Puigdemont just landed in Copenhagen

Spanish government is working on his arrest order.

Will my country turn him in to the spaniards?


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You better.

do the right thing Arnbjorn

t. faggots scared of the EU collapsing.

t.mexican intellectual



There's a high chance we will. Our current government is super EU cucked

>Catalonia revolts

Happens all the time. It's our commie thermometer.

I hope they don't arrest him because it would only result in more fuel for the independist parties. They are pursuing a "victimist" strategy. If it wasn't for the political prisioners they wouldn't have won the last elections. The spanish government also benefits from this act: the territorial fracture of Spain makes people not talk about corruption and inequality.

Tl,dr: nationalism always makes the right win





I thought it was more the other way around.

¡Viva Tabárnia!

spain - if you take your flamethrowers and just blow that leftist shithole out, we will do the same up here.

you should send them his head

Shot him on site
Independentist reach their maximum number already

I hope our smile revolution succeeds.

I wish Puigdemont wasn't such an EU loving fag and preached that we need to dismantle the EU.
Everyone already knows that Spain is a shithole with no future, now we need to convince people that the EU is the same.

He's not going to get detained. Goverment want him going around the world showing how retard he is so they can't make him president of the autonomy again.

lol the fuckin irony is that Catalan wants to eit Spain but stay in the EU

pure emotion, no logic... they think staying in the EU will give them autonomy...

Turn that cuck in please.

t. mexican flayer

Fuck, I wish Catalans had some balls and established an armed rebellion in modern times like Luhansk, Donestsk and Chechnya. War is good to make a strong society.

Btw Spain won't issue any arrest warrant because all the charges are made up and only exist in the banana republic of Españistan. They already tried it in Belgium and failed.

I'm a meme too

>want an independent country for your own people
>only to open up your borders to the entire world

Bask and Catalan (((nationalism))) everybody. I don't understand why Flemish nationalists here have such a hard-on for those people. Flemish nationalism is right wing and during the war they massively collaborated with the Germans, Franco's ally and thus the enemy of the Catalan lefty nationalists

What's up guys, I'm a stupid le -87% sudaca hiding under this epic meme flag. Just wanted to make an absolutely abhorrent post like all other epic kids like me, cheers.

>Will my country turn him in to the spaniards?
it's a trick
he wants to be detained, so he can legally delegate his vote on the upcoming and critical parlamentary poll
but judge saw through it, and didn't request
now he'll be absent in such vote, and he can't claim to be absent against his will
true 4D chess, and Spanish justice made a better move


Basques are just subhumans who after decades of killing innocent people didn't get a thing.

We are better than everyone, says the faggot who never reached the economic level of France or Germany.

Toca'm els ous Mariano.

>it's a trick
>puigdemont actually wants to be detained
>the judge saw through it
holy shit the autism
I bet M punto Rajoy could fuck you up the arse and you'd still defend him kek

This is no 4D chess at all, just 80 iq Manolos at work. Puigdemont is the president and making him as such is the objective, 1 absent vote doesn't matter because we have majority in the parliament anyway.
It's pretty fucked up the way you think tho, like judges are some kind of master strategists instead of impartial lawyers applying the law. Tells a lot about what kind of third world country is Spain.
Also remember that the same happened in Belgium and there was no arrest so this time won't be different.

We're already above France, and above Germany too if you only count catalans. The problem is that there is millions of parasitic Manolos here who are dragging us down.

I certainly hope so.

Can I get a quick rundown with a large fries and a diet coke on why the EU wants to arrest this little faggot? I thought Puigdemont was a commie EU stooge, are they really that afraid of regional separatist movements taking hold in big nations?

Rumor has it Rajoy is at the brink of a nervous breakdown because they don't know what to do with Puigdemont, and whatever happens in the catalan parliament will either make the central govt. look bad or terrible. If Puigdemont isn't allowed to be invested president, it will look bad. If he's arrested, it will look worse. If they'd let him be president (which they won't), the accusations would lose any sort of credibility. There's no way out for Spain.
Spain's reputation in Europe is in freefall, off the record everyone is saying that Spain has no credibility and Rajoy is a complete fuckup who can't deal with this issue. They thought he'd taken care of it after the clashes October 1st, which seemed like a lesser evil if it had killed separatism for good. Which it didn't. Whoopsiedaisy.
And that's even without considering the tens of millions already spent on repressing catalan independence, and the exhaustion of whatever leverage Spain had on an international level. Without any success whatsoever as we saw in the recent election. Whoopsiedaisy again.

The tables are now turned on Rajoy: He who used to follow the ideal of not doing anything and letting problems resolve themselves, is now at the head of a total shitshow that's only creaming itself ever further as long as he doesn't do anything. Meanwhile, the longer Puigdemont waits, the worse the situation for the spanish govt will become. Puigdemont is just making time while further dragging Spain's rep through the dirt.

