So you think Jared Taylor and Jordan Peterson aren't giving Jews enough grief? It's because they are smart and unlike Sup Forums have their eyes on accomplishing their objectives.
Faggot Milo, Little Benny Shapiro, Stephen Miller, Pamela Gellar, David Horowitz, Ami Horowitz and on and on...these are the people burning the actual calories and carrying the heavy loads for our movement to take the West back. They're risking their necks and taking the slings and arrows. You might bitch about them, but THEY are selling out the lecture halls and grabbing ears and eyeballs by the millions to enlighten the world to the causes of our current sorry political state.
I understand the havoc Jews have caused, but on the flip side, I can also see the tremendous benefit they are providing. Because of these Jews, even your mom now knows what 'cultural Marxism' is and can articulate it to others. Without them, think of how many people would still be clueless libtards. Despite the lovely Pepes, fashwave memes and being gloriously white, we simply lack the mental horsepower that these people possess and therefore require their contributions to succeed.
Anti-Jew is a dead end. Call out the Zionist. Condemn the University Jew, Deride the Hollywood Jew and the Banker Jew for their evil because it IS a specific subversive evil unique to Jews that seeks to destroy and subjugate wealthy, free civilizations for sure. But stop with the general Jew hate. We'd be at square one without the people listed above and it's possible Trump might not even have made it into the White House without them using their high verbal IQs to not only articulate redpills better than any of us have been able to, but more importantly SPREAD THEM to normies on they scale they have. It's not White vs. Jew, it's good vs. evil. When we can align along these lines and stop letting the Subversive Political Jew divide us based on their racial in-fighting trickery we'll all be able to free up mental energy.
So there's a good reason why our heroes lay off the Jews
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Meh, it's mostly leftypol and purity-spiralling faggots that rail against people like Jared Taylor. Taylor is doing good work on the race question, and that's good enough. Also while I don't agree with Peterson on almost anything, he is going up against the left so I guess that's at least something
>he is going up against the left so I guess that's at least something
I can't think of anyone that is doing more to combat the ideology of the left currently than Jordan Peterson. Who else had the balls in Canada to make battling the transgender speech laws their life's work? Without him there would just be some dim murmuring about 'it's kinda dumb oh well'. I don't get how you can take the key person in our fight who is getting the most exposure and taking the most risk and say 'eh I guess he's ok'. What more could you ask of him?
>I can't think of anyone that is doing more to combat the ideology of the left currently than Jordan Peterson. Who else had the balls in Canada to make battling the transgender speech laws their life's work? Without him there would just be some dim murmuring about 'it's kinda dumb oh well'. I don't get how you can take the key person in our fight who is getting the most exposure and taking the most risk and say 'eh I guess he's ok'. What more could you ask of him?
Taking the most risk? Isn't he making something like 100k a month or smth from this stuff? But yeah, like I said, at least he's going against the left and that's something. Beyond that, I never got the appeal of JBP. Maybe it's because I actually had a father when I was growing up and I don't need le youtube man to tell me to clean my room. Mostly, JBP is just criticizing retarded blue-haired pronouns, like every youtube skeptic. Beyond that I see nothing of value in what JBP says, and he doesn't seem to take a stance on important issues, such as race and IQ. And I suppose there's nothing wrong with that, he doesn't have to, all I'm saying is that I don't see the appeal. I see some value in his work against the left but none of it appeals to me (I'm against post-modernism now clean your room and go slay the dragon bucko!)
>comparing the ultimate huwhite Chadvocate to Dr. Judenstein McBoomer
Ehh Ive always believed this, but this place has become too much of an echo chamber. We need Jews who contribute and don't subvert our civilisation. Deport the Jews who are doing wrong back to Israel, where they can subvert their own kind.
Don't be a fool, the man's profiting off the fame of mild controversy. He's not a hero.
>beeing this retarded
great job op
>Faggot Milo, Little Benny Shapiro, Stephen Miller, Pamela Gellar, David Horowitz, Ami
As much as you need center-rights, you also need radicals like Sup Forums to aim them in the right directions
Well he has a whole lot to say about IQ actually, but yeah he tends to leave race alone. If he went full autism and started in on specific races two things would happen. He'd be making it incredibly easy for him to get filed away into the alt-right ghetto where Richard Spencer dwells and lose all hope of reaching an audience beyond chan boards and he'd give dopey normie critics evidence to point at that backs up their kneejerk claims that he is a hate monger. This way he's teflon and anyone with a brain can extrapolate deeper implications regarding who caused communism exactly. He's not gonna scream 'NIGGERS ARE DOING IT' but he is taking away all their defences such as the white privilege canard and rightly calling their actions anti-white racism. Seems Sup Forums is only satisfied if the speaker destroys himself in a blaze of glory by limiting his scope to white superiority, which is a premise that really doesn't stand up when also claiming that Jews have dominated our institutions.
