys I swear you get to rule over vegas not yes man and his army of robots
>yes man will be back after his personality upgrade
>he's totally going to be the same robot as before
You're an idiot for even killing House especially for Yes Man




>I immediately disregard it
Same goes for me and netherniggers. All of your posts come off as smarmy, self-aggrandising, tripe. Actually kys, faggot.

I've got a tour to Iraq as an infantryman and I've been all around the world, what have you done to understand politics and culture better?

I am in the Midwest and trust me they are all meth heads. No anything is forming from these incest is wincest babies