Puigdemont is a big pussy. In every transformation transcendent movement, resistence and blocking the other part will is needed in the order to get legitimation. In soccer terms he cross all the camp for gifting the ball at the end. I dont know maybe was a personal good move because he knew he hasn't enough souport but i must say that he had good posibilities. No more independency for Catalunia at least for 25 years.

The EU doesn't. In the EU there's a possibility of like a "fast international warrant", under which one EU country can issue a foreign warrant. However, this requires that the accusation is translateable to the other country's justice system. The belgian law doesn't consider most of the accusations put forth by Spain, and when the spanish justice saw that it was pointless, they pulled back the warrant. Currently, there's no international warrant against Puigdemont, just for Spain.
Now, since he travelled to Denmark, the spanish justice considered re-issuing the warrant, however that would've likely been pointless since by the time it would have been effective he'd most likely be back in Belgium. So there was no new warrant issued.
Spaniards are trying to play this as if Puigdemont somehow wanted to be detained, which is just completely silly, and that the judge didn't play into his trap. Which is basically like saying that the cat didn't fall into the mouse's trap of eating the mouse. Complete foolishness. Spanish justice is simply powerless because they're trying to detain Puigdemont for crimes that don't exist in other countries, so extradition isn't a possibility. Essentially proof that he's wanted for political reasons.

color me surprised, the rural retard doesn't have a clue about how justice works, ans how little mariano has to do with such decision

>tens of millions
Jordi pls. Rajoy may be a fucking waste but you are still a delusional faggot

> absent
> president
my sides, gone
> insert the R2D2 Puchi projection meme

>get BTFO
yeah whatever, come back when you have a better argument than
>puigdemont wanted to be detained and put into jail for the rest of his life!!!!!

It's Spain that wants Puigdemont arrested, not the EU. The EU supports Spain no matter what though.
Forget about muh commie and muh labels, the EU is afraid about how will they deal with a Spain without Catalonia, an economic nightmare 4 times larger than Greece, so ofc they are against our independence.

tabarnia, you mean?
I don't know if I'd approve, we'd have to change the current comunidad autonoma name
I guess it'll have to do
rural retards can leave, and keep living off EU subsidies
oh, wait

Do Spaniards ever tire of making fools of themselves?

Spain has accumulated too many poor decisions and mistakes and now they can't change course. Ofc what didn't work before won't work now but they are this retarded so whatever.

Wrong again. You are not even the 5th greatest GPD per capita region in Spain. As i said, delusional faggot.

And that's without taking into consideration the BILLIONS that idiot Rajoy will spend on american fighter jets just so he could get Trump to say that he wants Spain to remain united.

You spaniards are cucked beyond relief by your government.

You know what they say, never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake, kek.

>Rumor has it Rajoy is at the brink of a nervous breakdown
>the gallego
in the meantime, puchi didn't know what to answer today, like the moron he is, because he thought he'd be arrested
wishful thinking, the post

Catacucks don't realize that this is a non-issue since once arabs make up 90% of the population, catalonia will cease to exist to become an arab caliphate. And they sure want to speed up that process by sucking refugee cock.

The whole independence issue is bread and circus for those that don't like football or salvame. Be a good goy and discuss this irrelevant shit while ahmed gets his next 600€ welfare paycheck and fucks your daughter.

I'm watching spanish tv right now, and the damage control is just impressive. They just put on an audio clip from some literally who in Denmark saying how noone really cared about what Puigdemont said. It's really sad to see how spanish tv presenters are incapable of holding back their emotions, they look like they're on the brink of tears when they talk about this.

Oh, also they're pushing this
>Puigdemont wanted to be arrested meme
I can't believe my eyes holy shit. So that's where Manolo got his prefab opinions from. Intredasting.


>y-y-y-y la Europea??

He said France and Germany, and yes we have a higher GDP/capita than France.
>You are not even the 5th greatest GPD per capita region in Spain
So where are we?

>absolute lack of arguments after a clear explanation of what's going on
>hurr durr no arguments
>can only spout punto (sic) rajoy
>hurr durr BTFO
the rural retard is triggered
could be that you guys no longer know how to write
or that you're a barna sandnigger
oh, well, ridiculous in any case

What a pathetic farce...

(btw, is there a new low limit to image uploads or something?)

I can't upload pics either.


>posting fake news
>El PIB català creix un 3,5% per l'impuls de la indústria i la construcció

>Catalunya creix més que Espanya, segons l’Airef

>Les exportacions catalanes superen els 52.000 milions fins al setembre

Ens roban.

>"puigdemont wants to be arrested" is an argument

>all this jordi rage

La creatura catalana

dont worry spain wont do anything becouse they want them in spain so we can detain him here
its some kind of giga super 4d majestic price

I accepted a long time ago that we're on two different levels when it comes to intelligence. Expecting a Manolo to have critical thinking or trying to show them stuff using reason and logic is useless. Don't even try...