Kevin MacDonald is Sup Forums's true boomer hero.
>Checkmate, mossad.
figure it out dummy, its relative. we're the ones that make them acceptable vanilla moderates. without us, its far more reasonable to compare Mr Peterson to nazis
Yes, I get this. Sup Forums has some reach, but it's nothing compared to
>Faggot Milo, Little Benny Shapiro, Stephen Miller, Pamela Gellar, David Horowitz, Dennis Praeger et.all
I wouldn't even call these people center right exactly (maybe Shapiro). I think they are actually pretty far right, but not so stupid as to wreck themselves by falling into the obvious traps that are set to ensnare them. I'd bet every one of them would vote very similar to Sup Forums behind the curtain. You can't just say it on TV though unless you want to get the Tommmy Robinson treatment and lose all traction.
Dismantling our enemy in front of crowds of millions and giving normies the language to advocate for themselves...this is something you find 'retarded'. Who else besides these jews are doing this with such efficacy? (Taylor and JBP aside)
I believe this is true and I thank you for saying it. The decent jews, of which there are many, are a critical ally in the fight against the bad jews and the brainwashed jews.
Sry don't know all of them but Milo is a gay coal burner (I can forgive the gay but not the latter) and Ben said himself that he does not give a shit about our ethnicities but promotes greater Israel.
and when the brainwashing is countered and some of these formerly unaware jews are made aware of subversion practices and how the state is using the jew to harm jew and non-jew alike. well then those jews probably instead switch to jewing the top jews who jew the jews into jewing jews
just imagine, the power of the jews can be ours
the merchant can truly be our greatest ally against a common enemy who also happens to be largely jewish.
Boromir is that you?
the jews must be sliding this jewish friendship thread to prevent jew from joining jew against jew in the ultimate jew off
You’re right. I’ve said it time and time again that addressing the JQ and naming the jew is unfortunately a very counterproductive strategic move. You can call out specific globalist Jews without throwing all Jews under the bus. It’s better to show the Jew’s pattern of action without blaming it on Jewry. If you do this correctly, that conclusion will be reached regardless. The best example I can think for that was redpilling a friend of mine on the Jew’s presence in Hollywood without once mentioning the JQ and making broader accusations against Jews as a whole. We were talking about the race of oscar winners and about the amount of whites that have won in relation to other minorities, but once I said that there was another minority that was overly represented in the Oscars in relation to their population, it wasn’t hard for him to see how much the Jews favor themselves and own Hollywood. You have to pick your battles and make strategically sound movies that won’t bite you in the ass down the line.
Yes to what you said but JP twittered himself that Jews are so brilliant and we should praise them for controlling us.
>call out the zionist
Why? This is also counter-semitic.
>aren't giving enough
they don't give any and refuse to even look at the JQ, I like jared for all that he does but the JQ has to be talked about since it's a significant reason for why things are the way they are
ben shapiro is an ethno nationalist...for israel, that hypocrisy (shared by most jews) is what we have to point out also
I think you're being a little overdramatic there pal.
We don't need to change our political views, we just need people with the resources willing to put themselves out there like those people you listed do. We can still call out the Jews all we want and make it a public platform because it is true. We need public speakers to do so is all.
Do you even reading comprehension m8? Like I said, I don't hate JBP but I'm not going to suck his dick either. Also, does anyone seriously give a shit about the blue-haired pronouns? They're the butt of every joke, it just seems kinda worthless to rail against them
Not when they have the power of the law on their backs like they do in Canada. If they were a screeching minority with no political or institutional power (like much of the alt-right meme is, as it were), no two shits should be given, but once laws are made on their behalf, and you can throw people in jail for not using bullshit pronouns, it’s a scary precedent. The most powerful thing in law is legal precedent. I don’t agree with a lot of what the alt-right preaches, especially the more socialist-y things, but they pose no threat because they don’t have either media or institutional suppport. Yet.
>tremendous benefit
Stopped right there fuck off kike
I love how Jared Taylor, the leading and most intelligent white nationalist, argues how Ashkenazi Jews are white and how they're allowed to live in a white ethnostate.
who is we? And when are going to start the insurrection?
T b h Canada getting fucked up would be just funny. All heil führer Trudeau
LOL. OP thinks Jews can be on OUR side. Stupid OP. The ONLY side the Jews are EVER on is theirs. What you are seeing is Jews jumping to a new host. They have destroyed Western Liberalism and they know it.
We are going to consolidate our own "Frankfort School." Except this time, it will be an analysis of the weaknesses of Jewish culture.
