Why worry? It's in no way a bad thing for Trump. Did you fall for the "Dr*mpf BTFO if the memo is released" meme?
>thinking the deep state would let us plans know the truth
You guys are crazy
Sometimes you got to try not be as much of a blackpilled shitstain lad. It can't be good for your mental wellbeing.
I'm not totally blackpilled but when user shows a vid from the msm claiming something soon gonna happen it makes me laugh.
Sorry my dudes, not gonna happen.
This thing can't get released soon enough.
>Be libturd
>Your king nigger is indeed, corrupt fuck and he will end in jail
>Your party probably will cease to exist
>Oh shit, What do
>CHIMP OUT at mass levels.
FBI "Loses" Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump Agents
Clinton and obunga apprehension when?
"Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton" And Frame Trump Unraveling, Says Former Fed Prosecutor
And because of that, the GOP will not wait when even the fbi is corrupt as fuck too.
This week..
More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team
But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incomplete because the FBI, for technical reasons, had been unable to preserve and retrieve about five months' worth of communications.
scenario time
>memo released
>shows damning evidence that sends obama/clinton and top dems to prison
>leads to further investigations
>details of literal treason against the united states are found
>more arrested
>liberals/commies do ultimate chimp out because they see trump as literally Hitler arresting political appointments
>brink of civil war 2.0
>military declares martial law
>liberals/commies try and fight Military who they see as fascist Nazis.
>military kills or arrests 95% of the subversive scum
>America enters 1000 years of greatness
a man can dream, lads a man can dream.
>a man can dream
but that surely will happen and will be this week
Gladstone user I truly hope you are right, if this does happen I pray that you keep your family safe and have as much supplies as possible. I have no family so I will be riding this out alone and getting comfy in my home with my vast supply of SHTF goodies.
what could be in those five months of communications? the two agents fell madly in love with trump and destroyed evidence of trump russia collusion?
I would fuck the face off of Sara Carter. Have a bump.
Declassify and release the memo.