Holy shit they're unironically pushing the whole
>puigdemont wanted to be arrested
meme on TV.
How can they be so desperate HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA it's so fucking funny and a little bit sad

So the "not even the 5th" is now 4th...
Oh and only below the capital and the 2 regions with the fiscal pact. Boy when we're independent we will skyrocket.

True dat. They just parrot whatever their government tells them to say. Amazing how a people can be so massively cucked. Literally commie-tier statism.

We are the same race, thus we have similar IQs.
Not you though, you're probably below average. If you had any critical thinking skills you would have figured this out ages ago.

>posting fake news
I could source you 5 different newspapers from different countrys that state the same unavoidable fact, which is, no company wants to have to live in the current leftist shithole that is memelonia. Yet, all your links come from the same shitty source.

Gentle Reminder that Sup Forums is in shutdown mode because of the following thread:


Yeah, it's a fact, but it also doesn't mean shit. They literally just changed their postal address. It was just a pointless performance. Everyone knows this, and it's pathetic that you try to push this phony argument.

That said, I don't get the argument. Everyone with a bit of brains knows independence won't be a cakewalk. Surely some businesses will gtfo. So what. The important thing is prosperity in the long run. Evidently you braindead Manolos have no capacity of considering the long term.

You know why europe is so happy for this decisions?
Europe want to be one country, Europe want to make an army and subjugate all
Rajoy is asking favours to everyone to keep this situation under control
And you know who will support united europe and europe army?
Rajoy, becouse so many favours or his succesor.
And if catalonians didnt got its shit revolution before europe has an army you will have a really bad time by then

why bother
they were seething after the 8 seconds
they were seething after the 155
they were seething after the first 1000, 2000, 3000 businesses left
and once the tabarnia platform, that started as a fucking joke, becomes a reality, and starts poking holes in their idiocy, they'll continue seething

Race =/= ethnicity, and we're not the same ethnicity. And btw that immigrant stuff is another good argument for independence because being part of Spain has caused more than 3 million immigrants to come here in the last century, we need our own borders or we're fucked.

Yes Manolo, actually it's not 3000 but 5000 companies that left. In fact Catalonia is a desert and we don't know it yet.
Jokes aside I wish that was true because that'd mean that all the parasitic xarnegos would leave our land, but sadly that's not the case.

Holy mother of god, now on TV they're pushing this whole
>CIA terrorist warning meme
because apparently they found some shitty paper that they now claim is the CIA warning, even though the burgerland diplomat said there was no such communication, and it wouldn't look like that.
Also it's being pushed just by one paper, El Periódico, which has previously published fake news on this issue.

Spain is really, really desperate. They're trying to push whatever BS they can find. This is some really crappy damage control they've got going.

how about the idea and feeling about having to go the mili becouse your ffake up country doesnt have an army and doesnt have any money to build one.
Im 100% sure all of you are just dying to be trained for make and army and for die for your country you will create just to be crushed by spain or france.

>y-you're totally SEETHING!!!! I just KNOW you are!!! Stupid god damn catalans, you're getting what's coming to you!!! Remember, you're here forever h-haha. You're so SEETHING, I just KNOW you are!!!

you have awaken the eternal manolo, and he is mad at you
he just wanted to take a long long siesta but you didn't listened
why you didn't listened? no, you wanted MORE independence
now it's too late
too late faggot

The delusion, you really guys live in alternative dimension

Manolos BTFO.

>tfw Jordi master race

"Finales de septiembre"
When was the referendum you tard? maybe in october?

error upload failed

stinky walloon detected

>CIA terrorist warning meme
Diuen que la CIA va enviar un correu electrònic directament als mossos sense passar per cap organisme espanyol i aquest document electrònic sembla escrit en una màquina d'escriure fa 80 anys...
És que realment són retrassats.

this salt is delicious :^)

>Race =/= ethnicity, and we're not the same ethnicity.
Oh boy, that catalonian education sure is advanced. Cringe.

>And btw that immigrant stuff is another good argument for independence because being part of Spain has caused more than 3 million immigrants to come here in the last century, we need our own borders or we're fucked.
Catalonians were begging to get more refugees in a manifestacion que salio en la tele y todo, les falto ponerse de rodillas y pedir polla mora.

>muh xarnegos
You mean 80% of catalonians?

Don't speak your dog tongue here, this is a white man's website.

>no U are salty!

Speak in english in an english image board you faggot tard

Yah it's pretty god damn ludicrous. Also english motherfucker.

Puigdemont is half xarnego and his wife is romanian
Still everytime i heard catalonians they want all xarnegos out
The absolute state of memelonia

Basically like a nigger claiming to be a nord and asking for nordic independence.

Don't you know what an ethnicity is?
Pro-tip: spanish is not an ethnicity; catalan, castilian, basque, galician, etc are.

>Puigdemont Casamajó
>half xarnego

PD: you have to go back.

Isn’t he a commie revolutionary? Feed him to the dogs!