The light will shine on your culture inescapably and everyone will stampede towards hungry for your status, money and power. We will tear them down pillar by pillar until they rot in their own failures.
>does anyone seriously give a shit about the blue-haired pronouns? They're the butt of every joke, it just seems kinda worthless to rail against them
Right, except when using said pronouns becomes enforceable by law which is what bill c-16 is, which is what JBP is actively fighting against. You'd know this if you weren't so buttmad and paid attention to what he is doing.
true. those people do some heavy lifting. Sup Forums helps the process by presenting the naked reality in such a way that nobody can escape it, steering the discourse in the right direction. those people would never say "x is right", but they sometimes will say "x... well it is not entirely wrong".
fuck off kike faggot
"we fucked this hole planet up, but we are fixing it"
doesn't fucking work.
White Nationalists are pathetic LARPers. National Socialism is the only way to save the west.
Ah yes. The "Good Jew" meme.
You know what this is called? Appeasement. It's what the European Monarchies started doing 400 years ago, since which Progress has won every battle it has fought.
It doesn't work.
Jared Taylor is a fucking Saint of our movement and there will be a 1488 foot golden statue of him in the capital of the Ethnostate. He is smart for focusing on the real issues and not sperging out about Jews. He's been at this game longer than some of us have been alive I think he knows everything there is to know about the JQ he just understands it's not helpful at this stage in the game. He also understands that not every single Jew is an enemy. I use Stephen Miller as an example of a good Jew. Sup Forumss weakness is generalization. Any time you suggest that not every Jew is a communist, or that not every woman is a whore these absolutists freak out.
Given the preposterous overrepresentation of jews in the media(hymiewood to the new york times), as well as there ability to organise boycotts of views they dislike, it is a lie to discuss the decline of america without bringing up the media and its’ pernicious influence on america’s political discourse.
>So you think Jared Taylor and Jordan Peterson
Please don't ever put Jared Taylor in the same sentence as Jordan Peterson. Taylor offers nothing outside of saying blacks are dumb, Peterson is actually changing the minds of an entire generation of men to improve themselves
The Ethno state meme is dumb, wont work and nobody will get behind it.
Evict the Jews and elect a fascist ruler who loves your country. All races can benefit from a fascist society that has no jewish influence.
Jared Taylor is a relic from last time they had to subvert the people who are now 50-70 years old.
The solution to everything is:
Is your media machine failing you? Add more Jews
Are your politics failing you? More Jews
Tired of usury? Add more Jews plozz
Fed up with being held accountable for your actions? Get more Jews
You are 100% correct sir.
*Literally* believing that an entire class of people is fundamentally evil is fucking stupid. It's one thing to be a race realist, it's another to be shrieking faggot setting us back and proving our critics right. If you can't handle the truth without going full autiste then maybe the truth is not for you.
Most people who make a big song and dance about hating Jews seem quite selfish to me to be honest. Time and time again I watch them get all lathered up yelling self-righteous shit at other people for not being brave or hardcore enough, and it just sounds like they're using it to make themselves feel good. Obviously the JQ is extremely important but it will never, ever be addressed by people who just get off on being shocking. I question how much they even believe what they're saying, because if they were really so anti-jew they'd want to be effective and not just noisy.
>It's not White vs. Jew, it's good vs. evil
Yea just that the evil unites under the Jewish flag. Why should I care for the innocent Jew when he willingly covers for them for free gibs?
They are controlled opposition kike shills. They all fucking are.
Everyone with a platform will become a target of violence.
>he thinks pol wants achievable political goals
having been rejected by society, the young men here just want to feel like they are part of a group. pol is the ultimate trap for these boys because it makes them feel like their failure was due to "the jews" rather than personal shortcomings. then you have the white supremacists. they have no accomplishments of their own, but by embracing racism and hatred, it makes them feel partially responsible for the success of the white race. if race relations were to improve, they would lose their persecution complex. and when that happens- what reason do they have to get out of bed in the morning? their entire life revolves around hatred and self-righteousness .
The Holocaust starts this year. American Spring. They will be hung in the streets. We are done talking
Keep talking faggot, the RWDS is en route to your door.
Jared Taylor and Sup Forums have different roles. Jared Taylor is a public person who has a reputation and his role is to win debates and white advocacy. He knows antisemitism allegations would be used against him. Sup Forums on the other hand is a chaotic Truth chamber where NOTHING is sacred. If someone comes here and is for the first time in his life able to question Jewish influence, he can question everything he was told by them.
I do agree that ''Jews'' is a too broad category. It's not a honest category. While many jews are the baddies, not all are, and many of the bad people are just white people.
This is what I mean. You're probably some speccy teenager talking brave on the internet, people will see this stuff and associate any questioning of jews with people like you. You are actively helping them.
