My gf discovered my crypto portfolio

>my gf discovered my crypto portfolio

>having a Gee Ehf in the age of sexbots

Ditch your biocunt and get a robo one

>my money is yours
Well you're fucked OP say good bye to your cryptos



>my money is yours baby

Way to land on your scabby needs poofter.
Tell her to fuck off like a big boy

>my money is yours baby chill
Toppest cuck.

literally dump that whiny cunt and let her cry some more over her "expenses". Use your crypto to find a nice apartment and stop being a NEET faggot. I.e. get a fucking job OP

This is pretty cringey user

>my money is yours baby
Famous last words.

>she already talked to her friends about it
Pack it up. She's not dating you. She's dating her friends.

Until she is your wife without the possibility of no-fault divorce, and has a baby in her, why the fuck would you say something stupid like "my money is your money"? Look at this grubbing bitch. She's clearly the dominant figure in this conversation, and she barks out demands in the most detestable fashion.

She's mad u didn't tell her to invest...but she couldn't have invested anyway since she is supporting your mooching dumbass

>You have 100 expenses you need to fix stat

Would have dumped her right there user

You are in a really abusive relationship with a psychopathic cunt. But you're probably still too much in puppylove to see that you should run, not walk, away from this woman.

This thread has potential.

Keep me posted.

>my money is yours

Lol you fucking dumbass.
Should have said its none of her fucking buisness and held your ground.
Hope you didnt have any plans for the money because i think you are to pussy to leave her, you where probably a virgin before you met her and your scared shitless of being alone.

Harden the fuck up, if a bitch wants your money you say no period.

Tell her that it's not being very supportive of her to find out that you made a financially good move and somehow turn that into a NEGATIVE. You'd like a little praise for your good investment, actually. Why can't she just be happy for your success?

Deploy the typical women mind tricks back against her, and watch her squirm.

Nevermind, just noticed that she's paying your bills. You deserve this and more OP.

Ask for tits

>his computer isnt encrypted
>his coinbase isnt encrypted/secured

>my money is yours
Completely cucked

>my money is yours

You fucked up now

>We have allot of expenses
Turns into
>U need to handle stat!
You're fucked m8


Haha this bitch wants your crypto gains before she dumps you. Don't fall for it you tard it's so obvious

She says she supports you, does that mean you don't have a job and you're using her money to secretly put into crypto?
If that is true she has a point and you're a degenerate.

>my money is yours

This may hold true but dont say this. Its not good for her to hear shit like this

Stop please, i had a good day untill i was reminded how spineless some men are.

You provoke me.

Nah. Men do this for women all the time. If she loved him this wouldn't be an issue. :^)

op you have only 1 chance to redeem yourself, dump her right now and post it. you will not regret this decision.

>my money is yours
>I'm the one supporting us


reminder that the measurements for these pictures don't match any modern smartphones and thus these are fabricated and homosexual in nature

Reminder that she was going through his shit, which is how she found it. This bitch is trying to fuck him over

Don't worry, you'll find a girlfriend too one day and learn the ins and outs of interaction with females.

Why would he dump a chick supporting him? She is paying his bills while he is hiding away money. OP is a leeching faggot cunt

you idiots is obvious this girl is paying for everything in their relationship
most likely bought OP many things in the past

stolen from reddit sage

Dutchbro is correct user


what does she do tho?

Yep, they realise that bro

Tell your dumb girlfriend that it's a long term investment. If you have to explain what that is to her, murder suicide.


KYS after you kill op. Fucking redditfags

She fell for the penis Jew. SAD!

you lie and you stand by that lie. we literally solved this fucking problem 18 fucking years go.

You are kinda alpha, If a woman who isn't your wife or mom pays your bills.
As long as he doesn't give her any money now, then he's all good.

>one day you will learn to reject all notions of self respect and spread your asshole wide for your woman while giving her every cent of your money just because she asked for it
What a cucked Jew.

Seconded. OP you are either trying to piss us off or in a really shitty situation without even fully realising. Trust the nice internet nationalists, user. You will be a better, stronger person for it.

Your gf is an entitled bitch who probably works and doesn't share a cent of her income with you despite you offering to share everything. She's a cunt, but you're a beta faggot for letting her talk to you like that and at the end of the day you both deserve to be miserable.

If this is really from reddit, then it's done bitchy cunt who has this mom son relationship with a numale soyboy

>woman finds out you have money.
>suddenly "100 expenses, stat".

All women are jews.

>my money is yours

That shit'll be gone in a week.

This. Drop that dead weight cunt.

>talks to her friends about relationships
>gets advice from them

What are you doing user? First thing to do in any relationship you want to last is stop her from talking about anything to do with your relationship to jealous and bitchy "friends"---all they ever try to do is undermine and sow seeds of doubt where there were none.

this is correct



This, if she talks about anything about the relationship she gets stoned.

Absolutely howling, it's over anyway unless you literally give it all to her so just keep your money and leave.

user, why aren't we eating all our seed crop? I'm hungry now!

>When I'm the one supporting us
Are you sure you're not the gf?

A little too accurate user relax.

maybe he likes a good pegging

>b...b...ut she's "supporting" OP
Bitches say this if they lift a finger in the relationship (or even if they don't). They do the washing, they're "supporting", they suck your dick they're "supporting" you, they buy new clothes they're "supporting" you. Don't buy into that bullshit, it's 100% manipulation. Proof is in the last message where she says that OP needs to handle the expenses, not her, which means that he's the one paying for shit. She's probably flipping out because she realised that this is money's he's keeping secret from her and therefore money he isn't _spending_ on her, and that's her gripe, that she isn't being given presents.

>i don't feel safe you didn't tell me about your secret $250,000
you fucked up mate. she wants that money in her account or her pusy is off limits.

Women are the worst type of slimy fucking Jew. You sick your dick in her, and you live with her, but she always goes to her dumb "friends" first and always takes their side when they decide to ruin you

is this from reddit/cryptocucks?

op, you are very close to a cuck shed

OP get the fuck out of this relationship right now.
I'm telling you to go.
Even if the Crypto shit doesn't work out at least she has shown her true colors to you.

An animal bares it's teeth with it's back to the wall. Remember these words.

Lmao /biz/ was right, never disclose your crypto gains.

Her money is my money too, retard, assuming she works like OP's. If she doesn't and is doing housewife duty instead, awesome, and yeah I'm happy to waste some money on her because I'm not a cheap ultra materialist like you seem to be. It's honestly standard.

underrated boast

he needs to spend it into a new wallet, dump that fucking bitch, and stick with whores who are cheaper

>how dare you hide money from me
wew lad, did she think this reaction was ok?

lost mine in a boating accident with my guns

>gf pays all your bills so you can be a man child

>so cucked you have to explain, beg and placate your investments to your bitch
Fuck off soyboy.

>whores who are cheaper
Except OP is the whore in this case. The girl supports him.

I want so badly for this to be real

I have a gf and we still do 50/50 on a lot of stuff.
pretty good desu.

sometimes I pay on her, buy mostly 50/50.

Fix the fucking window.

Then make sure she can never appropriate your crypto wallet. Encrypt your whole god damn hard drive if you have to.

Shit's already gone. The argument was just a pretense to admit she already took it.

>some money
You were implying that all of your funds should be hers.

Either y'all are down for each other or not. Either you both trust each others judgement in different dynamics or you don't. If your relationship has the depth of being able to communicate each others strengths and let each other take the lead in situations to where your reasoning brings about the best outcome for the both of you to where you have the opportunity to grow and benefit each other. If there is not a situation of being able to communicate the differences of both of you're abilities and how to create a flow of compatablilty then it's all for not. But if you have an opportunity to be completely honest with another and come to an understanding then cherish and invest in that.

>My money is yours baby. Chill

Sup Forums definitely didn't write this script.

Fucking idiot op. I hope she takes every penny and says you raped her.
>letting a woman on your pc
>letting a woman near your crypto
>"my money is yours"
O boy

>Her money is my money too, retard, assuming she works like OP's.
She doesn't. She's a woman.

as do i, and yet, we both know the truth.

in that case then the money is hers. hope she worms it out of him then dumps him for a chad.

Holy shit user get the FUCK OUT

She says "I'm the one supporting us" right there in OP. OP is a leech and a numale.

Considering your flag I wouldn't be surprised if you stole from her purse when shes asleep.


yeah we'll see if that holds true when you come home to her sucking off a nigger

It's too late she's already decided on dropping him, she just wants to make out with the gainz first.

Imagine being this cucked. She's talking to you like you're a dog.

Dump when low man.
Get her now.

You are a fucking cuck holy shit

Easiest way is just to say your relationship is special and intimate and private, and that talking about it with friends debases all of that (the more something is shared the less valuable it is). Universal response to this is "wow, i'd never thought about it like that before" (women are naturally gossipy animals and do this instinctively unless you make them feel special and unique for not doing so).

Tis pretty important because i have never come across a relationship where the girl has a group of friends where those friends are not constantly attempting to undermine her relationship--and women are insecure so they can be got to quite easily, and will be turned from completely trusting to doubtful in short order.