There is no such thing as a good Jew. They had ample time to repent and assist humanity in our fight against Jewish slavers. They chose to ignore our plight so they will hang right beside their brethren. So will the white traitors who assisted them.
I've decided I have a love-hate relationship with jews. Our worst enemies and yet our best speakers.
IDGAF what you think, it will happen. We are done talking. Let them read whatever they want while we kick in their doors and now down their families.
My antisemitism is nuanced.
Whatcha doing Rabi?
Go on then. When you've finished I'll respect what you say.
(Pro Tip: you're full of shit)
Report it to operation Yew Tree
I'm gonna be mowing down Kikes in their homes and hanging them in the streets. Wait and see, we all will be.
Fantasy. You're just enjoying frothing at the mouth. It's no different to taking drugs or touching yourself.
You'll see. You kikes think you can push us and we won't push back? Your time is up. I won't abide you any more no matter the cost.
>I am a 22 year old former kekistani - the post
>Stop hating Jews
Many of us are willing to actually exterminate the Jews.
And yet you're here showing off in total safety instead of serving life in prison for jihading a synagogue. There is no reason to take you seriously whatsoever.
Actually I have a habit of going into temples breaking CFLs and leaving them on to generate Mercury gas.
Also I've killed several Jews over the years as targets of opportunity.
You mistake the level of commitment because you brows ONLY 4kike and leddit.
You don't know how many Jews I've already killed.
It's just we get away with it because we only target Jews we do not know personally.
I don't believe you. I've known people who take their business seriously and you wouldn't find them bragging on an anime imageboard. You're just play-acting for attention and you should grow up and act like men.
Guess they didn't hear about that pharmaceutical Jew who was found hanging with his wife in their home. These kikes think no one is doing anything.
I'm not bragging, just speaking the truth about what is to come.
I agree that there are some Jews that benefit the White Nationalist movement by introducing arguments to normies. However, they are ultimately controlled opposition and should not be trusted.
>it about the blue-haired pronouns? They're the butt of every joke, it just seems kinda worthless to rail against them
This. It's obvious to any normie that, e.g. there are jew commies, non-jew commies, jew non-commies, and non-jew non-commies. Focusing on something tangential to the problem, i.e. jews, rather than what is the problem, i.e. commies, just makes us look like morons obsessed with race (rather than trying to find real solutions). I honestly think many people doing this shit are just trying to destroy our movement.
>I know people
>Said the Brit
And my dad works at Nintendo.
I've said nothing traceable or incriminating.
Of course if I get caught breaking CFLs I'll have to kill every Jew in the building, but I use a pinpoint microwave antenna to disable the cams and electric security. I made it out of the cyclotron and capacitor from a microwave.
Here is a Slavic version:
His has no mobile power source, his antenna sucks, and isn't as compact as mine.
Any time not genociding the kikes is wasted time and counter to our movement. Traitors like you will get the rope.
Also isn't our community full of literal sickfuck? /r/ing guy who played what's in my freezer with us in old Sup Forums
Please, come to Britain and find someone like me and make bitchy little comments like that. Please.
It is a primary goal of Sup Forums that the kike be exterminated.
It's not some edgy joke.
I like my liberty of speech here in Nordic lands. How's being disarmed?
>Any time not genociding the kikes is wasted time and counter to our movement. Traitors like you will get the rope.
sure, this will get us our goals. r u pretending or actually a moron?
It's just that it's been working.
Sup Forums come for the jokes, stay for the genocide.
We have surprisingly seen alot of success by telling people the truth about the Jews.
Many of them see that the only way to end the cycle is to completely exterminate (((them))).
We don't have to kill them all, I'll accept mass incarceration combined with mass sterilization.
Internet faggot child coward. I hope one day you forget you're in character and mouth off to the wrong person. Your murder will be richly deserved.
Yes, genociding the kike will get us our goal of genociding the kike. How fucking stupid are you? Keep stalling, your time is up soon.
Gl. I am armed and I have an actual militia unit that also sees the kike as I do.
Keep underestimating us kike.
The Holocaust never happened, but it should have, and by God it will.
Fuck you. I'm not paying for them to be imprisoned.
Not even in camps?
We might have to kill them but wouldn't it be expedient to mass sterilize the ones that will be stupid enough to turn themselves in?
Yeah, do it faggot or shut the fuck up. What are you waiting for? Pussy.
Just kill them as they come. I want them eliminated.
>Do it know out of alignment with the actual plans
Nope, we cannot act in the open without certain pre-conditions.
If you want to do it go ahead, not like anyone can stop you.
You are right. I think with the rise of the Alt-Right there has also been a rise in young NatSoc dweebs. They know nothing other than their angst and are not fit to lead any type of movement.